us_map: Retrieve US map data

View source: R/us-map.R

us_mapR Documentation

Retrieve US map data


Retrieve US map data


  regions = c("states", "state", "counties", "county"),
  include = c(),
  exclude = c(),
  as_sf = TRUE



The region breakdown for the map, can be one of ("states", "state", "counties", "county"). The default is "states".


The regions to include in the resulting map. If regions is "states"/"state", the value can be either a state name, abbreviation or FIPS code. For counties, the FIPS must be provided as there can be multiple counties with the same name. If states are provided in the county map, only counties in the included states will be returned.


The regions to exclude in the resulting map. If regions is "states"/"state", the value can be either a state name, abbreviation or FIPS code. For counties, the FIPS must be provided as there can be multiple counties with the same name. The regions listed in the include parameter are applied first and the exclude regions are then removed from the resulting map. Any excluded regions not present in the included regions will be ignored.


Defunct, this parameter no longer has any effect and will be removed in the future.


An sf data frame of US map coordinates divided by the desired regions.



df <- us_map(regions = "counties")
west_coast <- us_map(include = c("CA", "OR", "WA"))

excl_west_coast <- us_map(exclude = c("CA", "OR", "WA"))

usmapdata documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:33 a.m.