
# global definitions
# any character with XXX will be replaced by user input
# has to match the values (characters) in the templates in the settings.R, the zzz.R file and the uniset_globals.R file
glob_targetPackageName <- "XXX_packageName"					#
glob_targetPackageSettingsHomeVarName <- "XXX_SH"			#
glob_targetPackgae_settingsObjectName <- "XXX_obj"			# like the 'stn' for ap2
glob_targetPackage_templateSuffix <- "XXX_template"			#
glob_settingsHomeSuffix <- "_SH"
glob_actualSettingsName <- "XXX_actualSettingsName"			# for the header in the settings file
glob_setupFuncName <- "XXX_setupFuncName"
glob_filenameGlobals <- "uniset_globals.R"
glob_filnameSettings <- "settings.R"
glob_filenameFunctions <- "uniset_functions.R"
glob_folderPrev <- "UnisetFiles_R-pkg_'"
glob_templGlobals <- "uniset_globals.R"
glob_templSettinsg <- "settings.R"

Try the uniset package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

uniset documentation built on March 28, 2022, 1:05 a.m.