mroz: mroz

mrozR Documentation



Wooldridge Source: T.A. Mroz (1987), “The Sensitivity of an Empirical Model of Married Women’s Hours of Work to Economic and Statistical Assumptions,” Econometrica 55, 765-799. Professor Ernst R. Berndt, of MIT, kindly provided the data, which he obtained from Professor Mroz. Data loads lazily.




A data.frame with 753 observations on 22 variables:

  • inlf: =1 if in lab frce, 1975

  • hours: hours worked, 1975

  • kidslt6: # kids < 6 years

  • kidsge6: # kids 6-18

  • age: woman's age in yrs

  • educ: years of schooling

  • wage: est. wage from earn, hrs

  • repwage: rep. wage at interview in 1976

  • hushrs: hours worked by husband, 1975

  • husage: husband's age

  • huseduc: husband's years of schooling

  • huswage: husband's hourly wage, 1975

  • faminc: family income, 1975

  • mtr: fed. marg. tax rte facing woman

  • motheduc: mother's years of schooling

  • fatheduc: father's years of schooling

  • unem: unem. rate in county of resid.

  • city: =1 if live in SMSA

  • exper: actual labor mkt exper

  • nwifeinc: (faminc - wage*hours)/1000

  • lwage: log(wage)

  • expersq: exper^2

Used in Text

pages 249-251, 260, 294, 519-520, 530, 535, 535-536, 565-566, 578-579, 593- 595, 601-603, 619-620, 625




wooldridge documentation built on May 3, 2023, 5:06 p.m.