Man pages for vdra
Vertical Distributed Regression Analysis

differentModelFitting Different Linear Models
distributed2partyTwo Party Vertical Distributed Regression Analysis
distributed3partyThree Party Vertical Distributed Regression Analysis
distributedKpartyK-Party Vertical Distributed Regression Analysis
HoslemTestHosmer-Lemeshow Test for Vertical Distributed Logistic...
plot.survfitDistributedPlotting Survival Curves for Vertical Distributed Cox...
pmnPopMedNet Simulator
RocTestCreate the ROC for Vertical Distributed Logistic Regression
summary.vdracoxSummary Method for Vertical Distributed COX Models
summary.vdralinearSummary Method for Vertical Distributed Linear Regression...
summary.vdralogisticSummary Method for Vertical Distributed Logistic Regression...
survfitDistributedCreate Survival Curves for Vertical Distributed Cox...
vdracoxVertical Distributed Cox Regression Results Object
vdra_dataSimulated data from a weight loss study.
vdra_fitReturn values from the various distributed regression...
vdralinearVertical Distributed Linear Regression Results Object
vdralogisticVertical Distributed Logistic Regression Results Object
vdra documentation built on Sept. 9, 2021, 9:10 a.m.