wehoop-package: wehoop: Access Women's Basketball Play by Play Data

wehoop-packageR Documentation

wehoop: Access Women's Basketball Play by Play Data



A utility for working with women's basketball data. A scraping and aggregating interface for the WNBA Stats API https://stats.wnba.com/ and ESPN's https://www.espn.com women's college basketball and WNBA statistics. It provides users with the capability to access the game play-by-plays, box scores, standings and results to analyze the data for themselves.


A utility for working with women's basketball data. A scraping and aggregating interface for the WNBA Stats API https://stats.wnba.com/ and ESPN's https://www.espn.com women's college basketball and WNBA statistics. It provides users with the capability to access the game play-by-plays, box scores, standings and results to analyze the data for themselves.


Maintainer: Saiem Gilani saiem.gilani@gmail.com


See Also

Useful links:

Useful links:

wehoop documentation built on Nov. 26, 2023, 1:08 a.m.