Man pages for usdc
USDC and Centre Stablecoin Blockchain Data

chart_current_supply_usdcPlot the current USDC circulation on all official Centre...
chart_historical_supply_usdcPlot the historical USDC circulation on Ethereum
coinmetrics_supported_metricsSupported Coin Metrics metrics for USDC
fetch_historical_ethereumFetch historical USDC metrics on Ethereum
fetch_supply_algorandFetch the current USDC circulation on Algorand
fetch_supply_ethereumFetch the current USDC circulation on Ethereum
fetch_supply_solanaFetch the current USDC circulation on Solana
fetch_supply_stellarFetch the current USDC circulation on Stellar
fetch_supply_usdcFetch the current USDC circulation on all official Centre...
metricsSupported metrics available through Coin Metrics
pipePipe operator
print_all_chainsFetch and print the current USDC circulation on all official...
usdc documentation built on June 21, 2021, 5:07 p.m.