draw.mwd: Draws a wavelet or scaling function used to compute an 'mwd'...

draw.mwdR Documentation

Draws a wavelet or scaling function used to compute an ‘mwd’ object


Draws picture of one wavelet or scaling function associated with the multiple wavelet decomposition object. mwd.object.


## S3 method for class 'mwd'
draw(mwd, phi = 0, psi = 0, return.funct = FALSE, ...)



The mwd class object whose associated wavelet or scaling function you wish to draw.


description not yet available


If phi is non-zero then the ‘phi’-th scaling function of the wavelet family used for mwd will be plotted. phi must be between 0 and mwd$filter$nphi.


If true then the vector used as phi/psi in the plot command is returned.


Additional arguments to pass to the plot function


It is usual to specify just one of phi and psi. IF neither phi nor psi are specified then phi=1 is the default. An error is generated if both phi=0 and psi=0 or if both are nonzero.


If the return.funct argument is set to TRUE then the function values in the plot are returned otherwise NULL is returned.


Version 3.9.6 (Although Copyright Tim Downie 1995-6).


If the return.funct argument is FALSE a plot of the mother wavelet or scaling function is plotted on the active graphics device.


G P Nason

See Also

accessC.mwd, accessD.mwd, mfirst.last, mfilter.select, mwd, mwd.object, mwr, plot.mwd, print.mwd, putC.mwd, putD.mwd, summary.mwd, threshold.mwd, wd, wr.mwd.


# Do a multiple wavelet decomposition on vector: ynoise
ynoise <- rnorm(512, sd = 0.1)
ymwd <- mwd(ynoise,filter.type="Geronimo")
# Draw a picture of the second Geronimo wavelet.
## Not run: draw(ymwd,psi=2)

wavethresh documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:33 p.m.