Man pages for wal
Read and Write 'wal' Bitmap Image Files and Other 'Quake' Assets a palette to index data to create a 2D image.
check.paletteCheck palette, stop on invalid data.
closest.color.from.paletteFind closest color from palette for each RGB color. the pixel data for the largest image, generate the full... length of mipmaps in bytes from width and height of... mipmap offsets for WAL header, based on mipmap sizes and...
get.wadentry.type.stringsTranslate wad directory entry types from the integer to the...
get.wal.mipmap.dataRetrieve raw data for given mipmap level from WAL instance.
get.wal.mipmap.heightsCompute widths of the 4 mipimap levels from base width.
get.wal.mipmap.widthsCompute widths of the 4 mipimap levels from base width.
half.imageReduce image size by 2 along both axes by dropping pixels. image to WAL instance.
is.quakemodelCheck whether object is a Quake 1 or 2 alias model.
is.quakemodel_md2Check whether object is Quake 2 MD2 model
is.quakemodel_mdlCheck whether object is Quake 1 MDL model
lookup.q1.normalsLookup Quake I normals by index.
pak.extractExtract PAK contents into existing directory.
pal_q1Get Q1 palette.
pal_q2Get Q2 palette.
plot.walS3 plot function for wal image.
plotwal.mipmapPlot a mipmap level from a WAL image.
plotwal.rawdataPlot raw pixel index data as image.
predefined.md2.normalsPredefined MD2 normals from Quake 2.
predefined.mdl.normalsReturn list of pre-defined Quake I normals.
print.wadS3 print function for WAD
qarchive.extractExtract any of the supported Quake archives.
qarchive.type.from.filenameDetermine archive type from file name extension. Quake Model to 'fs.surface' instance.
read.lmpRead binary lump, or 'lmp' files.
read.pakRead Quake PAK archive.
read.quake1miptexRead a Quake mipmap texture from a WAD2 file.
read.quake.md2Read Quake II model in MD2 format.
read.quake.mdlRead Quake model in MDL format.
read.wadRead Quake WAD file.
read.walRead bitmap file in WAL format.
readWALRead bitmap image in WAL format, returning image data only.
save.filepartRead part of binary file and save as new file.
unpack.vertex.coordsUnpack vertex coords from Q1 0-255 representation.
wad.contentsList WAD file contents.
wad_dir.fileext.mappingGet file extensions for WAD dir entry type strings.
wad_dir.types.intGet integers representing WAD dir entry types.
wad_dir.types.stringGet strings describing WAD dir entry types.
wad.extractExtract WAD contents into existing directory.
wad.texname.cleanReplace special chars in texture names to turn it into a... wal instance to JPEG format image file. wal instance to PNG format image file.
wal.templateGenerate a WAL structure template.
writeWALWrite WAL instance to bitmap file in WAL format.
wal documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:23 a.m.