
Defines functions compute_cov_cpp scales_cpp batch_modwt_wvar_cpp modwt_wvar_cpp wvar_cpp wave_variance ci_wave_variance ci_eta3_robust ci_eta3 sp_hfilter sp_modwt_cpp sarma_expand sarma_expand_unguided sarma_params_construct sarma_components sarma_calculate_spadding sarma_objdesc .acf diff_inv diff_inv_values intgr_vec num_rep mean_diff dft_acf ARMAacf_cpp rfilter cfilter ARMAtoMA_cpp diff_cpp quantile_cpp seq_len_cpp seq_cpp decomp_to_theo_wv decomp_theoretical_wv theoretical_wv dr_to_wv rw_to_wv wn_to_wv qn_to_wv ma1_to_wv ar1_to_wv arma11_to_wv arma_to_wv_app acf_sum arma_to_wv modwt_cpp dwt_cpp

Documented in .acf acf_sum ar1_to_wv arma11_to_wv ARMAacf_cpp ARMAtoMA_cpp arma_to_wv arma_to_wv_app batch_modwt_wvar_cpp cfilter ci_eta3 ci_eta3_robust ci_wave_variance decomp_theoretical_wv decomp_to_theo_wv dft_acf diff_cpp diff_inv diff_inv_values dr_to_wv dwt_cpp intgr_vec ma1_to_wv mean_diff modwt_cpp modwt_wvar_cpp num_rep qn_to_wv quantile_cpp rfilter rw_to_wv sarma_calculate_spadding sarma_components sarma_expand sarma_expand_unguided sarma_objdesc sarma_params_construct scales_cpp seq_cpp seq_len_cpp sp_hfilter sp_modwt_cpp theoretical_wv wave_variance wn_to_wv wvar_cpp

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

#' @title Discrete Wavelet Transform
#' @description Calculation of the coefficients for the discrete wavelet transformation.
#' @param x           A \code{vector} with dimensions \eqn{N\times 1}{N x 1}.
#' @param filter_name A \code{string} indicating the filter.
#' @param nlevels     An \code{integer}, \eqn{J}, indicating the level of the decomposition.
#' @return y A \code{field<vec>} that contains the wavelet coefficients for each decomposition level
#' @details
#' Performs a level J decomposition of the time series using the pyramid algorithm
#' @author James Balamuta and Justin Lee
#' @keywords internal
dwt_cpp <- function(x, filter_name, nlevels) {
    .Call('_wv_dwt_cpp', PACKAGE = 'wv', x, filter_name, nlevels)

#' @title Maximum Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform
#' @description
#' Calculation of the coefficients for the discrete wavelet transformation
#' @inheritParams dwt_cpp
#' @return y A \code{field<vec>} that contains the wavelet coefficients for each decomposition level
#' @keywords internal
#' @details
#' Performs a level J decomposition of the time series using the pyramid algorithm.
#' Use this implementation to supply custom parameters instead of modwt(x),
#' which serves as a wrapper function.
#' @author James Balamuta and Justin Lee
#' @keywords internal
modwt_cpp <- function(x, filter_name, nlevels) {
    .Call('_wv_modwt_cpp', PACKAGE = 'wv', x, filter_name, nlevels)

#' ARMA process to WV
#' This function computes the Haar Wavelet Variance of an ARMA process
#' @param ar     A \code{vec} containing the coefficients of the AR process
#' @param ma     A \code{vec} containing the coefficients of the MA process
#' @param sigma2 A \code{double} containing the residual variance
#' @template misc/tau
#' @return A \code{vec} containing the wavelet variance of the ARMA process.
#' @details
#' The function is a generic implementation that requires a stationary theoretical autocorrelation function (ACF)
#' and the ability to transform an ARMA(\eqn{p},\eqn{q}) process into an MA(\eqn{\infty}{infinity}) (e.g. infinite MA process).
#' @template to_wv/haar_arma
#' @backref src/process_to_wv.cpp
#' @backref src/process_to_wv.h
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{ARMAtoMA_cpp}}, \code{\link{ARMAacf_cpp}}, and \code{\link{arma11_to_wv}}
arma_to_wv <- function(ar, ma, sigma2, tau) {
    .Call('_wv_arma_to_wv', PACKAGE = 'wv', ar, ma, sigma2, tau)

