Man pages for waved
Wavelet Deconvolution

BlurSignalBlurr Signal
dyadDyadic band
dyadjkLexicographic ordering (dyadic)
fftshiftShift Fourier frequencies
find.j1Fine resolution level for WaveD fit
findONEFind positive entries
findZEROFind negative entries
fine_YM~~function to do ... ~~
FWT_TIForward Wavelet Transform (translation invariant).
HardThreshHard Threshold
IFWT_TIInverse Forward Wavelet Transform (translation invariant).
IWaveDComputes the Inverse WaveD transform
make.dopplerMake Doppler signal
make.lidarMake LIDAR signal
maxithreshReturns maxiset threshold
MeyerWindowMeyer wavelet window
multiresCreate Multi-resolution Plot
MultiThresh1Maxiset threshold
PhaseCPhase matrix
phyHATMeyer scaling function (Fourier domain).
plotspecPlot spectrum
plot.wvdPlot wvd objects
projFjProjection onto $F_j$
projVjProjection onto $V_j$
projWjProjection onto $W_j$
psyHATMeyer wavelet function (Fourier domain).
rot90Rotate matrix 90 degrees
scaleEstimates standard deviation of noise
scaling_YMMeyer scaling function, Fourier domain.
SoftThreshSoft Threshold
speczoomPlot spectrum
stoptimeOptimal stoping time
summary.wvdSummary of wvd objects
threshsumShow threshold effects
waved.exampleWaveD examples
WaveDjCWaveD projection, coarse level.
WaveDjDWaveD projection, details.
WaveDjFWaveD projection, fine resolution level.
wavelet_YMMeyer wavelet function, Fourier domain.
waved documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:29 a.m.