Man pages for weakARMA
Tools for the Analysis of Weak ARMA Models

acf.gamma_mComputation of autocovariance and autocorrelation for an ARMA...
acf.univComputation of autocovariance and autocorrelation for an ARMA...
ARMA.selecSelection of ARMA models
CAC40Paris stock exchange
CAC40returnParis stock exchange return
CAC40return.sqParis stock exchange square return
estimationParameters estimation of a time series.
gradientComputation the gradient of the residuals of an ARMA model
matXiEstimation of Fisher information matrix I
meansqFunction optim will minimize
omegaComputation of Fisher information matrice
portmanteauTestPortmanteau tests
portmanteauTest.hPortmanteau tests for one lag.
signifparamComputes the parameters significance
sim.ARMASimulation of ARMA(p,q) model.
simGARCHGARCH process
VARestEstimation of VAR(p) model
wnPTWeak white noise
wnPT_SQWeak white noise
wnRTWeak white noise
weakARMA documentation built on April 5, 2022, 1:16 a.m.