#' @title Helper Function for ARMA to WV Approximation
#' @description Indicates where the minimum ARMAacf value is and returns that as an index.
#' @param ar A \code{vec} containing the coefficients of the AR process
#' @param ma A \code{vec} containing the coefficients of the MA process
#' @param last_tau An \code{int} the Jth scale of 2^(1:J)
#' @param alpha A \code{double} indicating the cutoff.
#' @return A \code{vec} containing the wavelet variance of the ARMA process.
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso \code{\link{arma_to_wv_app}}
acf_sum <- function(ar, ma, last_tau, alpha = 0.99) {
    .Call('_wv_acf_sum', PACKAGE = 'wv', ar, ma, last_tau, alpha)

#' ARMA process to WV Approximation
#' This function computes the (haar) WV of an ARMA process
#' @param ar A \code{vec} containing the coefficients of the AR process
#' @param ma A \code{vec} containing the coefficients of the MA process
#' @param sigma2 A \code{double} containing the residual variance
#' @template misc/tau
#' @param alpha A \code{double} indicating the cutoff.
#' @return A \code{vec} containing the wavelet variance of the ARMA process.
#' @keywords internal
#' @details
#' This function provides an approximation to the \code{\link{arma_to_wv}} as computation times
#' were previously a concern. However, this is no longer the case and, thus, this has been left
#' in for the curious soul to discover... 
#' @template to_wv/haar_arma
#' @template misc/haar_wv_formulae_link
#' @backref src/process_to_wv.cpp
#' @backref src/process_to_wv.h
#' @seealso \code{\link{ARMAtoMA_cpp}}, \code{\link{ARMAacf_cpp}}, \code{\link{acf_sum}} and \code{\link{arma_to_wv}}
arma_to_wv_app <- function(ar, ma, sigma2, tau, alpha = 0.9999) {
    .Call('_wv_arma_to_wv_app', PACKAGE = 'wv', ar, ma, sigma2, tau, alpha)

#' ARMA(1,1) to WV
#' This function computes the WV (haar) of an Autoregressive Order 1 - Moving Average Order 1 (ARMA(1,1)) process.
#' @param phi    A \code{double} corresponding to the autoregressive term.
#' @param theta  A \code{double} corresponding to the moving average term. 
#' @param sigma2 A \code{double} the variance of the process. 
#' @template misc/tau
#' @return A \code{vec} containing the wavelet variance of the ARMA(1,1) process.
#' @details 
#' This function is significantly faster than its generalized counter part
#' \code{\link{arma_to_wv}}
#' @template to_wv/haar_arma11
#' @backref src/process_to_wv.cpp
#' @backref src/process_to_wv.h
#' @seealso \code{\link{arma_to_wv}}
#' @export
arma11_to_wv <- function(phi, theta, sigma2, tau) {
    .Call('_wv_arma11_to_wv', PACKAGE = 'wv', phi, theta, sigma2, tau)

#' AR(1) process to WV
#' This function computes the Haar WV of an AR(1) process
#' @param phi    A \code{double} that is the phi term of the AR(1) process
#' @param sigma2 A \code{double} corresponding to variance of AR(1) process
#' @template misc/tau
#' @return A \code{vec} containing the wavelet variance of the AR(1) process.
#' @details 
#' This function is significantly faster than its generalized counter part
#' \code{\link{arma_to_wv}}.
#' @template to_wv/haar_ar1
#' @backref src/process_to_wv.cpp
#' @backref src/process_to_wv.h
#' @seealso \code{\link{arma_to_wv}}, \code{\link{arma11_to_wv}}
#' @export
ar1_to_wv <- function(phi, sigma2, tau) {
    .Call('_wv_ar1_to_wv', PACKAGE = 'wv', phi, sigma2, tau)

#' Moving Average Order 1 (MA(1)) to WV
#' This function computes the WV (haar) of a Moving Average order 1 (MA1) process.
#' @param theta A \code{double} corresponding to the moving average term. 
#' @param sigma2  A \code{double} the variance of the process. 
#' @template misc/tau
#' @return A \code{vec} containing the wavelet variance of the MA(1) process.
#' @details 
#' This function is significantly faster than its generalized counter part
#' \code{\link{arma_to_wv}}.
#' @template to_wv/haar_ma1
#' @backref src/process_to_wv.cpp
#' @backref src/process_to_wv.h
#' @seealso \code{\link{arma_to_wv}}, \code{\link{arma11_to_wv}}
#' @export
ma1_to_wv <- function(theta, sigma2, tau) {
    .Call('_wv_ma1_to_wv', PACKAGE = 'wv', theta, sigma2, tau)

