
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


wingen uses a moving window approach to create maps of genetic diversity. The method and its rationale are described in Bishop et al. (2023) and on the Methods blog.


To demonstrate how wingen works, we will use a subset of the data from the Bishop et al. (2023) simulation example. These simulations were created using Geonomics (Terasaki Hart et al., 2022) to generate a realistic landscape genomic dataset. In this simulation, spatial variation in genetic diversity is produced by varying population size and gene flow across the landscape via heterogeneous carrying capacity and conductance surfaces. These surfaces are based on an example digital elevation model of Tolkien's Middle Earth produced by the Center for Geospatial Analysis at William & Mary (Robert, 2020).

Load Middle Earth example

The small Middle Earth example dataset used here contains four objects which are loaded by load_middle_earth_ex():

  1. lotr_vcf - a vcfR object containing the genetic data

  2. lotr_coords - a dataframe object containing sample coordinates

  3. lotr_lyr - a raster object of the landscape (higher values indicate greater connectivity/carrying capacity)

  4. lotr_range - a polygon outlining the "range" of the simulated species


# Genetic data

# Coordinates

# Raster data

# Map of data
plot(lotr_lyr, col = magma(100), axes = FALSE, box = FALSE)
points(lotr_coords, col = mako(1, begin = 0.8), pch = 3, cex = 0.5)

If users don't have a raster layer of their landscape, they can generate one using their sample coordinates with the coords_to_raster() function. The resolution of this raster can be tuned either with the agg (to aggregate) or disagg (to disaggregate) arguments, or defined using the res argument. The res argument can either be a single value (e.g., 0.00833) or a vector of two values with the x and y resolutions. The buffer argument can be used to add an edge to the raster (i.e., buffer away from the coordinates).

ex_raster1 <- coords_to_raster(lotr_coords, buffer = 1, plot = TRUE)
ex_raster2 <- coords_to_raster(lotr_coords, buffer = 1, agg = 2, plot = TRUE)
ex_raster3 <- coords_to_raster(lotr_coords, buffer = 1, disagg = 4, plot = TRUE)
ex_raster4 <- coords_to_raster(lotr_coords, buffer = 1, res = 10, plot = TRUE)


The workflow of wingen uses three main functions:

  1. window_gd(), circle_gd(), or resist_gd() to generate moving window maps of genetic diversity

  2. krig_gd() to use kriging to interpolate the moving window maps

  3. mask_gd() to mask areas of the maps from (1) and (2) (e.g., to exclude areas outside the study region)

Different moving window calculations

There are three functions that can be used to generate moving window maps:

  1. window_gd() uses a simple rectangular window with user-specified dimensions; this is the original method described in Bishop et al. 2023

  2. circle_gd() uses a circular window with a user-specified radius

  3. resist_gd() uses a resistance distance-based window with a user-specified maximum distance (this can be thought of as a circular window with a radius that varies depending on the resistance of the landscape around it)

The main arguments that all three functions have in common are:

  1. gen - An object of type vcfR or a path to a vcf file with genotype data. The order of this file matters! The coordinate and genetic data should be in the same order, as there are currently no checks for this.

  2. coords - sf points, or a matrix or dataframe with two columns representing the coordinates of the samples. The first column should be x and the second should be y.

  3. lyr - A SpatRaster or RasterLayer which the window will move across to create the final map. In most cases, this will take the form of a raster of the study area.

  4. stat - The genetic diversity summary statistic to calculate. Current genetic diversity metrics that can be specified with stat include:

    • "pi" for nucleotide diversity (default) calculated using hierfstat::pi.dosage() (only works for bi-allelic data). Use the L argument to set the sequence length for the pi calculation. If the sequence length is unknown, L can be set to "nvariants" (default) which setsL to the number of variants; however, note that this is not strictly the correct calculation of pi because it does not account for invariant sites. If L is set to NULL, the sum over SNPs of nucleotide diversity is returned (note: L = NULL is the \link[hierfstat]{pi.dosage}). Otherwise, L can be set to any numeric value which will serve as the denominator of the pi calculation.

