
#' United States Counties
#' Data for 3142 counties in the United States.
#' @name county_complete
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame with 3142 observations on the following 188 variables.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{state}{State.}
#'   \item{name}{County name.}
#'   \item{fips}{FIPS code.}
#'   \item{pop2000}{2000 population.}
#'   \item{pop2010}{2010 population.}
#'   \item{pop2011}{2011 population.}names
#'   \item{pop2012}{2012 population.}
#'   \item{pop2013}{2013 population.}
#'   \item{pop2014}{2014 population.}
#'   \item{pop2015}{2015 population.}
#'   \item{pop2016}{2016 population.}
#'   \item{pop2017}{2017 population.}
#'   \item{age_under_5_2010}{Percent of population under 5 (2010).}
#'   \item{age_under_5_2017}{Percent of population under 5 (2017).}
#'   \item{age_under_18_2010}{Percent of population under 18 (2010).}
#'   \item{age_over_65_2010}{Percent of population over 65 (2010).}
#'   \item{age_over_65_2017}{Percent of population over 65 (2017).}
#'   \item{median_age_2017}{Median age (2017).}
#'   \item{female_2010}{Percent of population that is female (2010).}
#'   \item{white_2010}{Percent of population that is white (2010).}
#'   \item{black_2010}{Percent of population that is black (2010).}
#'   \item{black_2017}{Percent of population that is black (2017).}
#'   \item{native_2010}{Percent of population that is a Native American (2010).}
#'   \item{native_2017}{Percent of population that is a Native American (2017).}
#'   \item{asian_2010}{Percent of population that is a Asian (2010).}
#'   \item{asian_2017}{Percent of population that is a Asian (2017).}
#'   \item{pac_isl_2010}{Percent of population that is Hawaii or Pacific Islander (2010).}
#'   \item{pac_isl_2017}{Percent of population that is Hawaii or Pacific Islander (2017).}
#'   \item{other_single_race_2017}{Percent of population that identifies as another single race (2017).}
#'   \item{two_plus_races_2010}{Percent of population that identifies as two or more races (2010).}
#'   \item{two_plus_races_2017}{Percent of population that identifies as two or more races (2017).}
#'   \item{hispanic_2010}{Percent of population that is Hispanic (2010).}
#'   \item{hispanic_2017}{Percent of population that is Hispanic (2017).}
#'   \item{white_not_hispanic_2010}{Percent of population that is white and not Hispanic (2010).}
#'   \item{white_not_hispanic_2017}{Percent of population that is white and not Hispanic (2017).}
#'   \item{speak_english_only_2017}{Percent of population that speaks English only (2017).}
#'   \item{no_move_in_one_plus_year_2010}{Percent of population that has not moved in at least one year (2006-2010).}
#'   \item{foreign_born_2010}{Percent of population that is foreign-born (2006-2010).}
#'   \item{foreign_spoken_at_home_2010}{Percent of population that speaks a foreign language at home (2006-2010).}
#'   \item{women_16_to_50_birth_rate_2017}{Birth rate for women ages 16 to 50 (2017).}
#'   \item{hs_grad_2010}{Percent of population that is a high school graduate (2006-2010).}
#'   \item{hs_grad_2016}{Percent of population that is a high school graduate (2012-2016).}
#'   \item{hs_grad_2017}{Percent of population that is a high school graduate (2017).}
#'   \item{some_college_2016}{Percent of population with some college education (2012-2016).}
#'   \item{some_college_2017}{Percent of population with some college education (2017).}
#'   \item{bachelors_2010}{Percent of population that earned a bachelor's degree (2006-2010).}
#'   \item{bachelors_2016}{Percent of population that earned a bachelor's degree (2012-2016).}
#'   \item{bachelors_2017}{Percent of population that earned a bachelor's degree (2017).}
#'   \item{veterans_2010}{Percent of population that are veterans (2006-2010).}
#'   \item{veterans_2017}{Percent of population that are veterans (2017).}
#'   \item{mean_work_travel_2010}{Mean travel time to work (2006-2010).}
#'   \item{mean_work_travel_2017}{Mean travel time to work (2017).}
#'   \item{broadband_2017}{Percent of population who has access to broadband (2017).}
#'   \item{computer_2017}{Percent of population who has access to a computer (2017).}
#'   \item{housing_units_2010}{Number of housing units (2010).}
#'   \item{homeownership_2010}{Home ownership rate (2006-2010).}
#'   \item{housing_multi_unit_2010}{Housing units in multi-unit structures (2006-2010).}
#'   \item{median_val_owner_occupied_2010}{Median value of owner-occupied housing units (2006-2010).}
#'   \item{households_2010}{Households (2006-2010).}
#'   \item{households_2017}{Households (2017).}
#'   \item{persons_per_household_2010}{Persons per household (2006-2010).}
#'   \item{persons_per_household_2017}{Persons per household (2017).}
#'   \item{per_capita_income_2010}{Per capita money income in past 12 months (2010 dollars, 2006-2010)}
#'   \item{per_capita_income_2017}{Per capita money income in past 12 months (2017 dollars, 2017)}
#'   \item{metro_2013}{Whether the county contained a metropolitan area in 2013.}
#'   \item{median_household_income_2010}{Median household income (2006-2010).}
#'   \item{median_household_income_2016}{Median household income (2012-2016).}
#'   \item{median_household_income_2017}{Median household income (2017).}
#'   \item{private_nonfarm_establishments_2009}{Private nonfarm establishments (2009).}
#'   \item{private_nonfarm_employment_2009}{Private nonfarm employment (2009).}
