Man pages for windows.pls
Segmentation Approaches in Chemometrics

beerBeer Dataset from Near Infrared Spectroscopy
convert.names.wlTurns wavelengths into variable's names
cv.wplsCross-validation for segmented spectral regions of the...
global.r2Plots in a single window the R2 of each model.
global.rmsePlots in a single window the RMSE of each model. spectra highlighting windows with the best performance.
map.spectra.gradientColors and plots each spectra based on the associated...
r2.single.windowPlots R2 of calibration and cross-validation of a single...
rmse.single.windowPlots RMSE of calibration and cross-validation of a single...
segment.windowsDisplays how spectra are divided in windows of the best window computed with cv.wpls
windows.pls documentation built on Aug. 10, 2023, 1:07 a.m.