    • "Ho" for average observed heterozygosity across all sites

    • "allelic_richness" for average number of alleles across all sites

    • "biallelic_richness" for average allelic richness across all sites for a biallelic dataset (this option is faster than "allelic_richness"). When calculating “biallelic_richness”, users can choose to rarify allele counts (as in hierfstat::allelic.richness()) by setting rarify_alleles = TRUE (the default) or to use the raw allele counts by setting rarify_alleles = FALSE. We recommend performing allele count rarefaction (rarify_alleles = TRUE) if there are missing values in the genetic data, but for datasets with no missing data, it is faster to use the raw counts (rarify_alleles = FALSE).

    • "hwe" for the proportion of sites that are not in Hardy--Weinberg equilibrium, calculated using pegas \link[pegas]{hw.test} at the 0.05 level (other alpha levels can be specified by adding the sig argument; e.g., sig = 0.10).

    • "basic_stats" for a series of statistics produced by hierfstat::basic.stats() including mean observed heterozygosity (same as Ho), mean gene diversities within population (Hs), G ene diversities overall (Ht), and Fis following Nei (1987). Population-based statistics (e.g., FST) normally reported by hierfstat::basic.stats() are not included as they are not meaningful within the individual-based moving windows.

  5. fact - To decrease computational time, we provide the option to aggregate the input raster layer by some factor defined using the fact argument. Increasing fact will decrease the number of cells and thereby decrease the number of calculations, with the trade-off that the resolution of the output layers will decrease. Users should keep in mind that if they increase fact, they may simultaneously want to decrease wdim because the proportion of the landscape covered by the neighborhood matrix could otherwise increase substantially.

  6. rarify - Users have the option to perform rarefaction by setting the rarify argument to TRUE. If rarify = TRUE, users then define rarify_n as the number of samples to rarify to and rarify_nit as the number of iterations for rarefaction (e.g., if rarify_n = 4 and rarify_nit = 5, for each sample set, four random samples will be drawn five times). Users can also set rarify_nit = "all"to use all possible combinations of samples of size rarify_n within the window (for example, if rarify_n = 4 and the number of samples in the window is 5, all 20 possible combinations of samples will be used). As the window moves across the landscape, three things can occur based on the number of samples in the window: (1) if the number of samples is lower than rarify_n, genetic diversity is not calculated and a raster value of NA is assigned, (2) if the number of samples is equal to rarify_n, the genetic diversity statistic is calculated for those samples, (3) if the number of samples is greater than rarify_n, rarefaction is implemented and that set of samples is subsampled rarify_nit times to a size of rarify_n and the mean (or another summary statistic set using fun) of those rarify_nit iterations is used. Note that if the number of samples is lower than min_n, a raster value of NA will always be assigned, even if the number of samples is not less than rarify_n (i.e., if min = 2 and rarify_n = 1 and the sample size is 1 in the window, then an NA value will be assigned; to change this behavior so that genetic diversity is calculated, set min_n = 1)

    If rarify = FALSE, rarefaction is not performed and only steps (1) and (2) from above occur such that: (1) if the number of samples in the window is less than the min_n argument, genetic diversity is not calculated and a raster value of NA is assigned, and (2) if the number of samples is equal to or greater than min_n, the genetic diversity statistic is calculated for those samples. We highly encourage users to perform rarefaction as genetic diversity statistics are sensitive to sample size. The main benefit of not performing rarefaction is decreased computational time; however, this is not worth the trade-off in inaccuracy unless you are confident that there is no effect of rarefaction after performing your analysis with and without rarefaction.

Note: Coordinates and rasters used in wingen should be in a projected (planar) coordinate system such that raster cells are of equal sizes. Therefore, spherical systems (including latitude-longitude coordinate systems) should be projected prior to use. An example of how this can be accomplished is shown below. If no CRS is provided, a warning will be given and wingen will assume the data are provided in a projected system.

