walkscore: Get Walk Scores from the Walk Score API

View source: R/walkscore.R

walkscoreR Documentation

Get Walk Scores from the Walk Score API


This package provides a tidy interface to the Walk Score API, a proprietary API that measures a location's "walkability" using a number between 0 and 100.


walkscore(df, apikey, polite_pause = 0.2, verbose = FALSE)



A tibble with columns named lat and lon containing latitude and longitude respectively.


Character. A valid Walk Score API key.


Numeric. The number of seconds to pause between API calls. Default is 0.2.


Boolean. Should we print lots of info to the console?


The Walk Score API has a free tier which allows 5,000 API calls per day, and paid tiers with higher limits.

This function makes it easy to spread your API calls out over a few days. When you call the function for the first time, if necessary it creates a new column of walks cores and assigns each row NA. Then, each row's walk score is populated as the function gets a good API response. The function breaks automatically upon detecting a rate limit, returning all results collected so far. When your rate limit resets and you call the function again, it picks up from the first NA walk score it finds and continues on. So make sure to save your results after each batch, but you don't need to keep track of fine-grained batch issues or worry about losing a whole batch if a response errors out–the function handles that for you.

You'll need a valid Walk Score API key to use this package.

Please Note neither this package nor its author are affiliated with Walk Score in any way, nor are any warranties made about this package or any data available through the Walk Score API. "Walk Score" is copyrighted and a registered trademark of its owner, again, with whom we are not affiliated.

API documentation is available here: https://www.walkscore.com/professional/api.php


The input tibble with new columns containing Walk Score API responses.


## Not run: 
df <- data.frame(lat = 45.378791, lon = -75.662508)
df <- walkscore::walkscore(df, apikey = "your api key")

## End(Not run)

walkscore documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:30 p.m.