
#' smoke
#' Wooldridge Source: J. Mullahy (1997), “Instrumental-Variable Estimation of Count Data Models: Applications to Models of Cigarette Smoking Behavior,” Review of Economics and Statistics 79, 596-593. Professor Mullahy kindly provided the data. Data loads lazily.
#' @section Notes: If you want to do a “fancy” IV version of Computer Exercise C16.1, you could estimate a reduced form count model for cigs using the Poisson regression methods in Section 17.3, and then use the fitted values as an IV for cigs. Presumably, this would be for a fairly advanced class.
#' Used in Text: pages 183, 288-289, 298, 301, 578, 627
#' @docType data
#' @usage data('smoke')
#' @format A data.frame with 807 observations on 10 variables:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \strong{educ:} years of schooling
#'  \item \strong{cigpric:} state cig. price, cents/pack
#'  \item \strong{white:} =1 if white
#'  \item \strong{age:} in years
#'  \item \strong{income:} annual income, $
#'  \item \strong{cigs:} cigs. smoked per day
#'  \item \strong{restaurn:} =1 if rest. smk. restrictions
#'  \item \strong{lincome:} log(income)
#'  \item \strong{agesq:} age^2
#'  \item \strong{lcigpric:} log(cigprice)
#' }
#' @source \url{https://www.cengage.com/cgi-wadsworth/course_products_wp.pl?fid=M20b&product_isbn_issn=9781111531041}
#' @examples  str(smoke)

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