vglmer_control: Control for vglmer estimation

View source: R/vglmer_regression.R

vglmer_controlR Documentation

Control for vglmer estimation


This function controls various estimation options for vglmer.


  iterations = 1000,
  prior_variance = "hw",
  factorization_method = c("strong", "partial", "weak"),
  parameter_expansion = "translation",
  tolerance_elbo = 1e-08,
  tolerance_parameters = 1e-05,
  force_whole = TRUE,
  print_prog = NULL,
  do_timing = FALSE,
  verbose_time = FALSE,
  return_data = FALSE,
  linpred_method = "joint",
  vi_r_method = "VEM",
  verify_columns = FALSE,
  debug_param = FALSE,
  debug_ELBO = FALSE,
  debug_px = FALSE,
  quiet = TRUE,
  quiet_rho = TRUE,
  px_method = "dynamic",
  px_numerical_it = 10,
  hw_inner = 10,
  init = "EM_FE"



Default of 1000; this sets the maximum number of iterations used in estimation.


Prior distribution on the random effect variance \Sigma_j. Options are hw, jeffreys, mean_exists, uniform, and gamma. The default (hw) is the Huang-Wand (2013) prior whose hyper-parameters are \nu_j = 2 and A_{j,k} = 5. Otherwise, the prior is an Inverse Wishart with the following parameters where d_j is the dimensionality of the random effect j.

  • mean_exists: IW(d_j + 1, I)

  • jeffreys: IW(0, 0)

  • uniform: IW(-[d_j+1], 0)

  • limit: IW(d_j - 1, 0)

Estimation may fail if an improper prior (jeffreys, uniform, limit) is used.


Factorization assumption for the variational approximation. Default of "strong", i.e. a fully factorized model. Described in detail in Goplerud (2022a). "strong", "partial", and "weak" correspond to Schemes I, II, and III respectively in that paper.


Default of "translation" (see Goplerud 2022b). Valid options are "translation", "mean", or "none". "mean" should be employed if "translation" is not enabled or is too computationally expensive. For negative binomial estimation or any estimation where factorization_method != "strong", only "mean" and "none" are available.


Default (TRUE) accelerates estimation using SQUAREM (Varadhan and Roland 2008).


Default (1e-8) sets a convergence threshold if the change in the ELBO is below the tolerance.


Default (1e-5) sets a convergence threshold that is achieved if no parameter changes by more than the tolerance from the prior estimated value.


Default (TRUE) requires integers for observed outcome for binomial or count models. FALSE allows for fractional responses.


Default (NULL) prints a "." to indicate once 5% of the total iterations have elapsed. Set to a positive integer int to print a "." every int iterations.


Default (FALSE) does not estimate timing of each variational update; TRUE requires the package tictoc.


Default (FALSE) does not print the time elapsed for each parameter update. Set to TRUE, in conjunction with do_timing=TRUE, to see the time taken for each parameter update.


Default (FALSE) does not return the original design. Set to TRUE to debug convergence issues.


Default ("joint") updates the mean parameters for the fixed and random effects simultaneously. This can improve the speed of estimation but may be costly for large datasets; use "cyclical" to update each parameter block separately.


Default ("VEM") uses a variational EM algorithm for updating r if family="negbin". This assumes a point mass distribution on r. A number can be provided to fix r. These are the only available options.


Default (FALSE) does not verify that all columns are drawn from the data.frame itself versus the environment. Set to TRUE to debug potential issues.


Default (FALSE) does not store parameters before the final iteration. Set to TRUE to debug convergence issues.


Default (FALSE) does not store the ELBO after each parameter update. Set to TRUE to debug convergence issues.


Default (FALSE) does not store information about whether parameter expansion worked. Set to TRUE to convergence issues.


Default (FALSE) does not print intermediate output about convergence. Set to TRUE to debug.


Default (FALSE) does not print information about parameter expansions. Set to TRUE to debug convergence issues.


When code parameter_expansion="translation", default ("dynamic") tries a one-step late update and, if this fails, a numerical improvement by L-BFGS-B. For an Inverse-Wishart prior on \Sigma_j, this is set to "osl" that only attempts a one-step-late update.


Default of 10; if L-BFGS_B is needed for a parameter expansion, this sets the number of steps used.


If prior_variance="hw", this sets the number of repeated iterations between estimating \Sigma_j and a_{j,k} variational distributions at each iteration. A larger number approximates jointly updating both parameters. Default (10) typically performs well.


Default ("EM_FE") initializes the mean variational parameters for q(\beta, \alpha) by setting the random effects to zero and estimating the fixed effects using a short-running EM algorithm. "EM" initializes the model with a ridge regression with a guess as to the random effect variance. "random" initializes the means randomly. "zero" initializes them at zero.


This function returns a named list with class vglmer_control. It is passed to vglmer in the argument control. This argument only accepts objects created using vglmer_control.


Goplerud, Max. 2022a. "Fast and Accurate Estimation of Non-Nested Binomial Hierarchical Models Using Variational Inference." Bayesian Analysis. 17(2): 623-650.

Goplerud, Max. 2022b. "Re-Evaluating Machine Learning for MRP Given the Comparable Performance of (Deep) Hierarchical Models." Working Paper.

Huang, Alan, and Matthew P. Wand. 2013. "Simple Marginally Noninformative Prior Distributions for Covariance Matrices." Bayesian Analysis. 8(2):439-452.

Varadhan, Ravi, and Christophe Roland. 2008. "Simple and Globally Convergent Methods for Accelerating the Convergence of any EM Algorithm." Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 35(2): 335-353.

vglmer documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 1:11 a.m.