vegawidget Overview


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The Vega-Lite JavaScript library offers grammar-of-graphics visualization, rendered in the browser, with interactivity. In R, the htmlwidgets framework provides a bridge to render JavaScript visualizations; the vegawidget offers such a bridge for Vega-Lite and Vega.

The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce you to some of the concepts in Vega-Lite, and how to implement them from R using vegawidget. The remainder of this section is to introduce you to the charts you will create in this tutorial.

We will build Vega-Lite specifications from R, by hand, using lists of lists. I recognize that this is probably not the optimal way to do things, but I don't know yet what that optimal way is. One alternative is to use the altair package, which ports the Python Altair package.

One thing to keep in mind if you are a user of ggplot2: your grammar-of-graphics knowledge will help you understand what is going on in Vega-Lite, but your knowledge of ggplot2 syntax may frustrate you as you learn the Vega-Lite syntax. As you will see, Vega-Lite approaches the grammar-of-graphics differently from ggplot2.

If you want to work with the vegawidget package on your own computer you can install it from CRAN:


There is also a development version you can install from GitHub, using devtools:



This would not be a proper R tutorial without mtcars. Before showing the scatterplot, let's have a look at the data (I always find this helpful).


A scatterplot shows each observation as a point, using quantitative variables on the $x$ any $y$ axes. Here, we are showing the weight and the miles-per-gallon on the axes. We are also showing the number of cylinders as a nominal variable, encoded as color.

scatterplot <- 
    `$schema` = vega_schema(),
    data = list(values = mtcars),
    mark = "point",
    encoding = list(
      x = list(field = "wt", type = "quantitative"),
      y = list(field = "mpg", type = "quantitative"),
      color = list(field = "cyl", type = "nominal")
  ) %>%


Bar chart

This is a bit of fake toy-data I cooked up. As you can see, there is a category and a number:


A bar-chart gives us a bar for each observation, in this case, encoding a nominal variable on the $x$ axis, and a quantitative variable on the $y$ axis.

spec_bar <- 
    mark = "bar",
    encoding = list(
      x = list(field = "category", type = "nominal"),
      y = list(field = "number", type = "quantitative")

bar_chart <- 
      `$schema` = vega_schema(),
       data = list(values = data_category)
  ) %>%


Layered chart

Just like in ggplot2, Vega-Lite allows us to layer charts. Here, we use the bar chart (adjusting the opacity) from before as the first layer. We make a second layer using a line to join the same observations.

spec_bar_layer <- spec_bar
spec_bar_layer$encoding$opacity = list(value = 0.3)

spec_line_layer <- spec_bar
spec_line_layer$mark = "line"

layer_chart <- 
    `$schema` = vega_schema(),
    data = list(values = data_category),      
    layer = list(spec_bar_layer, spec_line_layer)
  ) %>%


Time-indexed chart, with aggregation

Here, we use some Seattle-weather data that we appropriated from vega-datasets. We have daily weather observations from the beginning of 2012, through the end of 2015.


This chart shows the mean of the maximum-temperature for each month-of-the-year. We encode the month of the date, expressed as an ordinal variable, to the $x$ axis. We encode the maximum of all the maximum-temperatures for that month, a quantitative variable, to the $y$ axis.

When we make this chart in the exercises, we will discuss why we expressing the $x$ encoding as an ordinal variable, rather than as a temporal variable.

spec_month <- 
    mark = "bar",
    encoding = list(
      x = list(
        field = "date",
        type = "ordinal",
        timeUnit = "utcmonth",
        title = "month(date)"
      y = list(
        field = "temp_max",
        type = "quantitative",
        aggregate = "max",
        title = "max(temp_max)"

seattle_by_month <- 
      `$schema` = vega_schema(),
       data = list(values = data_seattle_daily)
  ) %>%


Faceted chart

This is the same chart as above, but we now facet by row, according to the year of the observation.

seattle_by_month_facet <- 
    `$schema` = vega_schema(),
    data = list(values = data_seattle_daily),
    facet = list(
      row = list(
        field = "date", 
        type = "ordinal", 
        timeUnit = "utcyear", 
        title = "year(date)"
    spec = c(
      list(height = 100),
  ) %>%


Repeated chart

In addition to layering and faceting, Vega-Lite has another composition operator, repeating. This is where we can specify a list of variables to use on a series of charts, an axis corresponding to that variable.