#' Quantisation Noise (QN) to WV
#' This function compute the Haar WV of a Quantisation Noise (QN) process
#' @param q2  A \code{double} corresponding to variance of drift
#' @template misc/tau
#' @return A \code{vec} containing the wavelet variance of the QN.
#' @template to_wv/haar_qn
#' @backref src/process_to_wv.cpp
#' @backref src/process_to_wv.h
#' @export
qn_to_wv <- function(q2, tau) {
    .Call('_wv_qn_to_wv', PACKAGE = 'wv', q2, tau)

#' @title Gaussian White Noise to WV
#' @description This function compute the Haar WV of a Gaussian White Noise process
#' @param sigma2 A \code{double} corresponding to variance of WN
#' @template misc/tau
#' @return A \code{vec} containing the wavelet variance of the white noise.
#' @template to_wv/haar_wn
#' @export
wn_to_wv <- function(sigma2, tau) {
    .Call('_wv_wn_to_wv', PACKAGE = 'wv', sigma2, tau)

#' @title Random Walk to WV
#' @description This function compute the WV (haar) of a Random Walk process
#' @param gamma2 A \code{double} corresponding to variance of RW
#' @template misc/tau
#' @return A \code{vec} containing the wavelet variance of the random walk.
#' @template to_wv/haar_rw
#' @export
rw_to_wv <- function(gamma2, tau) {
    .Call('_wv_rw_to_wv', PACKAGE = 'wv', gamma2, tau)

#' @title Drift to WV
#' @description This function compute the WV (haar) of a Drift process
#' @param omega A \code{double} corresponding to the slope of the drift
#' @template misc/tau
#' @return A \code{vec} containing the wavelet variance of the drift.
#' @template to_wv/haar_dr
#' @export
dr_to_wv <- function(omega, tau) {
    .Call('_wv_dr_to_wv', PACKAGE = 'wv', omega, tau)

#' Model Process to WV
#' This function computes the summation of all Processes to WV (haar) in a given model
#' @param theta   A \code{vec} containing the list of estimated parameters.
#' @param desc    A \code{vector<string>} containing a list of descriptors.
#' @param objdesc A \code{field<vec>} containing a list of object descriptors.
#' @template misc/tau
#' @return A \code{vec} containing the wavelet variance of the model.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
theoretical_wv <- function(theta, desc, objdesc, tau) {
    .Call('_wv_theoretical_wv', PACKAGE = 'wv', theta, desc, objdesc, tau)

#' Each Models Process Decomposed to WV
#' This function computes each process to WV (haar) in a given model.
#' @param theta   A \code{vec} containing the list of estimated parameters.
#' @param desc    A \code{vector<string>} containing a list of descriptors.
#' @param objdesc A \code{field<vec>} containing a list of object descriptors.
#' @template misc/tau
#' @return A \code{mat} containing the wavelet variance of each process in the model
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
decomp_theoretical_wv <- function(theta, desc, objdesc, tau) {
    .Call('_wv_decomp_theoretical_wv', PACKAGE = 'wv', theta, desc, objdesc, tau)

#' Decomposed WV to Single WV
#' This function computes the combined processes to WV (haar) in a given model.
#' @param decomp A \code{mat} with scales as rows and processes as columns
#' @return A \code{vec} containing the wavelet variance of the process for the overall model
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
decomp_to_theo_wv <- function(decomp) {
    .Call('_wv_decomp_to_theo_wv', PACKAGE = 'wv', decomp)

#' @title Generate a sequence of values
#' @description Creates a vector containing a sequence of values starting at the initial point and going to the terminal point.
#' @param a An \code{int}, that denotes the starting point.
#' @param b An \code{int}, that denotes the ending point.
#' @return A \code{vector} containing values moving from a to b. There are no restrictions on A's range.
#' @author James J Balamuta
#' @keywords internal
seq_cpp <- function(a, b) {
    .Call('_wv_seq_cpp', PACKAGE = 'wv', a, b)

#' @title Generate a sequence of values based on supplied number
#' @description Creates a vector containing a sequence of values starting at 1 and going to the terminal point.
#' @param n An \code{int} that denotes the length of the vector.
#' @return A \code{vector} containing values moving from 1 to n.
#' @author James J Balamuta
#' @keywords internal
seq_len_cpp <- function(n) {
    .Call('_wv_seq_len_cpp', PACKAGE = 'wv', n)

