Man pages for webSDM
Including Known Interactions in Species Distribution Models

buildFormulaBuilds SDM formulae
coef.SDMfitGets regression coefficients from a local model, i.e. a...
coef.trophicSDMfitGets regression coefficients from a fitted trophicSDM model.
computeVariableImportanceComputes variable importance of (groups of) variables of...
evaluateModelFitEvaluates prediction goodness of fit
GSimulated environemntal covariates G
loo.trophicSDMfitComputes an approximation of loo for the whole model
plotGPlots the metaweb G
plotG_inferredPlot the metaweb G according to the inferred coefficients
plot.SDMfitPlots the regression coefficients of a local model
plot.trophicSDMfitPlots the regression coefficients of a fitted trophicSDM...
predictPotentialPredicts species potential niche
predict.SDMfitPredicts with a local model
predict.trophicSDMfitComputes predicted values from the fitted trophicSDMfit model
print.SDMfitPrints a SDMfit object
print.trophicSDMfitPrints a fitted trophicSDM model
SDMfitFitting a single-species SDM
summary.SDMfitSummary of a fitted SDMfit model
summary.trophicSDMfitSummary of a fitted trophicSDM model
trophicSDMFitting a trophic Species distribution model
trophicSDM_CVCompute K-fold cross-validation predicted values from a...
webSDM-packagewebSDM: Including Known Interactions in Species Distribution...
XSimulated environmental covariates X
YSimulated species distribution Y
webSDM documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:13 p.m.