Man pages for waffle
Create Waffle Chart Visualizations

draw_key_pictogramLegend builder for pictograms
fa5_brandFont Awesome 5 Brand
fa5_solidFont Awesome 5 Solid
fa_grepSearch Font Awesome glyph names for a pattern
fa_listList all Font Awesome glyphs
geom_pictogramPictogram Geom
geom_waffleWaffle (Square pie chart) Geom
install_fa_fontsInstall Font Awesome 5 Fonts
ironVeritical, left-aligned layout for waffle plots
scale_label_pictogramUsed with geom_pictogram() to map Font Awesome fonts to...
theme_enhance_waffleWaffle chart theme cruft remover that can be used with any...
waffleMake waffle (square pie) charts
waffle-packageA package to make waffle charts (square pie charts) in R.
waffle documentation built on Oct. 1, 2023, 1:07 a.m.