
all model templates with clipboard

  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_1_dummies_recipe <- "                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "  
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                              
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                              
   [6] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                
   [7] "  ## This model requires the predictors to be numeric. The most common "    
   [8] "  ## method to convert qualitative predictors to numeric is to create "     
   [9] "  ## binary indicator variables (aka dummy variables) from these "          
  [10] "  ## predictors. "                                                          
  [11] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                
  [12] "  ## Regularization methods sum up functions of the model slope "           
  [13] "  ## coefficients. Because of this, the predictor variables should be on "  
  [14] "  ## the same scale. Before centering and scaling the numeric predictors, " 
  [15] "  ## any predictors with a single unique value are filtered out. "          
  [16] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                           
  [17] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                
  [18] ""                                                                           
  [19] "test_config_1_dummies_spec <- "                                             
  [20] "  linear_reg() %>% "                                                        
  [21] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                            
  [22] "  set_engine(\"glmnet\") "                                                  
  [23] ""                                                                           
  [24] "test_config_1_dummies_workflow <- "                                         
  [25] "  workflow() %>% "                                                          
  [26] "  add_recipe(test_config_1_dummies_recipe) %>% "                            
  [27] "  add_model(test_config_1_dummies_spec) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_1_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                       
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "   
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors " 
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                             
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                             
   [6] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                               
   [7] "  ## This model requires the predictors to be numeric. The most common "   
   [8] "  ## method to convert qualitative predictors to numeric is to create "    
   [9] "  ## binary indicator variables (aka dummy variables) from these "         
  [10] "  ## predictors. "                                                         
  [11] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                               
  [12] "  ## Regularization methods sum up functions of the model slope "          
  [13] "  ## coefficients. Because of this, the predictor variables should be on " 
  [14] "  ## the same scale. Before centering and scaling the numeric predictors, "
  [15] "  ## any predictors with a single unique value are filtered out. "         
  [16] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                          
  [17] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                               
  [18] ""                                                                          
  [19] "test_config_1_no_dummies_spec <- "                                         
  [20] "  multinom_reg() %>% "                                                     
  [21] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                       
  [22] "  set_engine(\"glmnet\") "                                                 
  [23] ""                                                                          
  [24] "test_config_1_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                     
  [25] "  workflow() %>% "                                                         
  [26] "  add_recipe(test_config_1_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                        
  [27] "  add_model(test_config_1_no_dummies_spec) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_2_dummies_recipe <- "                                            
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% " 
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "   
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                               
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                               
   [6] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                 
   [7] "  ## This model requires the predictors to be numeric. The most common "     
   [8] "  ## method to convert qualitative predictors to numeric is to create "      
   [9] "  ## binary indicator variables (aka dummy variables) from these "           
  [10] "  ## predictors. However, for this model, binary indicator variables can be "
  [11] "  ## made for each of the levels of the factors (known as 'one-hot "         
  [12] "  ## encoding'). "                                                           
  [13] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors(), one_hot = TRUE) %>% "                 
  [14] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                                
  [15] ""                                                                            
  [16] "test_config_2_dummies_spec <- "                                              
  [17] "  boost_tree() %>% "                                                         
  [18] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                             
  [19] "  set_engine(\"xgboost\") "                                                  
  [20] ""                                                                            
  [21] "test_config_2_dummies_workflow <- "                                          
  [22] "  workflow() %>% "                                                           
  [23] "  add_recipe(test_config_2_dummies_recipe) %>% "                             
  [24] "  add_model(test_config_2_dummies_spec) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_2_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                         
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "     
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "   
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                               
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                               
   [6] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                 
   [7] "  ## This model requires the predictors to be numeric. The most common "     
   [8] "  ## method to convert qualitative predictors to numeric is to create "      
   [9] "  ## binary indicator variables (aka dummy variables) from these "           
  [10] "  ## predictors. However, for this model, binary indicator variables can be "
  [11] "  ## made for each of the levels of the factors (known as 'one-hot "         
  [12] "  ## encoding'). "                                                           
  [13] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors(), one_hot = TRUE) %>% "                 
  [14] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                                
  [15] ""                                                                            
  [16] "test_config_2_no_dummies_spec <- "                                           
  [17] "  boost_tree() %>% "                                                         
  [18] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                         
  [19] "  set_engine(\"xgboost\") "                                                  
  [20] ""                                                                            
  [21] "test_config_2_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                       
  [22] "  workflow() %>% "                                                           
  [23] "  add_recipe(test_config_2_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                          
  [24] "  add_model(test_config_2_no_dummies_spec) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_3_dummies_recipe <- "                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "  
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                              
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) "                                  
   [6] ""                                                                           
   [7] "test_config_3_dummies_spec <- "                                             
   [8] "  rand_forest(trees = 1000) %>% "                                           
   [9] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                            
  [10] "  set_engine(\"ranger\") "                                                  
  [11] ""                                                                           
  [12] "test_config_3_dummies_workflow <- "                                         
  [13] "  workflow() %>% "                                                          
  [14] "  add_recipe(test_config_3_dummies_recipe) %>% "                            
  [15] "  add_model(test_config_3_dummies_spec) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_3_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                      
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "  
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                            
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) "                                
   [6] ""                                                                         
   [7] "test_config_3_no_dummies_spec <- "                                        
   [8] "  rand_forest(trees = 1000) %>% "                                         
   [9] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                      
  [10] "  set_engine(\"ranger\") "                                                
  [11] ""                                                                         
  [12] "test_config_3_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                    
  [13] "  workflow() %>% "                                                        
  [14] "  add_recipe(test_config_3_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                       
  [15] "  add_model(test_config_3_no_dummies_spec) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_4_dummies_recipe <- "                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "  
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                              
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                              
   [6] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                
   [7] "  ## This model requires the predictors to be numeric. The most common "    
   [8] "  ## method to convert qualitative predictors to numeric is to create "     
   [9] "  ## binary indicator variables (aka dummy variables) from these "          
  [10] "  ## predictors. "                                                          
  [11] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                
  [12] "  ## Since distance calculations are used, the predictor variables should " 
  [13] "  ## be on the same scale. Before centering and scaling the numeric "       
  [14] "  ## predictors, any predictors with a single unique value are filtered "   
  [15] "  ## out. "                                                                 
  [16] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                           
  [17] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                
  [18] ""                                                                           
  [19] "test_config_4_dummies_spec <- "                                             
  [20] "  nearest_neighbor() %>% "                                                  
  [21] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                            
  [22] "  set_engine(\"kknn\") "                                                    
  [23] ""                                                                           
  [24] "test_config_4_dummies_workflow <- "                                         
  [25] "  workflow() %>% "                                                          