#' @title Find Quantiles
#' @description Attempts to find quantiles
#' @param x A \code{vec} of data
#' @param probs A \code{vec} of the quantiles to find.
#' @return A \code{vector} containing the quantiles
#' @author James J Balamuta
#' @keywords internal
quantile_cpp <- function(x, probs) {
    .Call('_wv_quantile_cpp', PACKAGE = 'wv', x, probs)

#' @title Lagged Differences in Armadillo
#' @description Returns the ith difference of a time series of rth lag.
#' @param x A \code{vec} that is the time series
#' @param lag A \code{unsigned int} that indicates the lag
#' @param differences A \code{dif} that indicates how many differences should be taken
#' @return A \code{vector} containing the differenced time series.
#' @author James J Balamuta
#' @keywords internal
diff_cpp <- function(x, lag, differences) {
    .Call('_wv_diff_cpp', PACKAGE = 'wv', x, lag, differences)

#' @title Converting an ARMA Process to an Infinite MA Process
#' @description Takes an ARMA function and converts it to an infinite MA process.
#' @param ar A \code{column vector} of length p
#' @param ma A \code{column vector} of length q
#' @param lag_max A \code{int} of the largest MA(Inf) coefficient required.
#' @return A \code{column vector} containing coefficients
#' @details This function is a port of the base stats package's ARMAtoMA. There is no significant speed difference between the two.
#' @author James J Balamuta
#' @keywords internal
ARMAtoMA_cpp <- function(ar, ma, lag_max) {
    .Call('_wv_ARMAtoMA_cpp', PACKAGE = 'wv', ar, ma, lag_max)

#' @title Time Series Convolution Filters
#' @description Applies a convolution filter to a univariate time series.
#' @param x A \code{column vector} of length T
#' @param filter A \code{column vector} of length f
#' @param sides An \code{int} that takes either 1:for using past values only or 2: filter coefficients are centered around lag 0.
#' @param circular A \code{bool} that indicates if the filter should be wrapped around the ends of the time series.
#' @return A \code{column vec} that contains the results of the filtering process.
#' @details This is a port of the cfilter function harnessed by the filter function in stats. 
#' It is about 5-7 times faster than R's base function. The benchmark was done on iMac Late 2013 using vecLib as the BLAS.
#' @author James J Balamuta
#' @keywords internal
cfilter <- function(x, filter, sides, circular) {
    .Call('_wv_cfilter', PACKAGE = 'wv', x, filter, sides, circular)

#' @title Time Series Recursive Filters
#' @description Applies a recursive filter to a univariate time series.
#' @usage rfilter(x, filter, init)
#' @param x A \code{column vector} of length T
#' @param filter A \code{column vector} of length f
#' @param init A \code{column vector} of length f that contains the initial values of the time series in reverse.
#' @return x A \code{column vector} with its contents reversed.
#' @details Note: The length of 'init' must be equal to the length of 'filter'.
#' This is a port of the rfilter function harnessed by the filter function in stats. 
#' It is about 6-7 times faster than R's base function. The benchmark was done on iMac Late 2013 using vecLib as the BLAS.
#' @author James J Balamuta
#' @keywords internal
rfilter <- function(x, filter, init) {
    .Call('_wv_rfilter', PACKAGE = 'wv', x, filter, init)

#' @title Compute Theoretical ACF for an ARMA Process
#' @description Compute the theoretical autocorrelation function for an ARMA process.
#' @usage ARMAacf_cpp(ar,ma,lag_max)
#' @param ar A \code{vector} of length p containing AR coefficients
#' @param ma A \code{vector} of length q containing MA coefficients
#' @param lag_max A \code{unsigned integer} indicating the maximum lag necessary
#' @return x A \code{matrix} listing values from 1...nx in one column and 1...1, 2...2,....,n...n, in the other
#' @details This is an implementaiton of the ARMAacf function in R. It is approximately 40x times faster. The benchmark was done on iMac Late 2013 using vecLib as the BLAS.
#' @author James J Balamuta
#' @keywords internal
ARMAacf_cpp <- function(ar, ma, lag_max) {
    .Call('_wv_ARMAacf_cpp', PACKAGE = 'wv', ar, ma, lag_max)

