Create images

The main purpose of this article is to demonstrate use this package's image-generating functions. A secondary purpose is to help the package's developers confirm that these functions continue to work when things get changed.

If you have the packages V8, withr, and fs installed, you can use these image-generating functions to convert vegaspecs (or vegawidgets) into SVG strings or write SVG files. With the rsvg and png packages installed, you can get a bitmap array, or write PNG files.

We have four image-generating functions; they each take either a vegaspec or a vegawidget as their main argument:

As you can see, the function name indicates the action taken and the image-format.

In addition to a vegaspec or vegawidget, these are the principal arguments:

As you are most likely already aware, there is a tradeoff between PNG and SVG. The PNG format is an image with finite resolution. The SVG format is a set of instructions on how to render an image, so it has no resolution limitations. In general, the size of an SVG file scales with the number of graphical marks it contains, whereas a PNG file scales with its pixel-width and pixel-height.

If you are using a vegaspec that has dataset loaded from a remote URL, the V8 scripts will access the remote data using R. If you use a proxy, make sure it is set up in R.



For the purpose of comparing later renderings, our reference is this mtcars scatterplot. It is rendered, in HTML, with a plotting area of width = 300 and height = 300.


Bitmap & PNG

To use the bitmap and PNG functions, you will need the rsvg and png packages.

To bitmap

The vw_to_bitmap() function returns a bitmap array. The package uses it primarily for converting the SVG to PNG; you may have other uses.

We can show the effect of the scale argument by inspecting the dimensions of the bitmap array. Using the default, scale = 1:

vw_to_bitmap(spec_mtcars) %>% dim()

At scale = 2:

vw_to_bitmap(spec_mtcars, scale = 2) %>% dim()

PNG output

The function vw_write_png() uses vw_to_bitmap() to write an image-file.

Normal scale

The function vw_write_png() generates an image at 96 DPI. We will write out a PNG file, then display it at the same resolution.

Expectation: the image will be rendered at the same size as the reference, but not at retina resolution.

tmp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")

vw_write_png(spec_mtcars, path = tmp_file)

tags$img(src = knitr::image_uri(tmp_file))

We note that the PNG appears slightly different from the HTML rendering. We suspect this is because the SVG-rendering engine, librsvg, works differently from your browser. In the future, we would like to find a way to make the rendering more-similar.

Retina scale

By increasing the scale to 2, then decreasing the display-size by a factor of two, we can show this image at "retina" resolution. The code below is a little tortured, there should be an easier way. In the future, we would like for this to be the default method for knitting to a non-HTML medium (using PNG or SVG), and that it "just work".

Expectation: the image will be rendered at the same size as the reference, at retina resolution.

tmp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")

vw_write_png(spec_mtcars, path = tmp_file, scale = 2)

  src = knitr::image_uri(tmp_file), 
  onload = "this.width/=2;this.onload=null;"

Using vegawidget

This demonstrates that we can use vw_write_png() with vegawidgets.

Expectation: the image will be rendered at the same size as the reference, but not at retina resolution.

tmp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")

vw_write_png(vegawidget(spec_mtcars), path = tmp_file)

tags$img(src = knitr::image_uri(tmp_file))


To string

The vw_to_svg() function returns an HTML string:

vw_to_svg(spec_mtcars) %>% str()

This string can be rendered as standard HTML:

vw_to_svg(spec_mtcars) %>% HTML()

Normal scale

Expectation: this image will appear identical to the reference:

vw_to_svg(spec_mtcars) %>% HTML()


Expectation: We expect that the rendered image will have a total size of width = 600 and height = 300, and to appear at retina resolution.

vw_to_svg(spec_mtcars, width = 600, height = 300) %>% HTML()

Other visual-regressions

Although the rest of these do not use images, they are included in this article to make it easier to verify that things render as we expect.


Expectation: the rendered spec will have a total size of width = 600 and height = 300.

vw_autosize(spec_mtcars, width = 600, height = 300)

Expectation: we will get the same result using the vegawidget() function:

vegawidget(spec_mtcars, width = 600, height = 300)

Expectation: we will get the same result by setting vega.width and vega.height as knitr options, like so:

```{r vega.width=600, vega.height=300}


Expectation: this will be identical to the reference case, using the vw_to_vega() function to compile to a Vega specification:


Base URL

The purpose of this section is to test the effectiveness of setting the vega-loader baseURL as an option.

cars <- 
    `$schema` = "",
    width = 300,
    height = 300,
    description = "A scatterplot showing horsepower and miles per gallons for various cars.",
    `data` = list("url" = "data/cars.json"),
    mark = "point",
    encoding = list(
      x = list(field = "Horsepower", type = "quantitative"),
      y = list(field = "Miles_per_Gallon", type = "quantitative")
  ) %>% 

Expectation: this will be a "live" version of a scatterplot.


Expectation: this will be an SVG version of the scatterplot.

vw_to_svg(cars) %>% HTML()

Try the vegawidget package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

vegawidget documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:17 p.m.