  [26] "  add_recipe(test_config_4_dummies_recipe) %>% "                            
  [27] "  add_model(test_config_4_dummies_spec) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_4_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                       
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "   
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors " 
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                             
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                             
   [6] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                               
   [7] "  ## This model requires the predictors to be numeric. The most common "   
   [8] "  ## method to convert qualitative predictors to numeric is to create "    
   [9] "  ## binary indicator variables (aka dummy variables) from these "         
  [10] "  ## predictors. "                                                         
  [11] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                               
  [12] "  ## Since distance calculations are used, the predictor variables should "
  [13] "  ## be on the same scale. Before centering and scaling the numeric "      
  [14] "  ## predictors, any predictors with a single unique value are filtered "  
  [15] "  ## out. "                                                                
  [16] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                          
  [17] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                               
  [18] ""                                                                          
  [19] "test_config_4_no_dummies_spec <- "                                         
  [20] "  nearest_neighbor() %>% "                                                 
  [21] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                       
  [22] "  set_engine(\"kknn\") "                                                   
  [23] ""                                                                          
  [24] "test_config_4_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                     
  [25] "  workflow() %>% "                                                         
  [26] "  add_recipe(test_config_4_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                        
  [27] "  add_model(test_config_4_no_dummies_spec) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_5_dummies_recipe <- "                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "  
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                              
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                              
   [6] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                
   [7] "  ## This model requires the predictors to be numeric. The most common "    
   [8] "  ## method to convert qualitative predictors to numeric is to create "     
   [9] "  ## binary indicator variables (aka dummy variables) from these "          
  [10] "  ## predictors. "                                                          
  [11] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                
  [12] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                               
  [13] ""                                                                           
  [14] "test_config_5_dummies_spec <- "                                             
  [15] "  mars() %>% "                                                              
  [16] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                            
  [17] "  set_engine(\"earth\") "                                                   
  [18] ""                                                                           
  [19] "test_config_5_dummies_workflow <- "                                         
  [20] "  workflow() %>% "                                                          
  [21] "  add_recipe(test_config_5_dummies_recipe) %>% "                            
  [22] "  add_model(test_config_5_dummies_spec) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_5_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                      
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "  
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                            
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                            
   [6] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                              
   [7] "  ## This model requires the predictors to be numeric. The most common "  
   [8] "  ## method to convert qualitative predictors to numeric is to create "   
   [9] "  ## binary indicator variables (aka dummy variables) from these "        
  [10] "  ## predictors. "                                                        
  [11] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                              
  [12] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                             
  [13] ""                                                                         
  [14] "test_config_5_no_dummies_spec <- "                                        
  [15] "  mars() %>% "                                                            
  [16] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                      
  [17] "  set_engine(\"earth\") "                                                 
  [18] ""                                                                         
  [19] "test_config_5_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                    
  [20] "  workflow() %>% "                                                        
  [21] "  add_recipe(test_config_5_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                       
  [22] "  add_model(test_config_5_no_dummies_spec) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "library(rules)"                                                             
   [2] ""                                                                           
   [3] "test_config_6_dummies_recipe <- "                                           
   [4] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [5] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "  
   [6] "  ## (instead of character). "                                              
   [7] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                              
   [8] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                               
   [9] ""                                                                           
  [10] "test_config_6_dummies_spec <- "                                             
  [11] "  cubist_rules() %>% "                                                      
  [12] "  set_engine(\"Cubist\") "                                                  
  [13] ""                                                                           
  [14] "test_config_6_dummies_workflow <- "                                         
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                          
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_6_dummies_recipe) %>% "                            
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_6_dummies_spec) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_7_dummies_recipe <- "                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  ## Since dot product calculations are used, the predictor variables "     
   [4] "  ## should be on the same scale. Before centering and scaling the numeric "
   [5] "  ## predictors, any predictors with a single unique value are filtered "   
   [6] "  ## out. "                                                                 
   [7] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                           
   [8] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                
   [9] ""                                                                           
  [10] "test_config_7_dummies_spec <- "                                             
  [11] "  svm_poly() %>% "                                                          
  [12] "  set_mode(\"regression\") "                                                
  [13] ""                                                                           
  [14] "test_config_7_dummies_workflow <- "                                         
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                          
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_7_dummies_recipe) %>% "                            
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_7_dummies_spec) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_7_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                        
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "    
   [3] "  ## Since dot product calculations are used, the predictor variables "     
   [4] "  ## should be on the same scale. Before centering and scaling the numeric "
   [5] "  ## predictors, any predictors with a single unique value are filtered "   
   [6] "  ## out. "                                                                 
   [7] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                           
   [8] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                
   [9] ""                                                                           
  [10] "test_config_7_no_dummies_spec <- "                                          
  [11] "  svm_poly() %>% "                                                          
  [12] "  set_mode(\"classification\") "                                            
  [13] ""                                                                           
  [14] "test_config_7_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                      
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                          
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_7_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                         
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_7_no_dummies_spec) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_8_dummies_recipe <- "                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  ## Since dot product calculations are used, the predictor variables "     
   [4] "  ## should be on the same scale. Before centering and scaling the numeric "
   [5] "  ## predictors, any predictors with a single unique value are filtered "   
   [6] "  ## out. "                                                                 
   [7] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                           
   [8] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                
   [9] ""                                                                           
  [10] "test_config_8_dummies_spec <- "                                             
  [11] "  svm_rbf() %>% "                                                           
  [12] "  set_mode(\"regression\") "                                                
  [13] ""                                                                           
  [14] "test_config_8_dummies_workflow <- "                                         
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                          
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_8_dummies_recipe) %>% "                            
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_8_dummies_spec) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_8_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                        
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "    
   [3] "  ## Since dot product calculations are used, the predictor variables "     
   [4] "  ## should be on the same scale. Before centering and scaling the numeric "
   [5] "  ## predictors, any predictors with a single unique value are filtered "   
   [6] "  ## out. "                                                                 
   [7] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                           
   [8] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                
   [9] ""                                                                           
  [10] "test_config_8_no_dummies_spec <- "                                          
  [11] "  svm_rbf() %>% "                                                           
  [12] "  set_mode(\"classification\") "                                            
  [13] ""                                                                           