#' @title Discrete Fourier Transformation for Autocovariance Function
#' @description Calculates the autovariance function (ACF) using Discrete Fourier Transformation.
#' @param x A \code{cx_vec}. 
#' @return A \code{vec} containing the ACF.
#' @details 
#' This implementation is 2x as slow as Rs. 
#' Two issues: 1. memory resize and 2. unoptimized fft algorithm in arma.
#' Consider piping back into R and rewrapping the object. (Decrease of about 10 microseconds.)
#' @keywords internal
dft_acf <- function(x) {
    .Call('_wv_dft_acf', PACKAGE = 'wv', x)

#' @title Mean of the First Difference of the Data
#' @description The mean of the first difference of the data
#' @param x A \code{vec} containing the data 
#' @return A \code{double} that contains the mean of the first difference of the data.
#' @keywords internal
mean_diff <- function(x) {
    .Call('_wv_mean_diff', PACKAGE = 'wv', x)

#' Replicate a Vector of Elements \eqn{n} times
#' This function takes a vector and replicates all of the data \eqn{n} times
#' @param x A \code{vec} containing the data
#' @param n An \code{unsigned int} indicating the number of times the vector should be repeated.
#' @return A \code{vec} with repeated elements of the initial supplied vector.
#' @keywords internal
num_rep <- function(x, n) {
    .Call('_wv_num_rep', PACKAGE = 'wv', x, n)

#' @rdname diff_inv
intgr_vec <- function(x, xi, lag) {
    .Call('_wv_intgr_vec', PACKAGE = 'wv', x, xi, lag)

#' @param xi A \code{vec} with length \eqn{lag*d} that provides initial values for the integration.
#' @rdname diff_inv
diff_inv_values <- function(x, lag, d, xi) {
    .Call('_wv_diff_inv_values', PACKAGE = 'wv', x, lag, d, xi)

#' Discrete Intergral: Inverse Difference
#' Takes the inverse difference (e.g. goes from diff() result back to previous vector)
#' @param x   A \code{vec} containing the data
#' @param lag An \code{unsigned int} indicating the lag between observations. 
#' @param d   An \code{unsigned int} which gives the number of "differences" to invert.
#' @keywords internal
diff_inv <- function(x, lag, d) {
    .Call('_wv_diff_inv', PACKAGE = 'wv', x, lag, d)

#' @title Auto-Covariance and Correlation Functions
#' @description The acf function computes the estimated
#' autocovariance or autocorrelation for both univariate and multivariate cases.
#' @param x      A \code{matrix} with dimensions \eqn{N \times S}{N x S} or N observations and S processes
#' @param lagmax A \code{integer}
#' @param cor    A \code{bool} indicating whether the correlation 
#' (\code{TRUE}) or covariance (\code{FALSE}) should be computed.
#' @param demean A \code{bool} indicating whether the data should be detrended
#'  (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE})
#' @keywords internal
.acf <- function(x, lagmax = 0L, cor = TRUE, demean = TRUE) {
    .Call('_wv_acf', PACKAGE = 'wv', x, lagmax, cor, demean)

#' Create the ts.model obj.desc given split values
#' Computes the total phi and total theta vector length.
#' @param ar  A \code{vec} containing the non-seasonal phi parameters.
#' @param ma  A \code{vec} containing the non-seasonal theta parameters.
#' @param sar A \code{vec} containing the seasonal phi parameters.
#' @param sma A \code{vec} containing the seasonal theta parameters.
#' @param s   An \code{unsigned integer} containing the frequency of seasonality.
#' @param i   An \code{unsigned integer} containing the number of non-seasonal differences.
#' @param si  An \code{unsigned integer} containing the number of seasonal differences.
#' @return A \code{vec} with rows:
#' \describe{
#' \item{np}{Number of Non-Seasonal AR Terms}
#' \item{nq}{Number of Non-Seasonal MA Terms}
#' \item{nsp}{Number of Seasonal AR Terms}
#' \item{nsq}{Number of Seasonal MA Terms}
#' \item{nsigma}{Number of Variances (always 1)}
#' \item{s}{Season Value}
#' \item{i}{Number of non-seasonal differences}
#' \item{si}{Number of Seasonal Differences}
#' }
sarma_objdesc <- function(ar, ma, sar, sma, s, i, si) {
    .Call('_wv_sarma_objdesc', PACKAGE = 'wv', ar, ma, sar, sma, s, i, si)

