Man pages for vtree
Display Information About Nested Subsets of a Data Frame a data frame to display with vtree
crosstabToCasesConvert a crosstabulation into a data frame of cases.
FakeDataFake clinical dataset
FakeRCTFake Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) data
grVizToImageFileExport an htmlwidget object into an image file
grVizToPNGExport an htmlwidget object into a PNG file
init_jsInitializing JS-Part
inlineCssSetupSetup for inline CSS
renderVtreevtree widget
svtreeCreate a Shiny vtree, with svg-pan-zoom functionality.
the.matrixThe Matrix trilogy characters
use_svgzoomSetup for interactive Vtree
VennTableFormat an indicator-based pattern table
vtreeDraw a variable tree
vtreeOutputvtree widget
vtree-packagevtree: a tool for calculating and drawing variable trees.
vtree documentation built on Dec. 11, 2022, 1:05 a.m.