  [14] "test_config_8_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                      
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                          
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_8_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                         
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_8_no_dummies_spec) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_9_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                      
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "  
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                            
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) "                                
   [6] ""                                                                         
   [7] "test_config_9_no_dummies_spec <- "                                        
   [8] "  boost_tree() %>% "                                                      
   [9] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                      
  [10] "  set_engine(\"C5.0\") "                                                  
  [11] ""                                                                         
  [12] "test_config_9_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                    
  [13] "  workflow() %>% "                                                        
  [14] "  add_recipe(test_config_9_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                       
  [15] "  add_model(test_config_9_no_dummies_spec) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_10_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                 
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "                   
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                                               
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                                               
   [6] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                 
   [7] "  ## This model requires the predictors to be numeric. The most common "                     
   [8] "  ## method to convert qualitative predictors to numeric is to create "                      
   [9] "  ## binary indicator variables (aka dummy variables) from these "                           
  [10] "  ## predictors. "                                                                           
  [11] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                 
  [12] "  ## Regularization methods sum up functions of the model slope "                            
  [13] "  ## coefficients. Because of this, the predictor variables should be on "                   
  [14] "  ## the same scale. Before centering and scaling the numeric predictors, "                  
  [15] "  ## any predictors with a single unique value are filtered out. "                           
  [16] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                                            
  [17] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                                 
  [18] ""                                                                                            
  [19] "test_config_10_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
  [20] "  linear_reg(penalty = tune(), mixture = tune()) %>% "                                       
  [21] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                                             
  [22] "  set_engine(\"glmnet\") "                                                                   
  [23] ""                                                                                            
  [24] "test_config_10_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [25] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                           
  [26] "  add_recipe(test_config_10_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [27] "  add_model(test_config_10_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [28] ""                                                                                            
  [29] "test_config_10_dummies_grid <- tidyr::crossing(penalty = 10^seq(-6, -1, length.out = 20), "  
  [30] "    mixture = c(0.05, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1)) "                                              
  [31] ""                                                                                            
  [32] "test_config_10_dummies_tune <- "                                                             
  [33] "  tune_grid(test_config_10_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [34] "    grid = test_config_10_dummies_grid) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_10_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                        
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "                      
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                                                  
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                                                  
   [6] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                    
   [7] "  ## This model requires the predictors to be numeric. The most common "                        
   [8] "  ## method to convert qualitative predictors to numeric is to create "                         
   [9] "  ## binary indicator variables (aka dummy variables) from these "                              
  [10] "  ## predictors. "                                                                              
  [11] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                    
  [12] "  ## Regularization methods sum up functions of the model slope "                               
  [13] "  ## coefficients. Because of this, the predictor variables should be on "                      
  [14] "  ## the same scale. Before centering and scaling the numeric predictors, "                     
  [15] "  ## any predictors with a single unique value are filtered out. "                              
  [16] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                                               
  [17] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                                    
  [18] ""                                                                                               
  [19] "test_config_10_no_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
  [20] "  multinom_reg(penalty = tune(), mixture = tune()) %>% "                                        
  [21] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                                            
  [22] "  set_engine(\"glmnet\") "                                                                      
  [23] ""                                                                                               
  [24] "test_config_10_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [25] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                              
  [26] "  add_recipe(test_config_10_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [27] "  add_model(test_config_10_no_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [28] ""                                                                                               
  [29] "test_config_10_no_dummies_grid <- tidyr::crossing(penalty = 10^seq(-6, -1, "                    
  [30] "    length.out = 20), mixture = c(0.05, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1)) "                               
  [31] ""                                                                                               
  [32] "test_config_10_no_dummies_tune <- "                                                             
  [33] "  tune_grid(test_config_10_no_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [34] "    grid = test_config_10_no_dummies_grid) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_11_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                 
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "                   
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                                               
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                                               
   [6] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                 
   [7] "  ## This model requires the predictors to be numeric. The most common "                     
   [8] "  ## method to convert qualitative predictors to numeric is to create "                      
   [9] "  ## binary indicator variables (aka dummy variables) from these "                           
  [10] "  ## predictors. However, for this model, binary indicator variables can be "                
  [11] "  ## made for each of the levels of the factors (known as 'one-hot "                         
  [12] "  ## encoding'). "                                                                           
  [13] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors(), one_hot = TRUE) %>% "                                 
  [14] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                                                
  [15] ""                                                                                            
  [16] "test_config_11_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
  [17] "  boost_tree(trees = tune(), min_n = tune(), tree_depth = tune(), learn_rate = tune(), "     
  [18] "    loss_reduction = tune(), sample_size = tune()) %>% "                                     
  [19] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                                             
  [20] "  set_engine(\"xgboost\") "                                                                  
  [21] ""                                                                                            
  [22] "test_config_11_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [23] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                           
  [24] "  add_recipe(test_config_11_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [25] "  add_model(test_config_11_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [26] ""                                                                                            
  [27] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                             
  [28] "test_config_11_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [29] "  tune_grid(test_config_11_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [30] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_11_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                        
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "                      
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                                                  
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                                                  
   [6] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                    
   [7] "  ## This model requires the predictors to be numeric. The most common "                        
   [8] "  ## method to convert qualitative predictors to numeric is to create "                         
   [9] "  ## binary indicator variables (aka dummy variables) from these "                              
  [10] "  ## predictors. However, for this model, binary indicator variables can be "                   
  [11] "  ## made for each of the levels of the factors (known as 'one-hot "                            
  [12] "  ## encoding'). "                                                                              
  [13] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors(), one_hot = TRUE) %>% "                                    
  [14] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                                                   
  [15] ""                                                                                               
  [16] "test_config_11_no_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
  [17] "  boost_tree(trees = tune(), min_n = tune(), tree_depth = tune(), learn_rate = tune(), "        
  [18] "    loss_reduction = tune(), sample_size = tune()) %>% "                                        
  [19] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                                            
  [20] "  set_engine(\"xgboost\") "                                                                     
  [21] ""                                                                                               
