Man pages for wevid
Quantifying Performance of a Binary Classifier Through Weight of Evidence

plotcumfreqsPlot the cumulative frequency distributions in cases and in...
plotrocPlot crude and model-based ROC curves
plotWdistsPlot the distribution of the weight of evidence in cases and...
prop.belowthresholdProportions of cases and controls below a threshold of weight...
recalibrate.pRecalibrate posterior probabilities
summary-densitiesSummary evaluation of predictive performance
WdensitiesCompute densities of weights of evidence in cases and...
Wdensities.crudeCalculate the crude smoothed densities of W in cases and in...
weightsofevidenceCalculate weights of evidence in natural log units
wevid.datasetsExample datasets
wevid-packageQuantifying performance of a diagnostic test using the...
wevid documentation built on Sept. 12, 2019, 5:04 p.m.