# First, we create example latitude-longitude coordinates and rasters

## Example raster:
lyr_longlat <- rast(
  ncols = 40, nrows = 40, xmin = -110, xmax = -90, ymin = 40, ymax = 60,
  crs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"

## Example coordinates:
coords_df <- data.frame(x = c(-110, -90), y = c(40, 60))
coords_longlat <- st_as_sf(coords_df, coords = c("x", "y"), crs = "+proj=longlat")

# Next, the coordinates and raster can be projected to an equal area projection, in this case the Goode Homolosine projection (
coords_eq <- st_transform(coords_longlat, crs = "+proj=goode")
lyr_eq <- project(lyr_longlat, "+proj=goode")

# Coordinates can be switched back to latitude-longitude the same way by replacing "goode" with "longlat"

Run moving window calculations with window_gd()

To create a moving window map with a rectangular window, use window_gd(). The main additional arguments to window_gd() are:

  1. wdim - Used to create the neighborhood matrix for the moving window based on the dimensions provided. This argument can either be set to one value (e.g., 3) which will create a square window (e.g., 3 x 3), or two values, which will create a rectangular window (e.g., 3 x 5). We encourage users to experiment with different values of wdim to determine the sensitivity of their results to this parameter. Ideally, wdim would be set with some knowledge of the study system in mind (e.g., the dispersal patterns and/or neighborhood size of the study organism). A preview of the window size relative to the landscape can be obtained using the preview_gd() function.

  2. crop_edges - Whether to crop out the cells along the edge of the raster that are not surrounded by a full window. Users may want to do so to avoid "edge effects" caused by incomplete windows along the borders of the raster. As wingen is relatively insensitive to sample size, edge effects are not likely to have a very strong effect on diversity estimates, so by default crop_edges = FALSE.

Before running window_gd(), users can preview the moving window and the counts within each cell of the raster to get a sense of how big the window is and what the density of counts looks like across their landscape. Here, we provide the raster layer (lotr_lyr), the coordinates (lotr_coords), the window dimensions (7), the aggregation factor (3), and the minimum sample number (min_n). min_n will be used to mask the sample count layer to show how much of the landscape will be excluded due to low sample count. We specify method = window for a preview of window_gd(), we will discuss other methods (i.e., circle and resist later).

  method = "window",
  wdim = 7,
  fact = 3,
  sample_count = TRUE,
  min_n = 2

Next, we run the moving window function with our vcf, coordinates, and raster layer. Here, we set the parameters to calculate pi, using a window size of 7 x 7, an aggregation factor of 3, and rarefaction with a rarefaction size of 2 (i.e., minimum sample size of 2), and 5 iterations.

We then plot the genetic diversity layer (the first layer of the produced raster stack) and the sample counts layer (the second layer).

Note: you will get a warning that no CRS is found for the provided coordinates or raster and to check that the CRS for these objects match. This is because these simulated data doesn't have a CRS, but we know they match, so we can ignore this warning

wgd <- window_gd(lotr_vcf,
  stat = "pi",
  wdim = 7,
  fact = 3,
  rarify = TRUE,
  rarify_n = 2,
  rarify_nit = 5,
  L = 100
# The ggplot_gd function plots the genetic diversity layer
ggplot_gd(wgd, bkg = lotr_range) +
  ggtitle("Moving window pi") +
  # add coordinates
  geom_point(data = lotr_coords, aes(x = x, y = y), pch = 16)
# The plot_count function plots the sample count layer
ggplot_count(wgd) +
  ggtitle("Moving window sample counts")

You can also create base R plots of your results using plot_gd() and plot_count()

plot_gd(wgd, bkg = lotr_range, main = "Moving window pi")

plot_count(wgd, main = "Moving window sample counts")

Run moving window calculations with circle_gd()

To create a moving window map with a circular window, we can use circle_gd(). The main additional arguments to circle_gd() are:

  1. maxdist - maximum geographic distance used to define the neighborhood; any samples farther than this distance will not be included (this can be thought of as the neighborhood radius). Can be provided as either (1) a single numeric value or (2) a SpatRaster where each pixel is the maximum distance to be used for that cell on the landscape (must be the same spatial scale as lyr). Similarly to wdim, we encourage users to experiment with different values of maxdist to determine the sensitivity of their results to this parameter and ideally set it with some knowledge of the study system in mind (e.g., the dispersal patterns and/or neighborhood size of the study organism).

