Man pages for webr
Data and Functions for Web-Based Analysis

BiVarExtract bivariate variables
ContinuousVarExtract continuous variables
cox.stuart.testCox-Stuart test for trend analysis The Cox-Stuart test is...
extractLabelsExtract labels
freqSummaryMake table summarizing frequency
freqTableMake flextable summarizing frequency
gg_color_hueMake default palette
GroupVarExtract categorical variables
langchoice1Select word
makeSubMake subtitle
makeSubColorMake subcolors with main colors
mychisq.testMy chisquare test
numSummaryNumerical Summary
numSummaryTableMake a table showing numerical summary
PieDonutDraw a PieDonut plot
plot.htestPlotting distribution of statistic for object "htest"
renew_dicRenew dictionary Renew dictionary
runs.testRuns test for randomness
transparentMake transparent theme
x2resultExtract x2 statistical result
x2summarySummarize chisquare result
x2TableMake a chisquare result table
webr documentation built on March 26, 2020, 6:22 p.m.