#'   \item{percent_change_private_nonfarm_employment_2009}{Private nonfarm employment, percent change from 2000 to 2009.}
#'   \item{nonemployment_establishments_2009}{Nonemployer establishments (2009).}
#'   \item{firms_2007}{Total number of firms (2007).}
#'   \item{black_owned_firms_2007}{Black-owned firms, percent (2007).}
#'   \item{native_owned_firms_2007}{Native American-owned firms, percent (2007).}
#'   \item{asian_owned_firms_2007}{Asian-owned firms, percent (2007).}
#'   \item{pac_isl_owned_firms_2007}{Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander-owned firms, percent (2007).}
#'   \item{hispanic_owned_firms_2007}{Hispanic-owned firms, percent (2007).}
#'   \item{women_owned_firms_2007}{Women-owned firms, percent (2007).}
#'   \item{manufacturer_shipments_2007}{Manufacturer shipments, 2007 ($1000).}
#'   \item{mercent_whole_sales_2007}{Mercent wholesaler sales, 2007 ($1000).}
#'   \item{sales_2007}{Retail sales, 2007 ($1000).}
#'   \item{sales_per_capita_2007}{Retail sales per capita, 2007.}
#'   \item{accommodation_food_service_2007}{Accommodation and food services sales, 2007 ($1000).}
#'   \item{building_permits_2010}{Building permits (2010).}
#'   \item{fed_spending_2009}{Federal spending, in thousands of dollars (2009).}
#'   \item{area_2010}{Land area in square miles (2010).}
#'   \item{density_2010}{Persons per square mile (2010).}
#'   \item{smoking_ban_2010}{Describes whether the type of county-level smoking ban in place in 2010, taking one of the values \code{"none"}, \code{"partial"}, or \code{"comprehensive"}.}
#'   \item{poverty_2010}{Percent of population below poverty level (2006-2010).}
#'   \item{poverty_2016}{Percent of population below poverty level (2012-2016).}
#'   \item{poverty_2017}{Percent of population below poverty level (2017).}
#'   \item{poverty_age_under_5_2017}{Percent of population under age 5 below poverty level (2017).}
#'   \item{poverty_age_under_18_2017}{Percent of population under age 18 below poverty level (2017).}
#'   \item{civilian_labor_force_2007}{Civilian labor force in 2007.}
#'   \item{employed_2007}{Number of civilians employed in 2007.}
#'   \item{unemployed_2007}{Number of civilians unemployed in 2007.}
#'   \item{unemployment_rate_2007}{Unemployment rate in 2007.}
#'   \item{civilian_labor_force_2008}{Civilian labor force in 2008.}
#'   \item{employed_2008}{Number of civilians employed in 2008.}
#'   \item{unemployed_2008}{Number of civilians unemployed in 2008.}
#'   \item{unemployment_rate_2008}{Unemployment rate in 2008.}
#'   \item{civilian_labor_force_2009}{Civilian labor force in 2009.}
#'   \item{employed_2009}{Number of civilians employed in 2009.}
#'   \item{unemployed_2009}{Number of civilians unemployed in 2009.}
#'   \item{unemployment_rate_2009}{Unemployment rate in 2009.}
#'   \item{civilian_labor_force_2010}{Civilian labor force in 2010.}
#'   \item{employed_2010}{Number of civilians employed in 2010.}
#'   \item{unemployed_2010}{Number of civilians unemployed in 2010.}
#'   \item{unemployment_rate_2010}{Unemployment rate in 2010.}
#'   \item{civilian_labor_force_2011}{Civilian labor force in 2011.}
#'   \item{employed_2011}{Number of civilians employed in 2011.}
#'   \item{unemployed_2011}{Number of civilians unemployed in 2011.}
#'   \item{unemployment_rate_2011}{Unemployment rate in 2011.}
#'   \item{civilian_labor_force_2012}{Civilian labor force in 2012.}
#'   \item{employed_2012}{Number of civilians employed in 2012.}
#'   \item{unemployed_2012}{Number of civilians unemployed in 2012.}
#'   \item{unemployment_rate_2012}{Unemployment rate in 2012.}
#'   \item{civilian_labor_force_2013}{Civilian labor force in 2013.}
#'   \item{employed_2013}{Number of civilians employed in 2013.}
#'   \item{unemployed_2013}{Number of civilians unemployed in 2013.}
#'   \item{unemployment_rate_2013}{Unemployment rate in 2013.}
#'   \item{civilian_labor_force_2014}{Civilian labor force in 2014.}
#'   \item{employed_2014}{Number of civilians employed in 2014.}
#'   \item{unemployed_2014}{Number of civilians unemployed in 2014.}
#'   \item{unemployment_rate_2014}{Unemployment rate in 2014.}
#'   \item{civilian_labor_force_2015}{Civilian labor force in 2015.}
#'   \item{employed_2015}{Number of civilians employed in 2015.}
#'   \item{unemployed_2015}{Number of civilians unemployed in 2015.}
#'   \item{unemployment_rate_2015}{Unemployment rate in 2015.}
#'   \item{civilian_labor_force_2016}{Civilian labor force in 2016.}
#'   \item{employed_2016}{Number of civilians employed in 2016.}
#'   \item{unemployed_2016}{Number of civilians unemployed in 2016.}
#'   \item{unemployment_rate_2016}{Unemployment rate in 2016.}
#'   \item{uninsured_2017}{Percent of population who are uninsured (2017).}
#'   \item{uninsured_age_under_6_2017}{Percent of population under 6 who are uninsured (2017).}
#'   \item{uninsured_age_under_19_2017}{Percent of population under 19 who are uninsured (2017).}
#'   \item{uninsured_age_over_74_2017}{Percent of population under 74 who are uninsured (2017).}
#'   \item{civilian_labor_force_2017}{Civilian labor force in 2017.}
#'   \item{employed_2017}{Number of civilians employed in 2017.}
#'   \item{unemployed_2017}{Number of civilians unemployed in 2017.}
#'   \item{unemployment_rate_2017}{Unemployment rate in 2017.}
#'   \item{median_individual_income_2019}{Median individual income (2019).}
#'   \item{pop_2019}{2019 population.}