  2. distmat - optional distance matrix output from get_geodist(); if not provided, circle_gd() will automatically use the get_geodist() function to calculate the distance matrix instead.

Like before, we can use the preview_gd() function to preview parameter settings. This time we specify method = "circle" and need to provide maxdist. Before doing so, we can calculate the distance matrix using get_geodist() which we can then use in both preview_gd() and circle_gd() to save time.

get_geodist() produces a distance matrix where the rows represent the cells of the raster and the columns are the individuals. The values are the geographic distance between each cell and each individual. Note that the input layer for get_geodist() must have the same resolution as the input layer for preview_gd() and circle_gd(). For example, if you want to run circle_gd() with fact = 3 and lyr = lotr_lyr, the input layer to get_geodist() must be aggregate(lotr_lyr, 3). Alternatively, you can first create a new aggregated raster to be used for all functions, as we have done below.

Note: if you want to get only the distances between your sample coordinates, set coords_only = TRUE.

# First, create a new aggregated raster
lotr_lyr5 <- aggregate(lotr_lyr, 5)

# Then calculate the distance matrix
distmat <- get_geodist(coords = lotr_coords, lyr = lotr_lyr5)

  method = "circle",
  maxdist = 10,
  distmat = distmat,
  sample_count = TRUE,
  min_n = 2

Then, we can run circle_gd():

cgd <- circle_gd(lotr_vcf,
  stat = "pi",
  maxdist = 10,
  distmat = distmat,
  rarify = FALSE,
  L = 100

ggplot_gd(cgd, bkg = lotr_range) +
  ggtitle("Circle moving window pi")

For circle_gd() (and resist_gd()), you can also define maxdist with a raster to set the maximum distance (i.e., the radius) for each cell. In this case, we can use the carrying capacity/conductance map (lotr_lyr5) and multiply it by 100 so that the radius will range from 0 to 100 based on the value of the raster.

vcgd <- circle_gd(
  stat = "pi",
  maxdist = lotr_lyr5 * 100,
  distmat = distmat,
  rarify = FALSE,
  L = 100

ggplot_gd(vcgd, bkg = lotr_range) +
  ggtitle("Circle moving window pi")

Run moving window calculations with resist_gd()

To create a moving window map with resistance distances, use resist_gd(). The main additional arguments to resist_gd() are:

  1. maxdist - maximum cost distance used to define the neighborhood; any samples further than this cost distance will not be included (this can be thought of as the neighborhood radius, but in terms of cost distance). Can be provided as either (1) a single numeric value or (2) a SpatRaster where each pixel is the maximum distance to be used for that cell on the landscape (must be the same spatial scale as lyr). As stated before, we encourage users to experiment with different values of maxdist to determine the sensitivity of their results to this parameter.

  2. lyr - in addition to being the raster layer the window moves across, this will also serve as the conductivity layer used to calculate resistance distances (higher values should mean greater conductivity).

  3. distmat - optional distance matrix output from get_resdist(); if not provided, resist_gd() will automatically use the get_resdist() function to calculate the distance matrix instead.

resist_gd() takes a longer time to run and we recommend taking advantage of parallelization, in particular for the calculation of the distance matrix using get_resdist(). We also recommend first calculating the distance matrix with get_resdist() and then providing it to resist_gd() using the distmat argument as this allows for resist_gd() to be run quickly multiple times (i.e., to test different parameters) by avoiding repeating the costly distance calculations. Note that lyr in both get_resdist() and in resist_gd() must have the same spatial scale (e.g., the same resolution and extent).

