select_neighbors: Select neighbors

View source: R/select_neighbors.R

select_neighborsR Documentation

Select neighbors


Function that selects neighbors around a given point x.


select_neighbors(f, x, neighborhood_expansion, controls)



A function that computes value, gradient, and Hessian of the function to be optimized and returns them as a named list with elements value, gradient, and hessian.


A point in the domain of f.


A scaling factor, specifying the expansion of the neighborhood.


Either NULL or a named list with the following elements. Missing elements are set to the default values in parentheses.

  • init_runs (5): The number of initial searches.

  • init_min (-1): The minimum argument value for the random initialization.

  • init_max (1): The maximum argument value for the random initialization.

  • init_iterlim (20): The number of iterations for the initial searches.

  • neighborhoods (5): The number of nested neighborhoods.

  • neighbors (5): The number of neighbors in each neighborhood.

  • beta (0.05): A non-negative weight factor to account for the function's curvature in the selection of the neighbors. If beta = 0, the curvature is ignored. The higher the value, the higher the probability of selecting a neighbor in the direction of the highest function curvature.

  • iterlim (1000): The maximum number of iterations to be performed before the local search is terminated.

  • tolerance (1e-6): A positive scalar giving the tolerance for comparing different optimal arguments for equality.

  • time_limit (NULL): The time limit in seconds for the algorithm.


A list points in the domain of f which neighbors of x.

vntrs documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:30 a.m.