

# Setup ------------------------------------------------------------------------



# Test wflow_use_github --------------------------------------------------------

test_that("wflow_use_github automates local GitHub configuration", {
  path <- test_setup()
  username <- "testuser"
  repository <- "testrepo"

  x <- wflow_use_github(username, repository, create_on_github = FALSE,
                        project = path)

  # The website directory is still docs/
  s <- wflow_status(project = path)
  expect_identical(basename(s$docs), "docs")
  expect_true(fs::dir_exists(file.path(s$root, "docs")))
  # The setting output_dir in the file _site.yml is still ../docs
  site_yml_fname <- file.path(s$analysis, "_site.yml")
  site_yml <- yaml::yaml.load_file(site_yml_fname)
  output_dir <- site_yml$output_dir
  expect_identical("../docs", output_dir)
  # Adds a link to the GitHub repository in the navigation bar
                   sprintf("https://github.com/%s/%s", username, repository))
  # Configures the Git remote settings to use GitHub
  remotes <- wflow_git_remote(verbose = FALSE, project = path)
  expect_equivalent(remotes["origin"], sprintf("https://github.com/%s/%s.git",
                                               username, repository))

  # Confirm files were committed
  r <- git2r::repository(path = path)
  recent_commit <- git2r::commits(r, n = 1)[[1]]
  recent_commit_files <- workflowr:::obtain_files_in_commit(r, recent_commit)
  expect_true(workflowr:::absolute(site_yml_fname) %in% recent_commit_files)

test_that("wflow_use_github can be used post GitLab", {


  path <- test_setup()
  username <- "testuser"
  repository <- "testrepo"

  gitlab <- wflow_use_gitlab(username, repository, project = path)
  s <- wflow_status(project = path)

  published <- wflow_publish(file.path(s$analysis, "*Rmd"), view = FALSE,
                             project = path, dry_run = TRUE)

  published <- wflow_publish(file.path(s$analysis, "*Rmd"), view = FALSE,
                             project = path)

  x <- wflow_use_github(username, repository, create_on_github = FALSE,
                        project = path)

  # Renames the website directory from public/ to docs/
  s <- wflow_status(project = path)
  expect_identical(basename(s$docs), "docs")
  expect_false(fs::dir_exists(file.path(s$root, "public")))
  # Edits the setting output_dir in the file _site.yml
  site_yml_fname <- file.path(s$analysis, "_site.yml")
  site_yml <- yaml::yaml.load_file(site_yml_fname)
  output_dir <- site_yml$output_dir
  expect_identical("../docs", output_dir)
  # Adds a link to the GitHub repository in the navigation bar
                   sprintf("https://github.com/%s/%s", username, repository))
  # Configures the Git remote settings to use GitHub
  remotes <- wflow_git_remote(verbose = FALSE, project = path)
  expect_equivalent(remotes["origin"], sprintf("https://github.com/%s/%s.git",
                                               username, repository))

  # Confirm files were committed
  r <- git2r::repository(path = path)
  recent_commit <- git2r::commits(r, n = 1)[[1]]
  recent_commit_files <- workflowr:::obtain_files_in_commit(r, recent_commit)
  expect_true(workflowr:::absolute(site_yml_fname) %in% recent_commit_files)
  # Confirm website files were committed
  expect_true(all(basename(published$step3$commit_files) %in%

test_that("wflow_use_github throws error if username not set", {
  path <- test_setup()
  username <- "testuser"
  repository <- "testrepo"

    wflow_use_github(create_on_github = FALSE, project = path),
    "Unable to guess username. Please specify this argument."

    wflow_use_github(username = NULL, repository = repository,
                     create_on_github = FALSE,  project = path),
    "Unable to guess username. Please specify this argument."

test_that("wflow_use_github throws error if username and organization both set", {
  path <- test_setup()
  username <- "testuser"
  organization <- "testorg"
  repository <- "testrepo"

    wflow_use_github(username = username, organization = organization,
                     repository = repository, create_on_github = FALSE,
                     project = path),
    "Cannot set both username and organization."

test_that("wflow_use_github sets correct account", {
  path <- test_setup()

  # Use value for remote named "origin"
  wflow_git_remote(remote = "origin", user = "testuser", repo = "testrepo",
                   project = path)
  x1 <- wflow_use_github(create_on_github = FALSE, project = path)
  expect_identical(x1$account, "testuser")
  origin <- wflow_git_remote(project = path)["origin"]
  expect_equivalent(origin, sprintf("https://github.com/%s/%s.git",
                                    x1$account, x1$repository))

  # Will override based on input argument
  x2 <- wflow_use_github(username = "argument", create_on_github = FALSE,
                         project = path)
  expect_identical(x2$account, "argument")
  origin <- wflow_git_remote(project = path)["origin"]
  expect_equivalent(origin, sprintf("https://github.com/%s/%s.git",
                                    x2$username, x2$repository))

test_that("wflow_use_github sets correct repository", {
  path <- test_setup()
  username <- "testuser"

  # Default is to use name or root workflowr directory
  x1 <- wflow_use_github(username = username, create_on_github = FALSE,
                         project = path)
  expect_identical(x1$repository, fs::path_file(path))
  origin <- wflow_git_remote(project = path)["origin"]
  expect_equivalent(origin, sprintf("https://github.com/%s/%s.git",
                            username, x1$repository))

  # Will override with value for remote named "origin"
  wflow_git_remote(remote = "origin", user = username,
                   repo = "not-the-same-as-project-root-dir",
                   action = "set_url", project = path)
  x2 <- wflow_use_github(username = username, create_on_github = FALSE,
                         project = path)
  expect_identical(x2$repository, "not-the-same-as-project-root-dir")
  origin <- wflow_git_remote(project = path)["origin"]
  expect_equivalent(origin, sprintf("https://github.com/%s/%s.git",
                                    username, x2$repository))