As with get_geodist(), get_resdist() produces a distance matrix where the rows represent the cells of the raster and the columns are the individuals. The values are the resistance distance between each cell and each individual. If you want to get only the distances between your sample coordinates, set coords_only = TRUE.

Again, we can use the preview_gd() function to preview parameter settings. Here, we specify method = "resist" and provide maxdist.

lotr_distmat <- get_resdist(coords = lotr_coords, lyr = lotr_lyr5)
  method = "resist",
  maxdist = 60,
  distmat = lotr_distmat,
  sample_count = TRUE,
  min_n = 2
rgd <- resist_gd(lotr_vcf,
  distmat = lotr_distmat,
  stat = "pi",
  maxdist = 60,
  rarify = FALSE,
  L = 100

ggplot_gd(rgd, bkg = lotr_range) +
  ggtitle("Resistance moving window pi")

In addition to using continuous rasters of connectivity you can also use rasters to designate passable and impassable areas. This can be useful for designating boundaries you don't want windows to extend across (e.g., mountain ranges) or extend between (e.g., rivers).

# create layer
resist_lyr <- rast(aggregate(lotr_lyr, 5))

# create an impassable area down the middle coded as NA
resist_lyr[] <- 1
resist_lyr[ext(40, 60, -100, 0)] <- NA

# get resistance distances
distmat <- get_resdist(coords = lotr_coords, lyr = resist_lyr)

# plot preview
preview_gd(resist_lyr, lotr_coords, method = "resist", distmat = distmat, maxdist = 10)

# create moving window map
resist_gd <- resist_gd(
  maxdist = 10,
  distmat = distmat


Transforming the moving window maps

Krige results

To produce smoother maps of genetic diversity, we provide the function krig_gd() which creates a spatially interpolated raster from the moving window raster produced by the moving window functions. This function uses the autoKrige() function from the R package automap to perform kriging on the moving window raster using an automatically generated variogram. Note that the moving window raster stack, including both the genetic diversity layer and the sample count layer, can be used to generate kriged maps of both genetic diversity and sample count.

Kriging is performed by first transforming the moving window layer into a set of coordinates with corresponding genetic diversity (or sample count) values and then interpolating using these coordinates across the grid provided. Because of this, it is important to keep in mind how the coordinates from the moving window raster and the grid align. If the resolution of the moving window raster is much lower than that of the grid, there are fewer points for interpolation which can result in grid-like artifacts during kriging.

To deal with this issue, users can either (1) resample their moving window raster layers and grid layers to the same resolution using the resample argument, or (2) manually disaggregate or aggregate either the moving window or grid layers using the agg_r, disagg_r, agg_grd, or disagg_grd arguments. Generally, if users want a smoother resulting surface, a higher resolution grid layer should be used (this can be accomplished by using the disagg_grd argument to disaggregate the grid layer). The resampling, aggregation, and disaggregation options currently only work if the object provided to create the grid is a raster layer. Keep in mind that increasing the resolution of the moving window layer (i.e., either by resampling or disaggregating) can increase computational time substantially as this increases the number of coordinates being used for kriging. This is also the case for increasing the resolution of the grid layer, though to a lesser extent.

To run this function, we provide the moving window raster stack output, the indices of the layers we want to krige, and the raster layer to interpolate across. We also disaggregate the original layer by a factor of two to get a smoother output surface (users should play around with this parameter). The output of this function is a raster stack of the kriged input layers.

# Note: this step can take a little while
# index = 1 kriges the first layer in wgd (the genetic diversity layer)
kgd <- krig_gd(wgd, index = 1, grd = lotr_lyr, disagg_grd = 2)

ggplot_gd(kgd) +
  ggtitle("Kriged pi")

Note: By default, the kriging method is set to krig_method = "ordinary" for ordinary/simple kriging (model formula: \~ 1) which assumes that the mean and variance are constant across space. Alternatively, krig_method can be set to "universal" for universal kriging (model formula: \~ x + y), which allows the mean to vary across locations, while variance is held constant.

