
#' driving
#' Wooldridge Source: Freeman, D.G. (2007), “Drunk Driving Legislation and Traffic Fatalities: New Evidence on BAC 08 Laws,” Contemporary Economic Policy 25, 293--308. Professor Freeman kindly provided the data. Data loads lazily.
#' @section Notes: Several more years of data are available and may further shed light on the effectiveness of several traffic laws.
#' Used in Text: not used, but see page 695
#' @docType data
#' @usage data('driving')
#' @format A data.frame with 1200 observations on 56 variables:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \strong{year:} 1980 through 2004
#'  \item \strong{state:} 48 continental states, alphabetical
#'  \item \strong{sl55:} speed limit == 55
#'  \item \strong{sl65:} speed limit == 65
#'  \item \strong{sl70:} speed limit == 70
#'  \item \strong{sl75:} speed limit == 75
#'  \item \strong{slnone:} no speed limit
#'  \item \strong{seatbelt:} =0 if none, =1 if primary, =2 if secondary
#'  \item \strong{minage:} minimum drinking age
#'  \item \strong{zerotol:} zero tolerance law
#'  \item \strong{gdl:} graduated drivers license law
#'  \item \strong{bac10:} blood alcohol limit .10
#'  \item \strong{bac08:} blood alcohol limit .08
#'  \item \strong{perse:} administrative license revocation (per se law)
#'  \item \strong{totfat:} total traffic fatalities
#'  \item \strong{nghtfat:} total nighttime fatalities
#'  \item \strong{wkndfat:} total weekend fatalities
#'  \item \strong{totfatpvm:} total fatalities per 100 million miles
#'  \item \strong{nghtfatpvm:} nighttime fatalities per 100 million miles
#'  \item \strong{wkndfatpvm:} weekend fatalities per 100 million miles
#'  \item \strong{statepop:} state population
#'  \item \strong{totfatrte:} total fatalities per 100,000 population
#'  \item \strong{nghtfatrte:} nighttime fatalities per 100,000 population
#'  \item \strong{wkndfatrte:} weekend accidents per 100,000 population
#'  \item \strong{vehicmiles:} vehicle miles traveled, billions
#'  \item \strong{unem:} unemployment rate, percent
#'  \item \strong{perc14_24:} percent population aged 14 through 24
#'  \item \strong{sl70plus:} sl70 + sl75 + slnone
#'  \item \strong{sbprim:} =1 if primary seatbelt law
#'  \item \strong{sbsecon:} =1 if secondary seatbelt law
#'  \item \strong{d80:} =1 if year == 1980
#'  \item \strong{d81:} 
#'  \item \strong{d82:} 
#'  \item \strong{d83:} 
#'  \item \strong{d84:} 
#'  \item \strong{d85:} 
#'  \item \strong{d86:} 
#'  \item \strong{d87:} 
#'  \item \strong{d88:} 
#'  \item \strong{d89:} 
#'  \item \strong{d90:} 
#'  \item \strong{d91:} 
#'  \item \strong{d92:} 
#'  \item \strong{d93:} 
#'  \item \strong{d94:} 
#'  \item \strong{d95:} 
#'  \item \strong{d96:} 
#'  \item \strong{d97:} 
#'  \item \strong{d98:} 
#'  \item \strong{d99:} 
#'  \item \strong{d00:} 
#'  \item \strong{d01:} 
#'  \item \strong{d02:} 
#'  \item \strong{d03:} 
#'  \item \strong{d04:} =1 if year == 2004
#'  \item \strong{vehicmilespc:} 
#' }
#' @source \url{https://www.cengage.com/cgi-wadsworth/course_products_wp.pl?fid=M20b&product_isbn_issn=9781111531041}
#' @examples  str(driving)

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