  # Will override based on input argument
  x3 <- wflow_use_github(username = username, repository = "testrepo",
                         create_on_github = FALSE, project = path)
  expect_identical(x3$repository, "testrepo")
  origin <- wflow_git_remote(project = path)["origin"]
  expect_equivalent(origin, sprintf("https://github.com/%s/%s.git",
                                    username, x3$repository))

test_that("wflow_use_github can disable navbar_link", {
  path <- test_setup()
  username <- "testuser"
  repository <- "testrepo"

  x <- wflow_use_github(username, repository, navbar_link = FALSE,
                        create_on_github = FALSE, project = path)

  s <- wflow_status(project = path)
  site_yml_fname <- file.path(s$analysis, "_site.yml")
  site_yml <- yaml::yaml.load_file(site_yml_fname)

test_that("wflow_use_github works when site has been published", {


  path <- test_setup()
  username <- "testuser"
  repository <- "testrepo"

  s <- wflow_status(project = path)
  published <- wflow_publish(file.path(s$analysis, "*Rmd"), view = FALSE,
                             project = path)

  x <- wflow_use_github(username, repository, create_on_github = FALSE,
                        project = path)

  # The website directory is still docs/
  s <- wflow_status(project = path)
  expect_identical(basename(s$docs), "docs")
  expect_true(fs::dir_exists(file.path(s$root, "docs")))
  # The setting output_dir in the file _site.yml is still ../docs
  site_yml_fname <- file.path(s$analysis, "_site.yml")
  site_yml <- yaml::yaml.load_file(site_yml_fname)
  output_dir <- site_yml$output_dir
  expect_identical("../docs", output_dir)
  # Adds a link to the GitHub repository in the navigation bar
                   sprintf("https://github.com/%s/%s", username, repository))
  # Configures the Git remote settings to use GitHub
  remotes <- wflow_git_remote(verbose = FALSE, project = path)
  expect_equivalent(remotes["origin"], sprintf("https://github.com/%s/%s.git",
                                               username, repository))

  # Confirm files were committed
  r <- git2r::repository(path = path)
  recent_commit <- git2r::commits(r, n = 1)[[1]]
  recent_commit_files <- workflowr:::obtain_files_in_commit(r, recent_commit)
  expect_true(workflowr:::absolute(site_yml_fname) %in% recent_commit_files)

test_that("wflow_use_github can be run twice", {
  path <- test_setup()
  username <- "testuser"
  repository <- "testrepo"

  x1 <- wflow_use_github(username, repository, create_on_github = FALSE,
                         project = path)
  x2 <- wflow_use_github(username, repository, create_on_github = FALSE,
                         project = path)

  expect_identical(x2$renamed, NA)
  expect_identical(x2$commit, NA)
  expect_identical(x2$config_remote, NA)

test_that("wflow_use_github can be run after wflow_git_remote", {
  path <- test_setup()
  username <- "testuser"
  repository <- "testrepo"

  remotes1 <- wflow_git_remote(remote = "origin", user = username,
                               repo = repository, protocol = "https",
                               action = "add", domain = "github.com",
                               verbose = FALSE, project = path)
  # Purposefully have it guess username and repository from remote "origin"
  x <- wflow_use_github(create_on_github = FALSE, project = path)

  expect_identical(x$config_remote, NA)
  remotes2 <- wflow_git_remote(verbose = FALSE, project = path)
  expect_identical(remotes2["origin"], remotes1["origin"])

test_that("wflow_use_github can be run after using GitLab remote", {
  path <- test_setup()
  username <- "testuser"
  repository <- "testrepo"

  remotes1 <- wflow_git_remote(remote = "origin", user = username,
                               repo = repository, protocol = "https",
                               action = "add", domain = "gitlab.com",
                               verbose = FALSE, project = path)
  x <- wflow_use_github(username, repository, create_on_github = FALSE,
                        project = path)

  remotes2 <- wflow_git_remote(verbose = FALSE, project = path)
  expect_equivalent(remotes2["origin"], sprintf("https://github.com/%s/%s.git",
                                                username, repository))

test_that("wflow_use_github works with ssh protocol", {
  path <- test_setup()
  username <- "testuser"
  repository <- "testrepo"

  x <- wflow_use_github(username, repository, protocol = "ssh",
                        create_on_github = FALSE, project = path)

  remotes <- wflow_git_remote(verbose = FALSE, project = path)
  expect_equivalent(remotes["origin"], sprintf("git@github.com:%s/%s.git",
                                               username, repository))

test_that("wflow_use_github works with different domain", {
  path <- test_setup()
  username <- "testuser"
  repository <- "testrepo"

  x <- wflow_use_github(username, repository, domain = "git.rcc.uchicago.edu",
                        create_on_github = FALSE, project = path)

  remotes <- wflow_git_remote(verbose = FALSE, project = path)
                            username, repository))

test_that("wflow_use_github does not create repository for custom domain", {
  path <- test_setup()
  username <- "testuser"
  repository <- "testrepo"
  domain <- "git.rcc.uchicago.edu"

    wflow_use_github(username, repository, domain = domain, project = path),
    sprintf("To do: Create %s/%s at %s", username, repository, domain)

    wflow_use_github(username, repository, domain = domain,
                     create_on_github = TRUE, project = path),
    "workflowr can only create a repository on github.com"

Try the workflowr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

workflowr documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 1:09 a.m.