For information on the differences between universal and ordinary kriging, we recommend these articles:

Users can optionally get the full output from autoKrige() by setting autoKrige_output = TRUE in which case krig_gd() returns a list where the first element ("raster") is the kriged raster and second element ("autoKrige_output") is the autoKrige output.

Note: autoKrige() does not work for non-projected systems (i.e., latitude-longitude) and will throw an error. See above example for how latitude-longitude coordinates and rasters can be transformed.

Note: Kriging can produce values that fall outside the range of possible values (e.g., genetic diversity values less than 0 or greater than the possible maximum). By default, in order to ensure that the values are bounded within the range of possible values, krig_gd converts all values greater than the maximum of the input raster to that maximum (upper_bound = TRUE), and all values less than the minimum of the input raster to that minimum (lower_bound = TRUE). Users can turn off this functionality by setting lower_bound and upper_bound to FALSE. Users can also set their own custom lower_bound and upper_bound values (e.g., for heterozygosity or pi, you may want to set lower_bound = 0 and upper_bound = 1).

Mask results

Next, we mask the resulting kriged layers. Masking can be performed using a variety of methods.

Method 1: Mask using the carrying capacity layer to exclude any areas where the carrying capacity is lower than 0.1. Alternatively, one could use a species distribution model or habitat suitability model to exclude areas where the probability of presence is very low:

# Disaggregate lotr_lyr to make it the same resolution as kgd before masking
## Note: lotr_lyr is a RasterLayer which we convert to a SpatRaster with rast()
mask_lyr <- disagg(rast(lotr_lyr), 2)
mgd <- mask_gd(kgd, mask_lyr, minval = 0.1)

ggplot_gd(mgd) +
  ggtitle("Kriged & carrying capacity masked pi")

Method 2: Mask the layer using a species range map (in this case, an sf polygon) to exclude areas falling outside the species range.

mgd <- mask_gd(kgd, lotr_range)

ggplot_gd(mgd) +
  ggtitle("Kriged & range masked pi")

Method 3: Mask the layer using a spatial Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) of sample density to exclude areas with low sampling density using the SpatialKDE package:

# First, install and load the SpatialKDE package
if (!require("SpatialKDE", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("SpatialKDE")
# Note: this code is not evaluated when building the vignette as it requires the SpatialKDE package

# Spatial KDE requires an sf data.frame containing only POINTS that is in a projected coordinate system
# The simulated coordinates are not projected, but for the purpose of this example, we'll pretend they are projected under the Goode Homolosine projection
# This kind of arbitrary setting of crs should not be done for real data (see above example for how to properly project coordinates)
lotr_sf <- st_as_sf(lotr_coords, coords = c("x", "y")) %>% st_set_crs("+proj=goode")

# The grid layer must also be a RasterLayer for SpatialKDE
# Here, we use the kriged raster as our grid to get a KDE layer of the same spatial extent and resolution
grid <- raster(kgd)

# See the SpatialKDE package for more options and details about using KDE
kde_lyr <- kde(
  kernel = "quartic",
  band_width = 15,
  decay = 1,
  grid = grid,

# Visualize KDE layer
ggplot_count(kde_lyr) +

# Mask with mask_gd
mgd <- mask_gd(kgd, kde_lyr, minval = 1)

ggplot_gd(mgd) +
  ggtitle("Kriged & sample density masked pi")

Another nice visualization option is to add a "background" to your plots in the form of a raster or other sp or sf object (e.g., a country or range boundary) which can help provide geographic context:

ggplot_gd(mgd, bkg = lotr_range) +
  ggtitle("Kriged & masked pi")


To increase computational speed, users can perform any of the moving window functions calculations with parallelization using future::plan().

