uroot 2.1-2 2023-12-15

uroot 2.1-2 2020-09-04

uroot 2.1-1 2020-03-26

uroot 2.1-0 2019-08-19

uroot 2.0-11 2019-08-18

uroot 2.0-10 2019-06-17

uroot 2.0-9 2017-01-27

uroot 2.0-8 2017-01-24

    on Fedora we see

    ** libs
    g++ -std=gnu++98 -shared -L/usr/local/lib64 -o
    g++: fatal error: no input files

    and the corresponding `.mk` with `uroot`:

    $(CXX) -shared $(LDFLAGS) -o

    is simply invalid: not only are there no source files, `-shared` is not
    portable and `CXXFLAGS` and `CXXPICFLAGS` are missing.

Current solution: define a where "dynload(uroot)" is included at the configure step depending on whether CUDA is detected or not. remains as before (remove directory 'src', as I cannot check the configure step on a Windows system with CUDA). As reported by R CMD check, "" is a non-standard file, but it seems the easiest way to avoid a dummy .so file.

uroot 2.0-7 2017-01-22

uroot 2.0-6 2017-01-05

uroot 2.0-5 2016-03-18

This version provides the CH test for seasonal stability and the HEGY test for seasonal unit roots. The functions that implement these tests have been coded from the scratch in order to include the following new features:

1) the tests are applicable to series of any seasonal periodicity,

2) p-values based on response surface regressions are available for both tests,

3) bootstrapped p-values are available for the HEGY test.

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uroot documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:11 a.m.