Man pages for workflowsets
Create a Collection of 'tidymodels' Workflows

as_workflow_setConvert existing objects to a workflow set
autoplot.workflow_setPlot the results of a workflow set
chi_features_setChicago Features Example Data
collect_metrics.workflow_setObtain and format results produced by tuning functions for...
comment_addAdd annotations and comments for workflows
extract_workflow_set_resultExtract elements of workflow sets
fit_best.workflow_setFit a model to the numerically optimal configuration
leave_var_out_formulasCreate formulas without each predictor
option_addAdd and edit options saved in a workflow set
option_listMake a classed list of options
pull_workflow_set_resultExtract elements from a workflow set
rank_resultsRank the results by a metric
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
two_class_setTwo Class Example Data
update_workflow_modelUpdate components of a workflow within a workflow set
workflow_mapProcess a series of workflows
workflow_setGenerate a set of workflow objects from preprocessing and...
workflowsets-packageworkflowsets: Create a Collection of 'tidymodels' Workflows
workflowsets documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:12 a.m.