Man pages for varycoef
Modeling Spatially Varying Coefficients

check_cov_lowerCheck Lower Bound of Covariance Parameters
coef.SVC_mleExtact Mean Effects
cov_parExtact Covariance Parameters
fitted.SVC_mleExtact Model Fitted Values
GLS_cholGLS Estimate using Cholesky Factor
houseLucas County House Price Data
IC.SVC_mleConditional Akaike's and Bayesian Information Criteria
init_bounds_optimSetting of Optimization Bounds and Initial Values
logLik.SVC_mleExtact the Likelihood
nlocsExtract Number of Unique Locations
nobs.SVC_mleExtract Number of Observations
plot.SVC_mlePlotting Residuals of 'SVC_mle' model
predict.SVC_mlePrediction of SVCs (and response variable)
print.summary.SVC_mlePrinting Method for 'summary.SVC_mle'
print.SVC_mlePrint Method for 'SVC_mle'
residuals.SVC_mleExtact Model Residuals
sample_SVCdataSample Function for GP-based SVC Model for Given Locations
summary.SVC_mleSummary Method for 'SVC_mle'
SVCdataSampled SVC Data
SVC_mleMLE of SVC model
SVC_mle_controlSet Parameters for 'SVC_mle'
SVC_selectionSVC Model Selection
SVC_selection_controlSVC Selection Parameters
varycoefvarycoef: Modeling Spatially Varying Coefficients
varycoef documentation built on Sept. 18, 2022, 1:07 a.m.