Here, we repeat wt and hp as the $x$-axis variable, arranging in columns.

spec_repeat <- 
    mark = "point",
    encoding = list(
      x = list(field = list(`repeat` = "column"), type = "quantitative"),
      y = list(field = "mpg", type = "quantitative"),
      color = list(field = "cyl", type = "nominal")

mtcars_by_var <-
    `$schema` = vega_schema(),
    data = list(values = mtcars),
    `repeat` = list(column = list("wt", "hp")),
    spec = spec_repeat
  ) %>%


Interactive chart

One of the exciting things that Vega-Lite offers is an interaction framework. Here, we add a selection brush to the "repeated" plot; click-and-drag on either sub-chart. Then, we add some conditional logic to the encoding for opacity: more-opaque if selected, and less-opaque if not selected.

selection_scatterplot <- list(brush_scatterplot = list(type = "interval"))

mtcars_interactive <- mtcars_by_var

mtcars_interactive$spec$selection <- selection_scatterplot
mtcars_interactive$spec$encoding$opacity <- list(
  condition = list(selection = "brush_scatterplot", value = 0.8),
  value = 0.3



Finally, at least for this tutorial, we look at how to customize tooltips.

mtcars_with_names <- as_tibble(rownames_to_column(mtcars, var = "name"))
tooltip_chart <- 
    `$schema` = vega_schema(),
    data = list(values = mtcars_with_names),
    `repeat` = list(
      column = list("wt", "hp")
    spec = list(
      selection = list(brush = list(type = "interval")),
      mark = "point",
      encoding = list(
        x = list(field = list(`repeat` = "column"), type = "quantitative"),
        y = list(field = "mpg", type = "quantitative"),
        color = list(field = "cyl", type = "nominal"),
        opacity = list(
          condition = list(selection = "brush", value = 0.8),
          value = 0.3
        tooltip = list(
          list(field = "name", type = "nominal"),
          list(field = "wt", type = "quantitative"),
          list(field = "hp", type = "quantitative"),
          list(field = "mpg", type = "quantitative")
  ) %>%



A scatterplot is a chart with quantitative encodings for the $x$ and $y$ axes. When finished, your chart should look like this:


Just in case, here is a reminder of the mtcars dataset:


Your turn

To compose a Vega-Lite chart using vegawidget, we will build a series of nested lists.

Using the provided template to fill in the "...":

Run the code to check your results.

spec_scatterplot <-
    `$schema` = vega_schema(),
    data = list(values = mtcars),
    mark = "...",
    encoding = list(
      x = list(field = "...", type = "..."),
      y = list(field = "...", type = "..."),
      color = list(field = "...", type = "...")
  ) %>%



Congratulations on making a (what might be your first) Vega-Lite chart! Let's go over some of the infrastructure.

Within the vegawidget package, a specification (or a spec) is used to, well specify a Vega-Lite (or Vega) chart; we call such a specification a vegaspec. There are a few things you should know about vegaspecs:

Your turn

Using the exercise-block above, add the statement str(spec_scatterplot) and rerun to look at the structure of a vegaspec.

We will look more at how vegaspecs work in the exercises that follow.

