Man pages for vapour
Access to the 'Geospatial Data Abstraction Library' ('GDAL')

buildvrtBuild vrt, special case "-separate"
GDAL-libraryGDAL version and drivers.
gdal_raster_dataGeneral raster read and convert
sst_cSST contours
tas_wktExample WKT coordinate reference system
vapour_createCreate raster file
vapour_crs_is_lonlatIs the CRS string representative of angular coordinates
vapour_geolocationRetrieve geolocation information for a dataset
vapour_geom_nameRead geometry column name
vapour_geom_summarySummary of available geometry
vapour_layer_extentRead layer extent
vapour_layer_infoRead GDAL layer info
vapour_layer_namesRead GDAL layer names
vapour_raster_gcpRaster ground control points
vapour_raster_infoRaster information
vapour_read_fidsRead feature names
vapour_read_fieldsRead feature field data
vapour_read_geometryRead GDAL feature geometry
vapour_read_rasterRaster IO (read)
vapour_read_raster_blockRead or write raster block
vapour_read_raster_rawtype safe(r) raster read
vapour_report_fieldsRead feature field types.
vapour_sds_namesGDAL raster subdatasets (variables)
vapour_set_configSet and query GDAL configuration options
vapour_srs_wktPROJ4 string to WKT
vapour_vrtVirtual raster
vapour_vsi_listRead GDAL virtual source contents
vapour_warp_rasterRaster warper (reprojection)
vapour_warp_raster_rawtype safe(r) raster warp
vapour_write_raster_blockWrite data to a block _in an existing file_.
vector_vrtVector VRT
vapour documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:01 a.m.