#'   \item{white_2019}{Percent of population that is white alone (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{black_2019}{Percent of population that is black alone (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{native_2019}{Percent of population that is Native American alone (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{asian_2019}{Percent of population that is Asian alone (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{pac_isl_2019}{Percent of population that is Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander alone (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{other_single_race_2019}{Percent of population that is some other race alone  (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{two_plus_races_2019}{Percent of population that is two or more races (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{hispanic_2019}{Percent of population that identifies as Hispanic or Latino (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{white_not_hispanic_2019}{Percent of population that is white alone, not Hispanic or Latino (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{median_age_2019}{Median age (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{age_under_5_2019}{Percent of population under 5 (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{age_over_85_2019}{Percent of population 85 and over (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{age_over_18_2019}{Percent of population 18 and over (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{age_over_65_2019}{Percent of population 65 and over (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{mean_work_travel_2019}{Mean travel time to work (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{persons_per_household_2019}{Persons per household (2015-2019)}
#'   \item{avg_family_size_2019}{Average family size (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{housing_one_unit_structures_2019}{Percent of housing units in 1-unit structures (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{housing_two_unit_structures_2019}{Percent of housing units in multi-unit structures (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{housing_mobile_homes_2019}{Percent of housing units in mobile homes and other types of units (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{median_individual_income_age_25plus_2019}{Median individual income (2019 dollars, 2015-2019).}
#'   \item{hs_grad_2019}{Percent of population 25 and older that is a high school graduate (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{bachelors_2019}{Percent of population 25 and older that earned a Bachelor's degree or higher (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{households_2019}{Total households (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{households_speak_spanish_2019}{Percent of households speaking Spanish (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{households_speak_other_indo_euro_lang_2019}{Percent of households speaking other Indo-European language (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{households_speak_asian_or_pac_isl_2019}{Percent of households speaking Asian and Pacific Island language (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{households_speak_other_2019}{Percent of households speaking non European or Asian/Pacific Island language (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{households_speak_limited_english_2019}{Percent of limited English-speaking households (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{poverty_2019}{Percent of population below the poverty level (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{poverty_under_18_2019}{Percent of population under 18 below the poverty level (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{poverty_65_and_over_2019}{Percent of population 65 and over below the poverty level (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{mean_household_income_2019}{Mean household income (2019 dollars, 2015-2019).}
#'   \item{per_capita_income_2019}{Per capita money income in past 12 months (2019 dollars, 2015-2019).}
#'   \item{median_household_income_2019}{Median household income (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{veterans_2019}{Percent among civilian population 18 and over that are veterans (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{unemployment_rate_2019}{Unemployment rate among those ages 20-64 (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{uninsured_2019}{Percent of civilian noninstitutionalized population that is uninsured (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{uninsured_under_6_2019}{Percent of population under 6 years that is uninsured (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{uninsured_under_19_2019}{Percent of population under 19 that is uninsured (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{uninsured_65_and_older_2019}{Percent of population 65 and older that is uninsured (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{household_has_computer_2019}{Percent of households that have desktop or laptop computer (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{household_has_smartphone_2019}{Percent of households that have smartphone (2015-2019).}
#'   \item{household_has_broadband_2019}{Percent of households that have broadband internet subscription (2015-2019).}
#'   }
#' @source The data prior to 2011 was from \url{http://census.gov},
#' though the exact page it came from is no longer available.