  [22] "test_config_11_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [23] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                              
  [24] "  add_recipe(test_config_11_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [25] "  add_model(test_config_11_no_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [26] ""                                                                                               
  [27] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                                
  [28] "test_config_11_no_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [29] "  tune_grid(test_config_11_no_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [30] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_12_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                 
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "                   
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                                               
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) "                                                   
   [6] ""                                                                                            
   [7] "test_config_12_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
   [8] "  rand_forest(mtry = tune(), min_n = tune(), trees = 1000) %>% "                             
   [9] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                                             
  [10] "  set_engine(\"ranger\") "                                                                   
  [11] ""                                                                                            
  [12] "test_config_12_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [13] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                           
  [14] "  add_recipe(test_config_12_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [15] "  add_model(test_config_12_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [16] ""                                                                                            
  [17] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                             
  [18] "test_config_12_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [19] "  tune_grid(test_config_12_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [20] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_12_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                        
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "                      
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                                                  
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) "                                                      
   [6] ""                                                                                               
   [7] "test_config_12_no_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
   [8] "  rand_forest(mtry = tune(), min_n = tune(), trees = 1000) %>% "                                
   [9] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                                            
  [10] "  set_engine(\"ranger\") "                                                                      
  [11] ""                                                                                               
  [12] "test_config_12_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [13] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                              
  [14] "  add_recipe(test_config_12_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [15] "  add_model(test_config_12_no_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [16] ""                                                                                               
  [17] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                                
  [18] "test_config_12_no_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [19] "  tune_grid(test_config_12_no_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [20] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_13_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                 
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "                   
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                                               
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                                               
   [6] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                 
   [7] "  ## This model requires the predictors to be numeric. The most common "                     
   [8] "  ## method to convert qualitative predictors to numeric is to create "                      
   [9] "  ## binary indicator variables (aka dummy variables) from these "                           
  [10] "  ## predictors. "                                                                           
  [11] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                 
  [12] "  ## Since distance calculations are used, the predictor variables should "                  
  [13] "  ## be on the same scale. Before centering and scaling the numeric "                        
  [14] "  ## predictors, any predictors with a single unique value are filtered "                    
  [15] "  ## out. "                                                                                  
  [16] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                                            
  [17] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                                 
  [18] ""                                                                                            
  [19] "test_config_13_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
  [20] "  nearest_neighbor(neighbors = tune(), weight_func = tune()) %>% "                           
  [21] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                                             
  [22] "  set_engine(\"kknn\") "                                                                     
  [23] ""                                                                                            
  [24] "test_config_13_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [25] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                           
  [26] "  add_recipe(test_config_13_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [27] "  add_model(test_config_13_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [28] ""                                                                                            
  [29] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                             
  [30] "test_config_13_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [31] "  tune_grid(test_config_13_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [32] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_13_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                        
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "                      
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                                                  
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                                                  
   [6] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                    
   [7] "  ## This model requires the predictors to be numeric. The most common "                        
   [8] "  ## method to convert qualitative predictors to numeric is to create "                         
   [9] "  ## binary indicator variables (aka dummy variables) from these "                              
  [10] "  ## predictors. "                                                                              
  [11] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                    
  [12] "  ## Since distance calculations are used, the predictor variables should "                     
  [13] "  ## be on the same scale. Before centering and scaling the numeric "                           
  [14] "  ## predictors, any predictors with a single unique value are filtered "                       
  [15] "  ## out. "                                                                                     
  [16] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                                               
  [17] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                                    
  [18] ""                                                                                               
  [19] "test_config_13_no_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
  [20] "  nearest_neighbor(neighbors = tune(), weight_func = tune()) %>% "                              
  [21] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                                            
  [22] "  set_engine(\"kknn\") "                                                                        
  [23] ""                                                                                               
  [24] "test_config_13_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [25] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                              
  [26] "  add_recipe(test_config_13_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [27] "  add_model(test_config_13_no_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [28] ""                                                                                               
  [29] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                                
  [30] "test_config_13_no_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [31] "  tune_grid(test_config_13_no_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [32] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
  ## MARS models can make predictions on many _sub_models_, meaning that we
  ## can evaluate many values of `num_terms` without much computational
  ## cost. A regular grid is used to exploit this property. The first term
  ## is only the intercept, so the grid is a sequence of even numbered
  ## values.
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_14_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                 
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "                   
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                                               
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                                               
   [6] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                 
   [7] "  ## This model requires the predictors to be numeric. The most common "                     
   [8] "  ## method to convert qualitative predictors to numeric is to create "                      
   [9] "  ## binary indicator variables (aka dummy variables) from these "                           
  [10] "  ## predictors. "                                                                           
  [11] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                 
  [12] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                                                
  [13] ""                                                                                            
  [14] "test_config_14_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
  [15] "  mars(num_terms = tune(), prod_degree = tune(), prune_method = \"none\") %>% "              
  [16] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                                             
  [17] "  set_engine(\"earth\") "                                                                    
  [18] ""                                                                                            
  [19] "test_config_14_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [20] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                           
  [21] "  add_recipe(test_config_14_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [22] "  add_model(test_config_14_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [23] ""                                                                                            
  [24] "test_config_14_dummies_grid <- tidyr::crossing(num_terms = 2 * (1:6), prod_degree = 1:2) "   
  [25] ""                                                                                            
  [26] "test_config_14_dummies_tune <- "                                                             
  [27] "  tune_grid(test_config_14_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [28] "    grid = test_config_14_dummies_grid) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
