
#' @export SfArray
	definition=function(.Object,stack, index=NULL, dim=NULL){
		# defend for the presence of sp
		if(!requireNamespace("sf", quietly=TRUE)){
			stop("This function requires the sf package.")
		# execute everything from the XArray constructor
		ga <- XArray(stack=stack, index=index, dim=dim)

		# get the crs
		firstCRS <- sf::st_crs(ga@stack[[1]])
		# and then test the entities for the class
		for(i in 1:nlayers(ga@stack)){
			x <- ga@stack[[i]]
			# check for class
			if(!inherits(x, "sf")) stop("At least one element is not an sf object")
			if(sf::st_crs(x)!=firstCRS) stop("Mismatching CRS.")

		# if everything goes well, all is fine! 
		.Object@stack <- ga@stack
		.Object@index <- ga@index


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via documentation built on May 31, 2023, 8:31 p.m.