#' More recent data comes from the following sources.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Downloaded via the \code{tidycensus} R package.
#'   \item Download links for spreadsheets were found on
#'   \url{https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/county-level-data-sets/download-data}
#'   \item Unemployment - Bureau of Labor Statistics - LAUS data - \url{https://www.bls.gov/lau/}.
#'   \item Median Household Income - Census Bureau - Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) data.
#'   \item The original data table was prepared by USDA, Economic Research Service.
#'   \item Census Bureau.
#'   \item 2012-16 American Community Survey 5-yr average.
#'   \item The original data table was prepared by USDA, Economic Research Service.
#'   \item Tim Parker (tparker at ers.usda.gov) is the contact for much of the new data incorporated into this data set.
#'  }
#' @keywords datasets
#' @seealso \code{\link{county}}
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' county_complete |>
#'   mutate(
#'     pop_change = 100 * ((pop2017 / pop2013) - 1),
#'     metro_area = if_else(metro_2013 == 1, TRUE, FALSE)
#'   ) |>
#'   ggplot(aes(
#'     x = poverty_2016,
#'     y = pop_change,
#'     color = metro_area,
#'     size = sqrt(pop2017) / 1e3
#'   )) +
#'   geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
#'   scale_color_discrete(na.translate = FALSE) +
#'   guides(size = FALSE) +
#'   labs(
#'     x = "Percentage of population in poverty (2016)",
#'     y = "Percentage population change between 2013 to 2017",
#'     color = "Metropolitan area",
#'     title = "Population change and poverty"
#'   )
#' # Counties with high population change
#' county_complete |>
#'   mutate(pop_change = 100 * ((pop2017 / pop2013) - 1)) |>
#'   filter(pop_change < -10 | pop_change > 25) |>
#'   select(state, name, fips, pop_change)
#' # Population by metro area
#' county_complete |>
#'   mutate(metro_area = if_else(metro_2013 == 1, TRUE, FALSE)) |>
#'   filter(!is.na(metro_area)) |>
#'   ggplot(aes(x = metro_area, y = log(pop2017))) +
#'   geom_violin() +
#'   labs(
#'     x = "Metro area",
#'     y = "Log of population in 2017",
#'     title = "Population by metro area"
#'   )
#' # Poverty and median household income
#' county_complete |>
#'   mutate(metro_area = if_else(metro_2013 == 1, TRUE, FALSE)) |>
#'   ggplot(aes(
#'     x = poverty_2016,
#'     y = median_household_income_2016,
#'     color = metro_area,
#'     size = sqrt(pop2017) / 1e3
#'   )) +
#'   geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
#'   scale_color_discrete(na.translate = FALSE) +
#'   guides(size = FALSE) +
#'   labs(
#'     x = "Percentage of population in poverty (2016)",
#'     y = "Median household income (2016)",
#'     color = "Metropolitan area",
#'     title = "Poverty and median household income"
#'   )
#' # Unemployment rate and poverty
#' county_complete |>
#'   mutate(metro_area = if_else(metro_2013 == 1, TRUE, FALSE)) |>
#'   ggplot(aes(
#'     x = unemployment_rate_2017,
#'     y = poverty_2016,
#'     color = metro_area,
#'     size = sqrt(pop2017) / 1e3
#'   )) +
#'   geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
#'   scale_color_discrete(na.translate = FALSE) +
#'   guides(size = FALSE) +
#'   labs(
#'     x = "Unemployment rate (2017)",
#'     y = "Percentage of population in poverty (2016)",
#'     color = "Metropolitan area",
#'     title = "Unemployment rate and poverty"
#'   )

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