tfr: United Nations Time Series of Total Fertility Rate

Description Usage Format Source References Examples


Datasets containing the United Nations time series of the total fertility rate (TFR) for all countries of the world as available in 2012. Dataset tfr contains estimates of the historical TFR starting with 1950; tfr_supplemental contains a subset of countries for which data prior 1950 are available. Datasets tfrprojMed contain the median projections. Datasets tfrproj80l, tfrproj80u, tfrproj95l, and tfrproj95u are the lower (l) and upper (u) bounds of the 80 and 95% probability intervals, respectively. Datasets tfrprojHigh and tfrprojLow contain high and low variants, respectively, defined as +-1/2 child.




The datasets contain one record per country or region. It contains the following variables:


Name of country or region (following ISO 3166 official short names in English - see and United Nations Multilingual Terminology Database - see


Numerical Location Code (3-digit codes following ISO 3166-1 numeric standard) - see

1950-1955, 1955-1960, ...

TFR in various five-year time intervals. last.observed containing the year of the last observation for each country. The tfrproj* datasets start at 2010-2015. The tfr_supplemental datasets start at 1740-1745. Missing data have NA values.


These datasets are based on estimates and projections of United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2013).


World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision. ( Special Tabulations.



Example output

                                                      country country_code
1                                                       WORLD          900
2                                      More developed regions          901
3                                      Less developed regions          902
4                                   Least developed countries          941
5 Less developed regions, excluding least developed countries          934
6                     Less developed regions, excluding China          948
  1950-1955 1955-1960 1960-1965 1965-1970 1970-1975 1975-1980 1980-1985
1     4.968     4.909     5.015     4.848     4.435     3.851     3.598
2     2.829     2.809     2.681     2.389     2.151     1.921     1.844
3     6.080     5.951     6.114     5.929     5.364     4.571     4.180
4     6.549     6.608     6.697     6.750     6.750     6.683     6.548
5     6.018     5.863     6.035     5.821     5.184     4.299     3.883
6     6.066     6.150     6.124     5.956     5.640     5.245     4.850
  1985-1990 1990-1995 1995-2000 2000-2005 2005-2010 2010-2015 last.observed
1     3.448     3.036     2.732     2.595     2.530        NA            NA
2     1.814     1.670     1.564     1.575     1.663        NA            NA
3     3.920     3.382     2.993     2.799     2.687        NA            NA
4     6.204     5.775     5.364     4.927     4.531        NA            NA
5     3.640     3.082     2.679     2.499     2.405        NA            NA
6     4.404     3.949     3.568     3.279     3.064        NA            NA
'data.frame':	236 obs. of  20 variables:
 $ name        : Factor w/ 236 levels "AFRICA","ASIA",..: 229 139 115 112 117 116 200 1 62 31 ...
 $ country_code: int  900 901 902 941 934 948 947 903 910 108 ...
 $ 2010-2015   : num  2.5 1.68 2.63 4.2 2.36 ...
 $ 2015-2020   : num  2.45 1.71 2.56 3.92 2.3 ...
 $ 2020-2025   : num  2.41 1.74 2.5 3.67 2.25 ...
 $ 2025-2030   : num  2.37 1.78 2.45 3.46 2.21 ...
 $ 2030-2035   : num  2.34 1.82 2.41 3.29 2.17 ...
 $ 2035-2040   : num  2.31 1.84 2.36 3.13 2.14 ...
 $ 2040-2045   : num  2.27 1.85 2.32 3 2.11 ...
 $ 2045-2050   : num  2.24 1.85 2.29 2.87 2.09 ...
 $ 2050-2055   : num  2.21 1.87 2.25 2.75 2.07 ...
 $ 2055-2060   : num  2.18 1.88 2.22 2.65 2.05 ...
 $ 2060-2065   : num  2.15 1.9 2.18 2.56 2.03 ...
 $ 2065-2070   : num  2.12 1.9 2.15 2.47 2.01 ...
 $ 2070-2075   : num  2.1 1.91 2.12 2.4 1.99 ...
 $ 2075-2080   : num  2.07 1.91 2.09 2.33 1.98 ...
 $ 2080-2085   : num  2.05 1.91 2.06 2.26 1.96 ...
 $ 2085-2090   : num  2.03 1.92 2.04 2.21 1.95 ...
 $ 2090-2095   : num  2.01 1.92 2.02 2.15 1.94 ...
 $ 2095-2100   : num  1.99 1.93 1.99 2.11 1.93 ...

wpp2012 documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:48 p.m.