Man pages for webdeveloper
Functions for Web Development

create_optionsCreates HTML option tags for each position of a list of...
dynamicTemplateReplace placeholder variables in a HTML document string.
dynamicTemplate2Replace placeholder variables in a HTML document string,...
endServerStop HTTP server(s) by calling httpuv::stopServer() or...
findTemplateVarsFind the names of any placeholder variables that exist in a...
idAddAffixesAdd a prefix and suffix to an id
idAddPrefixAdd a prefix to an id
idAddSuffixAdd a suffix to an id
idParseAffixesRemove a prefix and suffix from an id
idParsePrefixRemove a prefix from an id
idParseSuffixRemove a suffix from an id
parseContentTypeHeaderParse the content type header string to return the content...
parseHTTPParse a HTTP request
parseMultiPartFormDataParse multi-part form data
parseMultiPartFormParamsHelper function for parseMultiPartFormData
parseQueryStringParse a query string
serveHTTPConveniently create HTTP server using httpuv::startServer()...
templateVarCreate a string to use as a placeholder variable in a HTML...
webdeveloper documentation built on Oct. 18, 2022, 9:06 a.m.