Man pages for wmm
World Magnetic Model

dot-CalcLegendreCompute Associated Legendre Functions Given Sequence of...
dot-CalcLegendreComponentsCompute Legendre Components
dot-CalcPolynomialComponentsCalculate Polynomial Components for Associated Legendre...
dot-CalculateGaussCoefLookup Table for Gauss coefficients g & h
dot-CalculateGeocentricFieldSumCalculate sum of geocentric field components
dot-CalculateMagneticElementsCalculate Expected Magnetic Elements from WMM2020
dot-CalculateMagneticFieldCalculate Expected Magnetic Field from WMM2020
dot-CalculateRadiusCurvatureRadius of curvature of prime vertical
dot-CheckBlackoutZoneCheck if given horizontal intensity triggers a blackout zone
dot-CheckVersionWMMCheck if given time is consistent with available WMM versions
dot-ConvertGeocentricToGeodeticFieldComponentsGeocentric Coordinates to Geodetic Coordinates
dot-ConvertGeodeticToGeocentricGPSConvert from Geodetic to Geocentric Coordinates
dot-DeriveVersionInfoDerive WMM version based on given time
GetMagneticFieldWMMCalculate Expected Magnetic Field from WMM
wmmwmm: R Implementation of World Magnetic Model
wmm documentation built on Sept. 6, 2021, 9:10 a.m.