Man pages for usl
Analyze System Scalability with the Universal Scalability Law

cash-USL-methodExtract parts of a "'USL'" object
confint-USL-methodConfidence Intervals for USL model parameters
efficiency-USL-methodEfficiency of the system
gradient.uslCalculate gradient for the universal scalability function
initialize-USL-methodGenerate an object from the "'USL'" class
limit.scalability-USL-methodScalability limit of a USL model
optimal.scalability-USL-methodPoint of optimal scalability of a USL model
oracledbPerformance of an Oracle database used for online transaction...
overhead-USL-methodOverhead method for Universal Scalability Law models
peak.scalability-USL-methodPoint of peak scalability of a USL model
plot-USL-methodPlot the scalability function from a USL model
predict-USL-methodPredict method for Universal Scalability Law models
print-USL-methodPrint objects of class "'USL'"
raytracerPerformance of a ray-tracing software on different hardware...
scalability-USL-methodScalability function of a USL model
show-USL-methodShow objects of class "'USL'"
sigma-USL-methodExtract Residual Standard Deviation 'Sigma'
specsdm91Performanced of a Sun SPARCcenter 2000 in the SPEC SDM91...
summary-USL-methodUSL Object Summary
uslCreate a model for the Universal Scalability Law
USL-classClass "'USL'" for Universal Scalability Law models
usl-packageAnalyze system scalability with the Universal Scalability Law
usl.solve.nlsSolve a USL model using non linear regression
usl.solve.nlxbSolve a USL model using non linear regression
usl documentation built on Aug. 29, 2022, 1:06 a.m.