Man pages for vistla
Detecting Influence Paths with Information Theory

branchesExtract all branches of the Vistla tree
cchainSynthetic continuous data representing a simple mediator...
chainSynthetic data representing a simple mediator chain
ensembleConstruct the value for the ensemble argument
flowConstruct the value for the flow argument
hierarchyExtract the vertex hierarchy from the vistla tree
junctionSynthetic data representing a junction
leaf_scoresExtract leaf scores of vertex pairs
mi_scoresExtract mutual information score matrix
mle_coerceBasic discretisation of numerical features
pathsList all paths
path_toExtract a single path
plot.vistlaOverview plot of the vistla tree
print.vistlaPrint vistla objects
prunePrune the vistla tree
vistlaInfluence path identification with the Vistla algorithm
write.dotExport tree to a Graphviz DOT format
vistla documentation built on Sept. 28, 2024, 1:08 a.m.