Bar chart

With a bar chart, we consider a quantitative variable and a nominal (or ordinal variable). Here's the example:


Here again is the toy dataset we used earlier to make the bar chart:


Your turn

Let's make this bar chart! In the template below:

Run the code; your chart should look like the chart above.

bar_chart <- 
    `$schema` = vega_schema(),
    data = list(values = "..."),
    mark = "...",
    encoding = list(
      x = list(field = "...", type = "..."),
      y = list(field = "...", type = "...")
  ) %>%



This might be a good time to refer you to this paper introducing Vega-Lite. One of the first concepts it covers is the unit specification of a single Cartesian plot, which consists of:

You see we are using all of these, except transforms, in this example (don't worry, we will touch on transforms later). In ggplot2, the type of the variable is implied by inspecting the column of the data frame, which is not difficult because R's data frames are column-based. Vega-Lite thinks of datasets as being row-based, so we need to be explicit about our data-types. Accordingly we have:

Although it is beyond the scope of this overview, you have to be careful using temporal variables. This is because Vega-Lite (also Vega and d3) depends on the JavaScript Date() object, which does not have support timezones in the way that we are accustomed-to in R or Python. For more, see this writeup at the Altair website.

Layered chart

Unit specifications can be composed into compound specifications. Like ggplot2, we can compose layers in Vega-Lite. One thing to keep in mind is that layered specifications can contain only unit specifications.

To create a layered chart, we make a layer element at the top-level of the specification. The layer element is an unnamed list where each element is a unit-specification; the order of the layer list is the order of the layers, from bottom to top.

One feature shared by Vega-Lite and ggplot2 is the inheritance of plot specifications. Anything specified at the top level of the spec is inherited in lower levels of the spec.

Here's the example we will replicate:


Your turn

Although it may not make much sense as a visualization technique, we can combine our bar-chart with a line-chart, using a layered specification.

In the template below:

layered_chart <-
    `$schema` = ...,
    data = list(values = data_category),
    encoding = list(
      x = list(field = "category", type = "ordinal"),
      y = list(field = "number", type = "quantitative")
    layer = list(
        ..., # bar
        encoding = list(
          opacity = list(...)
      list(...) # line
  ) %>%



In this discussion, we will get more into the nuts-and-bolts of vegaspecs.

First and foremost, we deal with the mysterious $schema element. This element is used by the Vega-rendering libraries as a clue to tell it how to process the rest of the spec: as a Vega-Lite spec or a Vega spec. Rather than having to remember the string, vegawidget offers a convenience function, vega_spec(). It takes an argument, library, which can be "vega_lite" (the default), or "vega".

Try it out:

# try also with library = "vega" and library = "vega_lite"
layered_chart <-
    `$schema` = vega_schema(),
    data = list(values = data_category),
    encoding = list(
      x = list(field = "category", type = "ordinal"),
      y = list(field = "number", type = "quantitative")
    layer = list(
        mark = "bar", # bar
        encoding = list(
          opacity = list(value = 0.3)
      list(mark = "line") # line
  ) %>%

If you want to have a closer look at a vegaspec, you can use the vw_examine() function. This is a thin wrapper around the jsonedit() function from the listviewer package.

The block below has been prepopulated with a working copy of layered_chart.


In its default mode, we see a representation of "lists of lists". By changing the mode of the viewer from View to Code, you can see a JSON representation.

Note that in the JSON, we see the data values element is column-based (like an R data-frame), rather than row-based (as Vega would expect). This is because, normally, the data frame is not transposed until the vegaspec is rendered. The function that translates from the vegaspec list to JSON is vw_as_json(), which wraps jsonlite::toJSON() (setting some important parameters).

In the code box above, try vw_examine(vw_as_json(layered_chart)) to see the difference in the shape of the data.

If you have a vegaspec you want to write to disk or to transfer to others, use the vw_as_json() function.

Let's have a closer look, above, at the JSON for layered_chart. Note that named lists correspond to JSON elements wrapped in curly-brackets, {}, while unnamed lists correspond to elements wrapped in square-brackets, [].

In JSON, we have six basic data-types, each of which map to an R data-type:

JSON type | JSON example | R type | R example --------- | ------------- | -------------- | ---------- array | ["a", 1] | unnamed list | list("a", 1L) object | {"b": 23.4} | named list | list(b = 23.4) Boolean | true | logical | TRUE number | 45.6 | integer/double | 45.6 string | "happy" | character | "happy" null | null | NULL/NA | NULL

This chart may be useful for when you see a Vega-Lite specification, using JSON, and you might like to imagine how to write it in terms of R lists. You will find examples of each of these types, except null in the layered_chart specification. Also null may present a difficulty - because JSON does not have an NA type, from R both NA and null types are mapped to JSON null. Going from JSON to R, null will map to NULL.

