print.nvwp: Print a wavelet packet node vector object, also used by...

print.nvwpR Documentation

Print a wavelet packet node vector object, also used by several other functions to obtain packet list information


Ostensibly prints out wavlet packet node vector information, but also produces packet indexing information for several functions.


## S3 method for class 'nvwp'
print(x, printing = TRUE, ...)



The nvwp that you wish to print


If FALSE then nothing is printed. This argument is here because the results of the printing are also useful to many other routines where you want the results but are not bothered by actually seeing the results


Other arguments


A node vector contains selected basis information, but this is stored as a tree object. Hence, it is not immediately obvious which basis elements have been stored. This function produces a list of the packets at each resolution level that have been selected in the basis. This information is so useful to other functions that the function is used even when printing is not the primary objective.


A list containing two components: level and pkt. These are the levels and packet indices of the select packets in the basis.


G P Nason

See Also

InvBasis.wp, MaNoVe.wp, plot.nvwp, plot.wp


v <- rnorm(128)
vwp <- wp(v)
vnv <- MaNoVe(vwp)
#Level:  6  Packet:  1
#Level:  3  Packet:  0
#Level:  2  Packet:  4
#Level:  2  Packet:  13
#Level:  2  Packet:  15
#Level:  1  Packet:  5
#Level:  1  Packet:  10
#Level:  1  Packet:  13
#Level:  1  Packet:  14
#Level:  1  Packet:  15
#Level:  1  Packet:  16
#Level:  1  Packet:  20
#Level:  1  Packet:  21
#Level:  1  Packet:  24
#Level:  0  Packet:  8
#Level:  0  Packet:  9
#Level:  0  Packet:  12
#Level:  0  Packet:  13
#Level:  0  Packet:  14
#Level:  0  Packet:  15
#Level:  0  Packet:  22
#Level:  0  Packet:  23
#Level:  0  Packet:  24
#Level:  0  Packet:  25
#Level:  0  Packet:  34
#Level:  0  Packet:  35
#Level:  0  Packet:  36
#Level:  0  Packet:  37
#Level:  0  Packet:  38
#Level:  0  Packet:  39
#Level:  0  Packet:  44
#Level:  0  Packet:  45
#Level:  0  Packet:  46
#Level:  0  Packet:  47
#Level:  0  Packet:  50
#Level:  0  Packet:  51
#Level:  0  Packet:  56
#Level:  0  Packet:  57
#Level:  0  Packet:  58
#Level:  0  Packet:  59

wavethresh documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:33 p.m.