
#' Airline Delays for December 2019 and 2020.
#' Summary Data counts for airline per carrier per US City.
#' @name airline_delay
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame with 3351 rows and 21 variables.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{year}{Year data collected}
#'   \item{month}{Numeric representation of the month}
#'   \item{carrier}{Carrier.}
#'   \item{carrier_name}{Carrier Name.}
#'   \item{airport}{Airport code.}
#'   \item{airport_name}{Name of airport.}
#'   \item{arr_flights}{Number of flights arriving at airport}
#'   \item{arr_del15}{Number of flights more than 15 minutes late}
#'   \item{carrier_ct}{Number of flights delayed due to air carrier. (e.g. no crew)}
#'   \item{weather_ct}{Number of flights due to weather.}
#'   \item{nas_ct}{Number of flights delayed due to National Aviation System (e.g. heavy air traffic).}
#'   \item{security_ct}{Number of flights canceled due to a security breach.}
#'   \item{late_aircraft_ct}{Number of flights delayed as a result of another flight on the same aircraft delayed}
#'   \item{arr_cancelled}{Number of cancelled flights}
#'   \item{arr_diverted}{Number of flights that were diverted}
#'   \item{arr_delay}{Total time (minutes) of delayed flight.}
#'   \item{carrier_delay}{Total time (minutes) of delay due to air carrier}
#'   \item{weather_delay}{Total time (minutes) of delay due to inclement weather.}
#'   \item{nas_delay}{Total time (minutes) of delay due to National Aviation System.}
#'   \item{security_delay}{Total time (minutes) of delay as a result of a security issue .}
#'   \item{late_aircraft_delay}{Total time (minutes) of delay flights as a result of a previous flight on the same airplane being late.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(airline_delay, aes(arr_flights, arr_del15, color = as.factor(year))) +
#'   geom_point(alpha = 0.3) +
#'   labs(
#'     x = "Total Number of inbound flights",
#'     y = "Number of flights delayed by more than 15 mins",
#'     title = "Inbound vs delayed flights by year",
#'     color = "Year"
#'   )
#' @source [Bureau of Transportation Statistics](https://www.transtats.bts.gov/OT_Delay/OT_DelayCause1.asp?20=E)
#' @keywords datasets

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