  ## MARS models can make predictions on many _sub_models_, meaning that we
  ## can evaluate many values of `num_terms` without much computational
  ## cost. A regular grid is used to exploit this property. The first term
  ## is only the intercept, so the grid is a sequence of even numbered
  ## values.
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_14_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                        
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "                      
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                                                  
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                                                  
   [6] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                    
   [7] "  ## This model requires the predictors to be numeric. The most common "                        
   [8] "  ## method to convert qualitative predictors to numeric is to create "                         
   [9] "  ## binary indicator variables (aka dummy variables) from these "                              
  [10] "  ## predictors. "                                                                              
  [11] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                    
  [12] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                                                   
  [13] ""                                                                                               
  [14] "test_config_14_no_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
  [15] "  mars(num_terms = tune(), prod_degree = tune(), prune_method = \"none\") %>% "                 
  [16] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                                            
  [17] "  set_engine(\"earth\") "                                                                       
  [18] ""                                                                                               
  [19] "test_config_14_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [20] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                              
  [21] "  add_recipe(test_config_14_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [22] "  add_model(test_config_14_no_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [23] ""                                                                                               
  [24] "test_config_14_no_dummies_grid <- tidyr::crossing(num_terms = 2 * (1:6), prod_degree = 1:2) "   
  [25] ""                                                                                               
  [26] "test_config_14_no_dummies_tune <- "                                                             
  [27] "  tune_grid(test_config_14_no_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [28] "    grid = test_config_14_no_dummies_grid) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "library(rules)"                                                                              
   [2] ""                                                                                            
   [3] "test_config_15_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [4] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                 
   [5] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "                   
   [6] "  ## (instead of character). "                                                               
   [7] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                                               
   [8] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                                                
   [9] ""                                                                                            
  [10] "test_config_15_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
  [11] "  cubist_rules(committees = tune(), neighbors = tune()) %>% "                                
  [12] "  set_engine(\"Cubist\") "                                                                   
  [13] ""                                                                                            
  [14] "test_config_15_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                           
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_15_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_15_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [18] ""                                                                                            
  [19] "test_config_15_dummies_grid <- tidyr::crossing(committees = c(1:9, (1:5) * "                 
  [20] "    10), neighbors = c(0, 3, 6, 9)) "                                                        
  [21] ""                                                                                            
  [22] "test_config_15_dummies_tune <- "                                                             
  [23] "  tune_grid(test_config_15_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [24] "    grid = test_config_15_dummies_grid) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_16_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                 
   [3] "  ## Since dot product calculations are used, the predictor variables "                      
   [4] "  ## should be on the same scale. Before centering and scaling the numeric "                 
   [5] "  ## predictors, any predictors with a single unique value are filtered "                    
   [6] "  ## out. "                                                                                  
   [7] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                                            
   [8] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                                 
   [9] ""                                                                                            
  [10] "test_config_16_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
  [11] "  svm_poly(cost = tune(), degree = tune(), scale_factor = tune()) %>% "                      
  [12] "  set_mode(\"regression\") "                                                                 
  [13] ""                                                                                            
  [14] "test_config_16_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                           
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_16_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_16_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [18] ""                                                                                            
  [19] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                             
  [20] "test_config_16_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [21] "  tune_grid(test_config_16_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [22] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_16_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                        
   [3] "  ## Since dot product calculations are used, the predictor variables "                         
   [4] "  ## should be on the same scale. Before centering and scaling the numeric "                    
   [5] "  ## predictors, any predictors with a single unique value are filtered "                       
   [6] "  ## out. "                                                                                     
   [7] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                                               
   [8] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                                    
   [9] ""                                                                                               
  [10] "test_config_16_no_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
  [11] "  svm_poly(cost = tune(), degree = tune(), scale_factor = tune()) %>% "                         
  [12] "  set_mode(\"classification\") "                                                                
  [13] ""                                                                                               
  [14] "test_config_16_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                              
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_16_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_16_no_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [18] ""                                                                                               
  [19] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                                
  [20] "test_config_16_no_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [21] "  tune_grid(test_config_16_no_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [22] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_17_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                 
   [3] "  ## Since dot product calculations are used, the predictor variables "                      
   [4] "  ## should be on the same scale. Before centering and scaling the numeric "                 
   [5] "  ## predictors, any predictors with a single unique value are filtered "                    
   [6] "  ## out. "                                                                                  
   [7] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                                            
   [8] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                                 
   [9] ""                                                                                            
  [10] "test_config_17_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
  [11] "  svm_rbf(cost = tune(), rbf_sigma = tune()) %>% "                                           
  [12] "  set_mode(\"regression\") "                                                                 
  [13] ""                                                                                            
  [14] "test_config_17_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                           
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_17_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_17_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [18] ""                                                                                            
  [19] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                             
  [20] "test_config_17_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [21] "  tune_grid(test_config_17_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [22] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_17_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                        
   [3] "  ## Since dot product calculations are used, the predictor variables "                         
   [4] "  ## should be on the same scale. Before centering and scaling the numeric "                    
   [5] "  ## predictors, any predictors with a single unique value are filtered "                       
   [6] "  ## out. "                                                                                     
   [7] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                                               
   [8] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                                    
   [9] ""                                                                                               
  [10] "test_config_17_no_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
  [11] "  svm_rbf(cost = tune(), rbf_sigma = tune()) %>% "                                              
  [12] "  set_mode(\"classification\") "                                                                
  [13] ""                                                                                               
  [14] "test_config_17_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                              
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_17_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_17_no_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [18] ""                                                                                               
  [19] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                                
  [20] "test_config_17_no_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [21] "  tune_grid(test_config_17_no_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [22] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_18_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                        
   [3] "  ## For modeling, it is preferred to encode qualitative data as factors "                      
   [4] "  ## (instead of character). "                                                                  
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) "                                                      
   [6] ""                                                                                               
   [7] "test_config_18_no_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
   [8] "  boost_tree(trees = tune(), min_n = tune()) %>% "                                              
   [9] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                                            
  [10] "  set_engine(\"C5.0\") "                                                                        
  [11] ""                                                                                               
  [12] "test_config_18_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [13] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                              
  [14] "  add_recipe(test_config_18_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [15] "  add_model(test_config_18_no_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [16] ""                                                                                               
  [17] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                                
  [18] "test_config_18_no_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [19] "  tune_grid(test_config_18_no_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [20] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_19_dummies_recipe <- "                                          
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                              
   [4] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                
   [5] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                
   [6] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                           
   [7] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                
   [8] ""                                                                           
   [9] "test_config_19_dummies_spec <- "                                            
  [10] "  linear_reg() %>% "                                                        
  [11] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                            
  [12] "  set_engine(\"glmnet\") "                                                  
  [13] ""                                                                           
  [14] "test_config_19_dummies_workflow <- "                                        
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                          
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_19_dummies_recipe) %>% "                           
