nullevels.wst: Sets whole resolution levels of coefficients equal to zero in...

nullevels.wstR Documentation

Sets whole resolution levels of coefficients equal to zero in a wst object.


Sets whole resolution levels of coefficients equal to zero in a wd object.


## S3 method for class 'wst'
nullevels(wst, levelstonull, ...)



An object of class wst.


An integer vector specifying which resolution levels of coefficients of wst that you wish to set to zero.


any other arguments


Setting whole resolution levels of coefficients to zero can be very useful. For examples, one can construct a linear smoothing method by setting all coefficients above a particular resolution (the primary resolution equal to zero. Also setting particular levels equal to zero can also be useful for removing noise which is specific to a particular resolution level (as long as important signal is not also contained at that level).

To remove individual coefficients on a systematic basis you probably want to look at the threshold function.


An object of class wst where the coefficients in resolution levels specified by levelstonull have been set to zero.


Version 3.8.1 Copyright Guy Nason 1997


G P Nason

See Also

nullevels, wst, wst.object, threshold.


# Look at the examples for \code{\link{nullevels.wd}}.
# The operation is almost identical except that \code{\link{wst}}
# objects are replaced by \code{\link{wd}} ones. 

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