Man pages for wflo
Data Set and Helper Functions for Wind Farm Layout Optimization Problems

AcquireDataDownloads the larger data set for entire Germany.
AirDensityProvides convenient computations for air density.
AreaComputes the overlap area for the partial Jensen wake.
CostStub for a turbine's cost function.
eEnvironment for data and variables.
FarmDataData set for wind farm layout optimization.
FarmVarsVariables object for wind farm specifications.
GaussWSConvenience function to look-up values from a object returned...
GenerateGaussFor an incoming wind speed at reference height, this function...
Geo2AriConverts degrees between the arithmetic system and the...
GetAngleReturns the angle between two turbines.
GetArrowSimple helper function for 'PlotResult'.
GetDirInfoReturns average wind direction and direction standard...
GetFarmFromLonLatAccesses full FarmData set and returns a compatible list...
GK2IndexConverts Gauss-Kruger coordinates to FarmData indices.
GK2LonLatConverts Gauss-Kruger coordinates to longitude/latitude...
HeightReturns the elevation of a turbine's location.
ImposeVectorFieldSimple helper function for 'PlotResult'.
Index2GKConverts FarmData indices to Gauss-Kruger coordinates.
JensenAngleFor a given distance 'x', computes the wake cone generated by...
JensenFactorFor a given distance 'x', computes the penalty factor for a...
JensenTrapezoidComputes the four corner points of a Jensen trapezoid (or...
LonLat2GKConverts longitude/latitude coordinates to Gauss-Kruger...
MosettiTurbineCostReturns Mosetti's cost model for a number of turbines.
PairPenaltyReturns the Jensen wake penalty factor for a pair of...
PartialJensenComputes the partial Jensen wake effect.
PlotResultVisualizes the wind farm layout optimization result.
PointInPolygonChecks whether a point is inside a polygon.
ProfitComputes the economic profit for a given wind farm layout...
ProfitContributorsComputes profit contributions for all points in a setup...
QuickGauss3DFor an incoming wind speed at reference height, this function...
ShowWakePenalizersVisualizes the points causing/'suffering' from wake effects.
SwitchProfileHelper function for ex-post wind direction dependence...
ValidSetupChecks whether all turbine locations provided satisfy the...
wfloData set and functions for wind farm layout optimization.
WindspeedHellmannScales wind speeds to certain heights.
WindspeedLogScales wind speeds to certain heights.
YieldReturns yearly yield for a turbine's location.
wflo documentation built on Jan. 15, 2023, 5:10 p.m.