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_19_dummies_spec) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_19_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                   
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                          
   [4] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                            
   [5] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                            
   [6] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                       
   [7] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                            
   [8] ""                                                                       
   [9] "test_config_19_no_dummies_spec <- "                                     
  [10] "  multinom_reg() %>% "                                                  
  [11] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                    
  [12] "  set_engine(\"glmnet\") "                                              
  [13] ""                                                                       
  [14] "test_config_19_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                 
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                      
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_19_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                    
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_19_no_dummies_spec) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_20_dummies_recipe <- "                                          
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                              
   [4] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                
   [5] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors(), one_hot = TRUE) %>% "                
   [6] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                               
   [7] ""                                                                           
   [8] "test_config_20_dummies_spec <- "                                            
   [9] "  boost_tree() %>% "                                                        
  [10] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                            
  [11] "  set_engine(\"xgboost\") "                                                 
  [12] ""                                                                           
  [13] "test_config_20_dummies_workflow <- "                                        
  [14] "  workflow() %>% "                                                          
  [15] "  add_recipe(test_config_20_dummies_recipe) %>% "                           
  [16] "  add_model(test_config_20_dummies_spec) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_20_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                   
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                          
   [4] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                            
   [5] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors(), one_hot = TRUE) %>% "            
   [6] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                           
   [7] ""                                                                       
   [8] "test_config_20_no_dummies_spec <- "                                     
   [9] "  boost_tree() %>% "                                                    
  [10] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                    
  [11] "  set_engine(\"xgboost\") "                                             
  [12] ""                                                                       
  [13] "test_config_20_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                 
  [14] "  workflow() %>% "                                                      
  [15] "  add_recipe(test_config_20_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                    
  [16] "  add_model(test_config_20_no_dummies_spec) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_21_dummies_recipe <- "                                          
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) "                                  
   [4] ""                                                                           
   [5] "test_config_21_dummies_spec <- "                                            
   [6] "  rand_forest(trees = 1000) %>% "                                           
   [7] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                            
   [8] "  set_engine(\"ranger\") "                                                  
   [9] ""                                                                           
  [10] "test_config_21_dummies_workflow <- "                                        
  [11] "  workflow() %>% "                                                          
  [12] "  add_recipe(test_config_21_dummies_recipe) %>% "                           
  [13] "  add_model(test_config_21_dummies_spec) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_21_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                   
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) "                              
   [4] ""                                                                       
   [5] "test_config_21_no_dummies_spec <- "                                     
   [6] "  rand_forest(trees = 1000) %>% "                                       
   [7] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                    
   [8] "  set_engine(\"ranger\") "                                              
   [9] ""                                                                       
  [10] "test_config_21_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                 
  [11] "  workflow() %>% "                                                      
  [12] "  add_recipe(test_config_21_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                    
  [13] "  add_model(test_config_21_no_dummies_spec) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_22_dummies_recipe <- "                                          
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                              
   [4] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                
   [5] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                
   [6] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                           
   [7] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                
   [8] ""                                                                           
   [9] "test_config_22_dummies_spec <- "                                            
  [10] "  nearest_neighbor() %>% "                                                  
  [11] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                            
  [12] "  set_engine(\"kknn\") "                                                    
  [13] ""                                                                           
  [14] "test_config_22_dummies_workflow <- "                                        
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                          
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_22_dummies_recipe) %>% "                           
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_22_dummies_spec) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_22_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                   
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                          
   [4] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                            
   [5] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                            
   [6] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                       
   [7] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                            
   [8] ""                                                                       
   [9] "test_config_22_no_dummies_spec <- "                                     
  [10] "  nearest_neighbor() %>% "                                              
  [11] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                    
  [12] "  set_engine(\"kknn\") "                                                
  [13] ""                                                                       
  [14] "test_config_22_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                 
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                      
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_22_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                    
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_22_no_dummies_spec) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_23_dummies_recipe <- "                                          
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                              
   [4] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                
   [5] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                
   [6] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                               
   [7] ""                                                                           
   [8] "test_config_23_dummies_spec <- "                                            
   [9] "  mars() %>% "                                                              
  [10] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                            
  [11] "  set_engine(\"earth\") "                                                   
  [12] ""                                                                           
  [13] "test_config_23_dummies_workflow <- "                                        
  [14] "  workflow() %>% "                                                          
  [15] "  add_recipe(test_config_23_dummies_recipe) %>% "                           
  [16] "  add_model(test_config_23_dummies_spec) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_23_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                   
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                          
   [4] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                            
   [5] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                            
   [6] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                           
   [7] ""                                                                       
   [8] "test_config_23_no_dummies_spec <- "                                     
   [9] "  mars() %>% "                                                          
  [10] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                    
  [11] "  set_engine(\"earth\") "                                               
  [12] ""                                                                       
  [13] "test_config_23_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                 
  [14] "  workflow() %>% "                                                      
  [15] "  add_recipe(test_config_23_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                    
  [16] "  add_model(test_config_23_no_dummies_spec) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "library(rules)"                                                             
   [2] ""                                                                           
   [3] "test_config_24_dummies_recipe <- "                                          
   [4] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                              
   [6] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                               
   [7] ""                                                                           
   [8] "test_config_24_dummies_spec <- "                                            
   [9] "  cubist_rules() %>% "                                                      
  [10] "  set_engine(\"Cubist\") "                                                  
  [11] ""                                                                           
  [12] "test_config_24_dummies_workflow <- "                                        
  [13] "  workflow() %>% "                                                          
  [14] "  add_recipe(test_config_24_dummies_recipe) %>% "                           
  [15] "  add_model(test_config_24_dummies_spec) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_25_dummies_recipe <- "                                          
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                           
   [4] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                
   [5] ""                                                                           
   [6] "test_config_25_dummies_spec <- "                                            
   [7] "  svm_poly() %>% "                                                          
   [8] "  set_mode(\"regression\") "                                                
   [9] ""                                                                           
  [10] "test_config_25_dummies_workflow <- "                                        
  [11] "  workflow() %>% "                                                          
  [12] "  add_recipe(test_config_25_dummies_recipe) %>% "                           
  [13] "  add_model(test_config_25_dummies_spec) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_25_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                   
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                       
   [4] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                            
   [5] ""                                                                       
   [6] "test_config_25_no_dummies_spec <- "                                     
   [7] "  svm_poly() %>% "                                                      
   [8] "  set_mode(\"classification\") "                                        
   [9] ""                                                                       
  [10] "test_config_25_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                 
  [11] "  workflow() %>% "                                                      
  [12] "  add_recipe(test_config_25_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                    
  [13] "  add_model(test_config_25_no_dummies_spec) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_26_dummies_recipe <- "                                          
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                           
   [4] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                
   [5] ""                                                                           
   [6] "test_config_26_dummies_spec <- "                                            
   [7] "  svm_rbf() %>% "                                                           
   [8] "  set_mode(\"regression\") "                                                
   [9] ""                                                                           
  [10] "test_config_26_dummies_workflow <- "                                        
  [11] "  workflow() %>% "                                                          
  [12] "  add_recipe(test_config_26_dummies_recipe) %>% "                           
