Man pages for wingen
Continuous Mapping of Genetic Diversity

circle_gdCreate a moving window map of genetic diversity using a...
circle_generalGeneral function for making circular moving window maps
coords_to_rasterCreate a raster from coordinates
get_geodistGet a matrix of geographic distances for circle_gd
get_resdistGet a matrix of resistance distances for resist_gd
ggplot_countPlot moving window map of sample counts
ggplot_gdPlot moving window map of genetic diversity
krig_gdKrige moving window maps
load_middle_earth_exMiddle earth example
load_mini_exMini middle earth example
lotr_coordsMiddle earth example coordinates
lotr_lyrMiddle earth example raster
lotr_rangeMiddle earth example range polygon
lotr_vcfMiddle earth example vcf
mask_gdMask moving window maps
mini_coordsMini middle earth example coordinates
mini_lyrMini middle earth example raster
mini_vcfMini middle earth example vcf
mini_vcf_NAMini middle earth example vcf with NA values
plot_countPlot moving window map of sample counts
plot_gdPlot moving window map of genetic diversity
preview_gdPreview moving window and sample counts
resist_gdCreate a moving window map of genetic diversity based on...
resist_generalGeneral function for making resistance-based maps
vcf_to_dosageConvert a vcf to a dosage matrix
window_gdCreate a moving window map of genetic diversity
window_generalGeneral function for making moving window maps
wingen-packagewingen: Continuous Mapping of Genetic Diversity
wingen documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:59 a.m.