Time-indexed chart, with aggregation

One of the neat features of Vega-Lite is the time-unit functions that can be built into the encodings.

Let's have another look at the Seattle weather-data - these are observations from the beginning of 2012 through the end of 2015.


Here's what our finished chart should look like:


Your turn

In the template below:

month_chart <-
    ..., # `$schema` element
    ..., # data element
    mark = "...",
    encoding = list(
      x = list(
        field = "...", 
        type = "ordinal", 
        timeUnit = "...",
        title = "..."
      y = list(
        field = "...",
        type = "...",
        aggregate = "...",
        title = "..."
  ) %>%



You may wonder why we specify date as an ordinal variable, rather than as a temporal variable. The reason is the that the type determines the default scales. Change the value of type to "temporal" to see how the x-scale changes. Change it back, if you like.

The timeUnit element implies a transformation for each value of date. In this case, we are using the built-in transformation function "utcmonth". As Vega-Lite parsed the input data, it parsed the date as UTC, because it is formatted using the ISO 8601 format (you can verify this using month_chart %>% vw_as_json() %>% vw_examine()). The function "utcmonth" maps a temporal value to another, buy truncating to the month, then projecting that month into a "prototype" year, 1900. For example:

date | mapped value using "utcmonth" ------------ | ----------- 2012-11-06 | 1900-11-01 2013-07-04 | 1900-07-01 2015-10-14 | 1900-10-01

On the $x$ axis, instead of using values of date, we use the mapped values provided by "utcmonth".

As you can imagine, this means that we will have a lot of observations mapped to each of the months. This motivates us to aggregate the $y$ values; in this case we aggreagte using the built-in "max" function.

For more detail on how Vega-Lite's time-units and implied aggregations work, see this Observable notebook, and, of course, the Vega-Lite reference on time units.

Faceted chart

Just like ggplot2, Vega-Lite can make faceted charts. However, faceting is limited to rows and columns; Vega-Lite hopes to implement facet-wrapping soon.

Let's remind ourselves of our sample chart:


Your turn

Using the template below:

facet_chart <-
    `$schema` = vega_schema(),
    data = list(values = data_seattle_daily),
    facet = list(
      ... = list(
        field = "...", 
        type = "ordinal", 
        timeUnit = "...",
        title = "..."
    spec = list(
      height = ...,
      mark = "bar",
      encoding = list(
        x = list(
          field = "date", 
          type = "ordinal", 
          timeUnit = "utcmonth",
          title = "month(date)"
        y = list(
          field = "temp_max",
          type = "quantitative",
          aggregate = "max",
          title = "max(temp_max)"
  ) %>%



In Vega-Lite, faceting is specified using a top-level element called facet, which itself can have elements called row and/or column. Each of these row and column elements themselves contain elements much like an encoding: elements like field, type, etc.

Within a faceted specification, there needs to be a spec element, which the faceting acts upon. Within this sepc element is a unit or layered specification. Keep in mind that you can facet a layered specification, but you cannot layer a faceted specification. This is because layered specifications can contain only unit specifications.

Within the facet specification, timeunit makes another appearance. Here, we are creating another variable by mapping our date variable to the first instant of its UTC year. We can see a little bit "behind the scenes" by changing the formatting of the axis labels and the header labels:

Vega uses d3-time-format to format its temporal variables.

Repeated chart

In addition to a faceting operator, Vega-Lite offers a repeat operator. For those of you familiar with Tidy Data, you can think of it like this: faceting operates on the values of a variable, in a tall data-frame; repeating operates on the columns of a wide data-frame.