  [13] "  add_model(test_config_26_dummies_spec) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_26_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                   
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                       
   [4] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                            
   [5] ""                                                                       
   [6] "test_config_26_no_dummies_spec <- "                                     
   [7] "  svm_rbf() %>% "                                                       
   [8] "  set_mode(\"classification\") "                                        
   [9] ""                                                                       
  [10] "test_config_26_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                 
  [11] "  workflow() %>% "                                                      
  [12] "  add_recipe(test_config_26_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                    
  [13] "  add_model(test_config_26_no_dummies_spec) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_27_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                   
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) "                              
   [4] ""                                                                       
   [5] "test_config_27_no_dummies_spec <- "                                     
   [6] "  boost_tree() %>% "                                                    
   [7] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                    
   [8] "  set_engine(\"C5.0\") "                                                
   [9] ""                                                                       
  [10] "test_config_27_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                 
  [11] "  workflow() %>% "                                                      
  [12] "  add_recipe(test_config_27_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                    
  [13] "  add_model(test_config_27_no_dummies_spec) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_28_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                 
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                                               
   [4] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                 
   [5] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                 
   [6] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                                            
   [7] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                                 
   [8] ""                                                                                            
   [9] "test_config_28_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
  [10] "  linear_reg(penalty = tune(), mixture = tune()) %>% "                                       
  [11] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                                             
  [12] "  set_engine(\"glmnet\") "                                                                   
  [13] ""                                                                                            
  [14] "test_config_28_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                           
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_28_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_28_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [18] ""                                                                                            
  [19] "test_config_28_dummies_grid <- tidyr::crossing(penalty = 10^seq(-6, -1, length.out = 20), "  
  [20] "    mixture = c(0.05, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1)) "                                              
  [21] ""                                                                                            
  [22] "test_config_28_dummies_tune <- "                                                             
  [23] "  tune_grid(test_config_28_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [24] "    grid = test_config_28_dummies_grid) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_28_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                        
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                                                  
   [4] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                    
   [5] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                    
   [6] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                                               
   [7] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                                    
   [8] ""                                                                                               
   [9] "test_config_28_no_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
  [10] "  multinom_reg(penalty = tune(), mixture = tune()) %>% "                                        
  [11] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                                            
  [12] "  set_engine(\"glmnet\") "                                                                      
  [13] ""                                                                                               
  [14] "test_config_28_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                              
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_28_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_28_no_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [18] ""                                                                                               
  [19] "test_config_28_no_dummies_grid <- tidyr::crossing(penalty = 10^seq(-6, -1, "                    
  [20] "    length.out = 20), mixture = c(0.05, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1)) "                               
  [21] ""                                                                                               
  [22] "test_config_28_no_dummies_tune <- "                                                             
  [23] "  tune_grid(test_config_28_no_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [24] "    grid = test_config_28_no_dummies_grid) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_29_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                 
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                                               
   [4] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                 
   [5] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors(), one_hot = TRUE) %>% "                                 
   [6] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                                                
   [7] ""                                                                                            
   [8] "test_config_29_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
   [9] "  boost_tree(trees = tune(), min_n = tune(), tree_depth = tune(), learn_rate = tune(), "     
  [10] "    loss_reduction = tune(), sample_size = tune()) %>% "                                     
  [11] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                                             
  [12] "  set_engine(\"xgboost\") "                                                                  
  [13] ""                                                                                            
  [14] "test_config_29_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                           
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_29_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_29_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [18] ""                                                                                            
  [19] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                             
  [20] "test_config_29_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [21] "  tune_grid(test_config_29_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [22] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_29_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                        
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                                                  
   [4] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                    
   [5] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors(), one_hot = TRUE) %>% "                                    
   [6] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                                                   
   [7] ""                                                                                               
   [8] "test_config_29_no_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
   [9] "  boost_tree(trees = tune(), min_n = tune(), tree_depth = tune(), learn_rate = tune(), "        
  [10] "    loss_reduction = tune(), sample_size = tune()) %>% "                                        
  [11] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                                            
  [12] "  set_engine(\"xgboost\") "                                                                     
  [13] ""                                                                                               
  [14] "test_config_29_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                              
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_29_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_29_no_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [18] ""                                                                                               
  [19] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                                
  [20] "test_config_29_no_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [21] "  tune_grid(test_config_29_no_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [22] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_30_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                 
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) "                                                   
   [4] ""                                                                                            
   [5] "test_config_30_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
   [6] "  rand_forest(mtry = tune(), min_n = tune(), trees = 1000) %>% "                             
   [7] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                                             
   [8] "  set_engine(\"ranger\") "                                                                   
   [9] ""                                                                                            
  [10] "test_config_30_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [11] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                           
  [12] "  add_recipe(test_config_30_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [13] "  add_model(test_config_30_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [14] ""                                                                                            
  [15] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                             
  [16] "test_config_30_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [17] "  tune_grid(test_config_30_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [18] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_30_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                        
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) "                                                      
   [4] ""                                                                                               
   [5] "test_config_30_no_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
   [6] "  rand_forest(mtry = tune(), min_n = tune(), trees = 1000) %>% "                                
   [7] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                                            
   [8] "  set_engine(\"ranger\") "                                                                      
   [9] ""                                                                                               
  [10] "test_config_30_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [11] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                              
  [12] "  add_recipe(test_config_30_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [13] "  add_model(test_config_30_no_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [14] ""                                                                                               
  [15] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                                
  [16] "test_config_30_no_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [17] "  tune_grid(test_config_30_no_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [18] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_31_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                 
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                                               
   [4] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                 
   [5] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                 
   [6] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                                            
   [7] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                                 
   [8] ""                                                                                            
   [9] "test_config_31_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
  [10] "  nearest_neighbor(neighbors = tune(), weight_func = tune()) %>% "                           
  [11] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                                             
  [12] "  set_engine(\"kknn\") "                                                                     
  [13] ""                                                                                            
  [14] "test_config_31_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                           
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_31_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_31_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [18] ""                                                                                            
  [19] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                             
  [20] "test_config_31_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [21] "  tune_grid(test_config_31_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [22] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_31_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                        
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                                                  
   [4] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                    
   [5] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                    
   [6] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                                               
   [7] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                                    
   [8] ""                                                                                               
