Man pages for wru
Who are You? Bayesian Prediction of Racial Category Using Surname, First Name, Middle Name, and Geolocation

as_fips_codeConvert between state names, postal abbreviations, and FIPS...
census_data_preflightPreflight census data
census_geo_apiCensus Data download function.
census_geo_api_namesCensus geo API helper functions
census_helperCensus helper function.
census_helper_newCensus helper function.
dot-name_preprocPre-process vector of names to match census style. Internal...
format_legacy_dataLegacy data formatting function.
get_census_apiCensus API function.
get_census_api_2Census API URL assembler.
get_census_dataMultilevel Census data download function.
merge_namesSurname probability merging function.
merge_surnamesSurname probability merging function.
modfunsInternal model fitting functions
predict_raceRace prediction function.
sample_meCollapsed Gibbs sampler for hWRU. Internal function
state_fipsDataset with FIPS codes for US states
surnames2000Census Surname List (2000).
surnames2010Census Surname List (2010).
vec_to_chunkVariable vector into chunks.
votersExample voter file.
wru_data_preflightPreflight for name data
wru documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:46 a.m.