Let's consider our old friend, mtcars:


Let's say we want to compare, side-by-side, the effect of wt on mpg with the effect of hp on mpg, as in this example:


Your turn

Using the template below:

repeat_chart <- 
    `$schema` = vega_schema(),
    data = ...,
    `repeat` = list(
      column = ...
    spec = list(
      mark = "point",
      encoding = list(
        x = list(field = ..., type = "quantitative"),
        y = list(field = "mpg", type = "quantitative"),
        color = list(field = "cyl", type = "nominal")
  ) %>%



There is another composition operation you should be aware of, concatenation, which lets you compose different specifications into a single chart. For now, check out the Vega-Lite documentation.

Interactive chart

Until now, the capabilities we have seen are generally available in ggplot2, using a concise vocabulary you already know. The big additional capability that Vega-Lite offers is interaction.

For now, let's take a very narrow view of interactivity as having two steps:

  1. How do we select those observations we wish to highlight?
  2. How do we highlight the selected observations in all the views?

There is another question that I am interested to answer soon:

Leaving that third question aside for the time-being, Vega-Lite offers us tools for the first two questions:

  1. We can specify an "interval" selection, which will draw a "little grey box" according to your clicking-and-dragging.
  2. We can specify an encoding with a condition based on our selection.

Here's the example we will build:


Your turn

This will be a two step process. In this case, I think it will be useful for you to be able to check your work as after each step, so I am using comments as the templating device; please remove the comment-characters accordingly:

Run the code and make sure that when you click-and-drag on either of the views that a "little grey box" appears. Note that there is nothing special about the name brush; it is simply the name we use to identify this selection.

Run the code and make sure it behaves as the example above.

repeat_chart <- 
    `$schema` = vega_schema(),
    data = list(values = mtcars),
    `repeat` = list(
      column = list("wt", "hp")
    spec = list(
      # selection = ...,
      mark = "point",
      encoding = list(
        x = list(field = list(`repeat` = "column"), type = "quantitative"),
        y = list(field = "mpg", type = "quantitative"),
        color = list(field = "cyl", type = "nominal")#,
        # opacity = list(
        #  condition = ...,
        #  value = ...
        # )
  ) %>%



This is just one small part of interactivity, I would recommend that you check out the Vega-Lite reference on selections. There are some neat examples of different ways to use selections, for example:


Continuing with our mtcars example, it may be instructive to add customized tooltips. In Vega-Lite a tooltip is simply another encoding channel that is attached to a mark.

The names of the cars in mtcars are contained in the row-names. To include them as a part of a dataset, we have to put them into a variable. Thus, we put them in the name variable, in a "new" dataset called mtcars_with_names:


Here's what the finished product should look like and behave like:


Your turn

mtcars_with_names <- as_tibble(rownames_to_column(mtcars, var = "name"))

Starting with our working interactive-example as a template:

Run the code to make sure it works as you expect.

tooltip_chart <- 
    `$schema` = vega_schema(),
    data = list(values = mtcars_with_names),
    `repeat` = list(
      column = list("wt", "hp")
    spec = list(
      selection = list(brush = list(type = "interval")),
      mark = "point",
      encoding = list(
        x = list(field = list(`repeat` = "column"), type = "quantitative"),
        y = list(field = "mpg", type = "quantitative"),
        color = list(field = "cyl", type = "nominal"),
        opacity = list(
          condition = list(selection = "brush", value = 0.8),
          value = 0.3
        tooltip = list(
          list(field = "...", type = "...")
          # add more tooltip-elements here
  ) %>%


When making an aggregation in an encoding that there is an implied "group-by" of all the other encoded fields. Keep in mind that anything you put in a tooltip is also an encoding, so if your tooltips are not consistent with your encodings, you way get some strange and hard-to-debug errors.

What next?

This is only the beginning of what is possible in Vega-Lite. Going forward, I would recommend these resources:

For the vegawidget package:

The Altair (Python) project provides a structured framework of functions to build Vega-Lite specifications:

Within Vega-Lite, these are some topics I did not cover in this tutorial (but would like to):

Try the vegawidget package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

vegawidget documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:17 p.m.