   [9] "test_config_31_no_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
  [10] "  nearest_neighbor(neighbors = tune(), weight_func = tune()) %>% "                              
  [11] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                                            
  [12] "  set_engine(\"kknn\") "                                                                        
  [13] ""                                                                                               
  [14] "test_config_31_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [15] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                              
  [16] "  add_recipe(test_config_31_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [17] "  add_model(test_config_31_no_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [18] ""                                                                                               
  [19] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                                
  [20] "test_config_31_no_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [21] "  tune_grid(test_config_31_no_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [22] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_32_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                 
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                                               
   [4] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                 
   [5] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                 
   [6] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                                                
   [7] ""                                                                                            
   [8] "test_config_32_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
   [9] "  mars(num_terms = tune(), prod_degree = tune(), prune_method = \"none\") %>% "              
  [10] "  set_mode(\"regression\") %>% "                                                             
  [11] "  set_engine(\"earth\") "                                                                    
  [12] ""                                                                                            
  [13] "test_config_32_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [14] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                           
  [15] "  add_recipe(test_config_32_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [16] "  add_model(test_config_32_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [17] ""                                                                                            
  [18] "test_config_32_dummies_grid <- tidyr::crossing(num_terms = 2 * (1:6), prod_degree = 1:2) "   
  [19] ""                                                                                            
  [20] "test_config_32_dummies_tune <- "                                                             
  [21] "  tune_grid(test_config_32_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [22] "    grid = test_config_32_dummies_grid) "
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_32_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                        
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                                                  
   [4] "  step_novel(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                    
   [5] "  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% "                                                    
   [6] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                                                   
   [7] ""                                                                                               
   [8] "test_config_32_no_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
   [9] "  mars(num_terms = tune(), prod_degree = tune(), prune_method = \"none\") %>% "                 
  [10] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                                            
  [11] "  set_engine(\"earth\") "                                                                       
  [12] ""                                                                                               
  [13] "test_config_32_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [14] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                              
  [15] "  add_recipe(test_config_32_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [16] "  add_model(test_config_32_no_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [17] ""                                                                                               
  [18] "test_config_32_no_dummies_grid <- tidyr::crossing(num_terms = 2 * (1:6), prod_degree = 1:2) "   
  [19] ""                                                                                               
  [20] "test_config_32_no_dummies_tune <- "                                                             
  [21] "  tune_grid(test_config_32_no_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [22] "    grid = test_config_32_no_dummies_grid) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "library(rules)"                                                                              
   [2] ""                                                                                            
   [3] "test_config_33_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [4] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                 
   [5] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) %>% "                                               
   [6] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) "                                                                
   [7] ""                                                                                            
   [8] "test_config_33_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
   [9] "  cubist_rules(committees = tune(), neighbors = tune()) %>% "                                
  [10] "  set_engine(\"Cubist\") "                                                                   
  [11] ""                                                                                            
  [12] "test_config_33_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [13] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                           
  [14] "  add_recipe(test_config_33_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [15] "  add_model(test_config_33_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [16] ""                                                                                            
  [17] "test_config_33_dummies_grid <- tidyr::crossing(committees = c(1:9, (1:5) * "                 
  [18] "    10), neighbors = c(0, 3, 6, 9)) "                                                        
  [19] ""                                                                                            
  [20] "test_config_33_dummies_tune <- "                                                             
  [21] "  tune_grid(test_config_33_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [22] "    grid = test_config_33_dummies_grid) "
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_34_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                 
   [3] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                                            
   [4] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                                 
   [5] ""                                                                                            
   [6] "test_config_34_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
   [7] "  svm_poly(cost = tune(), degree = tune(), scale_factor = tune()) %>% "                      
   [8] "  set_mode(\"regression\") "                                                                 
   [9] ""                                                                                            
  [10] "test_config_34_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [11] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                           
  [12] "  add_recipe(test_config_34_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [13] "  add_model(test_config_34_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [14] ""                                                                                            
  [15] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                             
  [16] "test_config_34_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [17] "  tune_grid(test_config_34_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [18] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_34_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                        
   [3] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                                               
   [4] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                                    
   [5] ""                                                                                               
   [6] "test_config_34_no_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
   [7] "  svm_poly(cost = tune(), degree = tune(), scale_factor = tune()) %>% "                         
   [8] "  set_mode(\"classification\") "                                                                
   [9] ""                                                                                               
  [10] "test_config_34_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [11] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                              
  [12] "  add_recipe(test_config_34_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [13] "  add_model(test_config_34_no_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [14] ""                                                                                               
  [15] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                                
  [16] "test_config_34_no_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [17] "  tune_grid(test_config_34_no_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [18] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_35_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = body_mass_g ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                 
   [3] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                                            
   [4] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                                 
   [5] ""                                                                                            
   [6] "test_config_35_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
   [7] "  svm_rbf(cost = tune(), rbf_sigma = tune()) %>% "                                           
   [8] "  set_mode(\"regression\") "                                                                 
   [9] ""                                                                                            
  [10] "test_config_35_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [11] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                           
  [12] "  add_recipe(test_config_35_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [13] "  add_model(test_config_35_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [14] ""                                                                                            
  [15] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                             
  [16] "test_config_35_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [17] "  tune_grid(test_config_35_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [18] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_35_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                        
   [3] "  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% "                                                               
   [4] "  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) "                                                    
   [5] ""                                                                                               
   [6] "test_config_35_no_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
   [7] "  svm_rbf(cost = tune(), rbf_sigma = tune()) %>% "                                              
   [8] "  set_mode(\"classification\") "                                                                
   [9] ""                                                                                               
  [10] "test_config_35_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [11] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                              
  [12] "  add_recipe(test_config_35_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [13] "  add_model(test_config_35_no_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [14] ""                                                                                               
  [15] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                                
  [16] "test_config_35_no_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [17] "  tune_grid(test_config_35_no_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [18] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"
  no_dummy_clip_template(model, prefix, verbose, tune)
Message <cliMessage>
  v code is on the clipboard.
   [1] "test_config_36_no_dummies_recipe <- "                                                           
   [2] "  recipe(formula = species ~ ., data = penguins, clipboard = TRUE) %>% "                        
   [3] "  step_string2factor(one_of(\"island\")) "                                                      
   [4] ""                                                                                               
   [5] "test_config_36_no_dummies_spec <- "                                                             
   [6] "  boost_tree(trees = tune(), min_n = tune()) %>% "                                              
   [7] "  set_mode(\"classification\") %>% "                                                            
   [8] "  set_engine(\"C5.0\") "                                                                        
   [9] ""                                                                                               
  [10] "test_config_36_no_dummies_workflow <- "                                                         
  [11] "  workflow() %>% "                                                                              
  [12] "  add_recipe(test_config_36_no_dummies_recipe) %>% "                                            
  [13] "  add_model(test_config_36_no_dummies_spec) "                                                   
  [14] ""                                                                                               
  [15] "set.seed(27246)"                                                                                
  [16] "test_config_36_no_dummies_tune <-"                                                              
  [17] "  tune_grid(test_config_36_no_dummies_workflow, resamples = stop(\"add your rsample object\"), "
  [18] "    grid = stop(\"add number of candidate points\"))"

Try the usemodels package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

usemodels documentation built on March 18, 2022, 5:35 p.m.