Man pages for utf8latex
Importing, Exporting and Converting Between Datasets and LaTeX

from2colTo3Create a file with tag data from two to three colums
getFontencAndLangDetermining the fontenc and language
groupPosWordsByLangDetermining the fontenc and language
groupWordsByLangGrouping words by language
idEncodingdetect the encoding of a text file
is.AfricanDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the African Unicode...
is.ArabicDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the Arabic Unicode...
is.ArmenianDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the Armenian Unicode...
is.asciiDetermining if a UTF-8 character is ASCII
is.BengaliDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the Bengali Unicode...
is.ChineseTradDetermining if the input is UTF-8 Chinese traditional
is.CJKDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the CJK Unicode...
is.CyrillicDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the Cyrillic Unicode...
is.GeorgianDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the Georgian Unicode...
is.GreekDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the Greek Unicode...
is.greekmathDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the greekmath Unicode...
is.HangulDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the Hangul Unicode...
is.HebrewDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the Hebrew Unicode...
is.HiraganaDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the Hiragana Unicode...
is.isalnumDetermining if a UTF-8 character is alphanumeric
is.isalphaDetermining if a UTF-8 character is alphabetic
is.isblankDetermining if a UTF-8 character is blank
is.iscntrlDetermining if a UTF-8 character is a control code
is.isdigitDetermining if a UTF-8 character is alphanumeric
is.isgraphDetermining if a UTF-8 character has graphical representation
is.islowerDetermining if a UTF-8 character is lower case
is.isprintDetermining if a UTF-8 character is printable
is.ispunctDetermining if a UTF-8 character is a punctuation character
is.isspaceDetermining if a UTF-8 character is space
is.isupperDetermining if a UTF-8 character is upper case
is.isxdigitDetermining if a UTF-8 character is an hexadecimal digit
is.JapaneseCJKDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the JapaneseCJK...
is.JapaneseLatinAndHalfWidthKatakanaDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the...
is.JapanesePunctuationDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the...
is.KatakanaDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the Katakana Unicode...
is.LaTeX.reservedDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the LaTeX reserved...
is.LatinDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the Latin Unicode...
is.ThaiDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the Thai Unicode...
is.VietnameseDetermining if a UTF-8 string is within the Vietnamese...
joinListOfTagsCreate a file with tag data in three colums from a list of...
langIDDetermining the language of a UTF8 point
mapLangIDDetermining each character mapped to an identifier for...
u2texConvert a string or file from UTF-8 to LaTeX with language...
utf8encEncoding UTF8 characters
utf8texConverting a variable from UTF-8 to LaTeX
utf8texcConverting a string from UTF-8 to LaTeX
utf8ToHexConverting from UTF-8 to hexadecimal
utf8ToOctConverting from UTF-8 to Octal
utf8latex documentation built on May 30, 2017, 4:30 a.m.