
dist_mileage remains stable

       loc         sc 
10.3113659  0.6445663
 [1]         NA  33612.206  23688.500  31345.446         NA         NA
 [7]  39255.048         NA  23543.042  31150.143  20397.401         NA
[13] 115630.298         NA         NA  30211.284         NA   8624.672
[19]         NA  87572.910  14147.400         NA         NA

mcs_mileage remains stable by defining the seed

Reliability Data with characteristic x: 'mileage':
# A tibble: 23 x 4
        x  time status id   
    <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>
 1 11837.  1000      0 ID1  
 2 15655   1000      1 ID2  
 3 13629   1000      1 ID3  
 4 18292   1000      1 ID4  
 5 37803.  1000      0 ID5  
 6 39924.  1000      0 ID6  
 7 33555   1000      1 ID7  
 8 18915.  1000      0 ID8  
 9 21737   1000      1 ID9  
10 29870   1000      1 ID10 
# i 13 more rows
# A tibble: 23 x 1
 1       4321.
 2          0 
 3          0 
 4          0 
 5      13798.
 6      14572.
 7          0 
 8       6904.
 9          0 
10          0 
# i 13 more rows

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weibulltools documentation built on April 5, 2023, 5:10 p.m.