Man pages for vcr
Record 'HTTP' Calls to Disk

as.cassetteCoerce names, etc. to cassettes
CassetteCassette handler
cassettesList cassettes, get current cassette, etc.
check_cassette_namesCheck cassette names
crul_requestAn HTTP request as prepared by the 'crul' package
eject_cassetteEject a cassette
FileSystemFile system persister
HooksHooks class
HTTPInteractionHTTPInteraction class
HTTPInteractionListHTTPInteractionList class
http_interactionsGet the http interactions of the current cassette
insert_cassetteInsert a cassette to record HTTP requests
JSONThe JSON serializer
lightswitchTurn vcr on and off, check on/off status, and turn off for a...
PersistersCassette persisters
real_http_connections_allowedAre real http connections allowed?
recordingvcr recording options
RequestThe request of an HTTPInteraction
RequestIgnorerRequest ignorer
request-matchingvcr request matching
request_responserequest and response summary methods
SerializerSerializer class - base class for JSON/YAML serializers
SerializersCassette serializers
skip_if_vcr_offSkip tests if vcr is off
str_splittersplit string every N characters
use_cassetteUse a cassette to record HTTP requests
use_vcrSetup vcr for a package
vcr_configureGlobal Configuration Options
vcr_loggingvcr log file setup
vcr-packagevcr: Record 'HTTP' Calls to Disk
VcrResponseThe response of an HTTPInteraction
vcr_test_pathLocate file in tests directory
YAMLThe YAML serializer
vcr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:20 p.m.