#' Calculates Length of Seasonal Padding
#' Computes the total phi and total theta vector length.
#' @param np  An \code{unsigned int} containing the number of non-seasonal phi parameters.
#' @param nq  An \code{unsigned int} containing the number of non-seasonal theta parameters.
#' @param nsp An \code{unsigned int} containing the number of seasonal phi parameters.
#' @param nsq An \code{unsigned int} containing the number of seasonal theta parameters.
#' @seealso \code{\link{sarma_components}}
#' @return A \code{vec} with rows:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{p}{Number of phi parameters}
#'  \item{q}{Number of theta parameters}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
sarma_calculate_spadding <- function(np, nq, nsp, nsq, ns) {
    .Call('_wv_sarma_calculate_spadding', PACKAGE = 'wv', np, nq, nsp, nsq, ns)

#' Determine parameter expansion based upon objdesc
#' Calculates the necessary vec space needed to pad the vectors
#' for seasonal terms. 
#' @param objdesc A \code{vec} with the appropriate sarima object description
#' @return A \code{vec} with the structure:
#' \describe{
#' \item{np}{Number of Non-Seasonal AR Terms}
#' \item{nq}{Number of Non-Seasonal MA Terms}
#' \item{nsp}{Number of Seasonal AR Terms}
#' \item{nsq}{Number of Seasonal MA Terms}
#' \item{ns}{Number of Seasons (e.g. 12 is year)}
#' \item{p}{Total number of phi terms}
#' \item{q}{Total number of theta terms}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
sarma_components <- function(objdesc) {
    .Call('_wv_sarma_components', PACKAGE = 'wv', objdesc)

#' Efficient way to merge items together
#' @keywords internal
sarma_params_construct <- function(ar, ma, sar, sma) {
    .Call('_wv_sarma_params_construct', PACKAGE = 'wv', ar, ma, sar, sma)

#' (Internal) Expand the SARMA Parameters
#' @param params  A \code{vec} containing the theta values of the parameters.
#' @inheritParams sarma_calculate_spadding
#' @param p An \code{unsigned int} that is the total size of the phi vector. 
#' @param q An \code{unsigned int} that is the total size of the theta vector. 
#' @return A \code{field<vec>} that contains the expansion. 
#' @keywords internal
sarma_expand_unguided <- function(params, np, nq, nsp, nsq, ns, p, q) {
    .Call('_wv_sarma_expand_unguided', PACKAGE = 'wv', params, np, nq, nsp, nsq, ns, p, q)

#' Expand Parameters for an SARMA object
#' Creates an expanded PHI and THETA vector for use in other objects. 
#' @param params  A \code{vec} containing the theta values of the parameters.
#' @param objdesc A \code{vec} containing the model term information.
#' @return A \code{field<vec>} of size two as follows:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item AR    values
#'   \item THETA values
#' }
#' @details 
#' The \code{objdesc} is assumed to have the structure of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item AR(p)
#' \item MA(q)
#' \item SAR(P)
#' \item SMA(Q)
#' \item Seasons
#' }
#' @keywords internal
sarma_expand <- function(params, objdesc) {
    .Call('_wv_sarma_expand', PACKAGE = 'wv', params, objdesc)

#' Compute the Spatial Wavelet Coefficients
#' @param X      is a matrix with row, col orientation
#' @param J1,J2  is the levels of decomposition along the rows, columns
#' @export
#' @return A \code{list} of \code{vectors} containing the wavelet coefficients.
#' @details 
#' By default this function will return the wavelet coefficient in
#' addition to the wavelet
sp_modwt_cpp <- function(X, J1, J2) {
    .Call('_wv_sp_modwt_cpp', PACKAGE = 'wv', X, J1, J2)

#' Haar filter for a spatial case
#' @param jscale An \code{int} of the Number of Scales
#' @export
sp_hfilter <- function(jscale) {
    .Call('_wv_sp_hfilter', PACKAGE = 'wv', jscale)