Checkout the furrr package documentation for more details on setting up the back end for parallelization.

# Note: this code is not evaluated when building the vignette as it spawns multiple processes

# setup parallel session
future::plan("multisession", workers = 2)

wgd <- window_gd(lotr_vcf,
  stat = "pi",
  wdim = 7,
  fact = 3,
  rarify_n = 2,
  rarify_nit = 5,
  rarify = TRUE

# end parallel session

Note: the parallel and ncores arguments have been deprecated as of wingen 2.0.1.

Other genetic diversity metrics

You can calculate multiple statistics at once by providing a vector of statistic names to stat.

multistat_wgd <- window_gd(lotr_vcf,
  stat = c("pi", "Ho"),
  wdim = 7,
  fact = 3,
  rarify = FALSE,
  L = 100
ggplot_gd(multistat_wgd, bkg = lotr_range)

"hwe" and "basic_stats" take longer to calculate, so we do not evaluate these statistics here. We also change the parameters and reduce the dataset in the example to make it faster for users who wish to run it:

hwe_wgd <- window_gd(lotr_vcf[1:10, ],
  stat = "hwe",
  wdim = 3,
  fact = 5,
  rarify = FALSE,
  L = 100,
  sig = 0.10

bs_wgd <- window_gd(lotr_vcf[1:10, ],
  stat = "basic_stats",
  wdim = 3,
  fact = 5,
  rarify = FALSE,
  L = 100

ggplot_gd(hwe_wgd, bkg = lotr_range)

ggplot_gd(bs_wgd, bkg = lotr_range)

General moving window

We provide a window_general function that can be used to make moving window maps for other types of data inputs and functions. Unlike window_gd, window_general does not require a vcfR object or a path to a vcf file as input.

The required input (x) depends on the statistic (stat) being calculated.

For the standard genetic diversity statistics:

For other statistics:

As an example, let's create a moving window map of our raster layer values (e.g., carrying capacity and conductance, in this case) at the sample coordinates:

# First, we extract the raster values at those coordinates
vals <- extract(lotr_lyr, lotr_coords)

# Next, we run the window_general function with the env vector and set the `stat` to mean
# Note: we can also provide additional arguments to functions, such as na.rm = TRUE
we <- window_general(vals,
  coords = lotr_coords,
  lyr = lotr_lyr,
  stat = mean,
  wdim = 7,
  fact = 3,
  rarify_n = 2,
  rarify_nit = 5,
  rarify = TRUE,
  na.rm = TRUE

ggplot_gd(we) +
  ggtitle("Mean raster value")

Other genetic data input file types in wingen

Although the default input data type for wingen is a VCF file, which is a standard file type to encode genomic data, wingen can accept a genind object as input to calculate allelic richness using window_general(). Given that some wingen functionality can be feasible using a genind object, users could easily convert various other genetic data file types to then run wingen.

For example, genepop (.gen) is a typical file format for encoding microsatellite data, in which each allele within a locus is coded using a two- or three-digit system (i.e., in a diploid organism, in a two-digit system, each locus would be assigned four digits specifying each of two alleles. In a three-digit system in the same organism, each locus would be assigned six digits encoding those same two alleles). Users can convert a genepop file into a genind object using the read.genepop() function in the adegenet package, which automatically reads in a .gen file as a genind object. In many cases, microsatellite data may not be biallelic, and may contain more than one observed allele at a given locus; in such cases, running window_general() with a genind object is still feasible.

An example of how one could use a genind object as input into window_general() is as follows:

# We use the vcfR package to convert vcf to genind for our example

# Convert existing vcf example file into genind object:
genind <- vcfR2genind(lotr_vcf)

# Run window_general with no rarefaction
we_gi <- window_general(genind,
  coords = lotr_coords,
  lyr = lotr_lyr,
  stat = "allelic_richness",
  wdim = 7,
  fact = 3,
  na.rm = TRUE

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wingen documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:59 a.m.