Man pages for wtcrsk
Competing Risks Regression Models with Covariate-Adjusted Censoring Weights

CensTerm to specify the censoring distribution.
crr.wtCompeting risks regression using different weights.
crr.wt.COXRegression modeling of subdistribution function using the Cox...
crr.wt.COX.strRegression modeling of subdistribution functions using the...
crr.wt.KMRegression modeling of subdistribution functions using...
crr.wt.KM.strRegression modeling of subdistribution functions using the...
CrskCreate a competing risks object.
plot.crrwt.predPlot function for a 'crrwt.pred' class object.
predict.crrwtCompute predictive CIFs for given set of covariates.
print.crrwtPrint function for a "crrwt" class object.
summary.crrwtSummary function for 'crrwt' class object
wtcrsk-packageCompeting isks regression models with covariate-adjusted...
wtcrsk documentation built on Jan. 15, 2017, 10:50 p.m.