#' @title Generate eta3 confidence interval
#' @description Computes the eta3 CI 
#' @param y          A \code{vec} that computes the modwt dot product of each wavelet coefficient divided by their length.
#' @param dims       A \code{String} indicating the confidence interval being calculated.
#' @param alpha_ov_2 A \code{double} that indicates the \eqn{\left(1-p\right)*\alpha}{(1-p)*alpha} confidence level 
#' @return A \code{matrix} with the structure:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{Column 1}{Wavelet Variance}
#'  \item{Column 2}{Chi-squared Lower Bounds}
#'  \item{Column 3}{Chi-squared Upper Bounds}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
ci_eta3 <- function(y, dims, alpha_ov_2) {
    .Call('_wv_ci_eta3', PACKAGE = 'wv', y, dims, alpha_ov_2)

#' @title Generate eta3 robust confidence interval
#' @description Computes the eta3 robust CI
#' @param wv_robust   A \code{vec} that computes the modwt dot product of each wavelet coefficient divided by their length.
#' @param wv_ci_class A \code{mat} that contains the CI mean, CI Lower, and CI Upper
#' @param alpha_ov_2  A \code{double} that indicates the \eqn{\left(1-p\right)*\alpha}{(1-p)*alpha} confidence level
#' @param eff         A \code{double} that indicates the efficiency.
#' @return A \code{matrix} with the structure:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{Column 1}{Robust Wavelet Variance}
#'  \item{Column 2}{Chi-squared Lower Bounds}
#'  \item{Column 3}{Chi-squared Upper Bounds}
#' }
#' @details
#' Within this function we are scaling the classical 
#' @keywords internal
ci_eta3_robust <- function(wv_robust, wv_ci_class, alpha_ov_2, eff) {
    .Call('_wv_ci_eta3_robust', PACKAGE = 'wv', wv_robust, wv_ci_class, alpha_ov_2, eff)

#' @title Generate a Confidence interval for a Univariate Time Series
#' @description Computes an estimate of the multiscale variance and a chi-squared confidence interval
#' @param signal_modwt_bw A \code{field<vec>} that contains the modwt or dwt decomposition
#' @param wv              A \code{vec} that contains the wave variance.
#' @param type            A \code{String} indicating the confidence interval being calculated.
#' @param alpha_ov_2      A \code{double} that indicates the \eqn{\left(1-p\right)*\alpha}{(1-p)*alpha} confidence level.
#' @param robust          A \code{boolean} to determine the type of wave estimation.
#' @param eff             A \code{double} that indicates the efficiency.
#' @return A \code{matrix} with the structure:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{Column 1}{Wavelet Variance}
#'  \item{Column 2}{Chi-squared Lower Bounds}
#'  \item{Column 3}{Chi-squared Upper Bounds}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @details 
#' This function can be expanded to allow for other confidence interval calculations.
ci_wave_variance <- function(signal_modwt_bw, wv, type = "eta3", alpha_ov_2 = 0.025, robust = FALSE, eff = 0.6) {
    .Call('_wv_ci_wave_variance', PACKAGE = 'wv', signal_modwt_bw, wv, type, alpha_ov_2, robust, eff)

#' @title Generate a Wave Variance for a Univariate Time Series
#' @description Computes an estimate of the wave variance
#' @param signal_modwt_bw A \code{field<vec>} that contains the modwt or dwt decomposition
#' @param robust          A \code{boolean} to determine the type of wave estimation.
#' @param eff             A \code{double} that indicates the efficiency.
#' @return A \code{vec} that contains the wave variance.
#' @keywords internal
wave_variance <- function(signal_modwt_bw, robust = FALSE, eff = 0.6) {
    .Call('_wv_wave_variance', PACKAGE = 'wv', signal_modwt_bw, robust, eff)

#' @title Computes the (MODWT) wavelet variance
#' @description Calculates the (MODWT) wavelet variance
#' @param signal_modwt_bw  A \code{field<vec>} that contains the modwt decomposition after it has been brick walled.
#' @param robust           A \code{boolean} that triggers the use of the robust estimate.
#' @param eff              A \code{double} that indicates the efficiency as it relates to an MLE.
#' @param alpha            A \code{double} that indicates the \eqn{\left(1-p\right)*\alpha}{(1-p)*alpha} confidence level 
#' @param ci_type          A \code{String} indicating the confidence interval being calculated. Valid value: "eta3"
#' @return A \code{mat} with the structure:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{"variance"}{Wavelet Variance}
#'   \item{"low"}{Lower CI}
#'   \item{"high"}{Upper CI}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @details 
#' This function does the heavy lifting with the signal_modwt_bw
wvar_cpp <- function(signal_modwt_bw, robust, eff, alpha, ci_type) {
    .Call('_wv_wvar_cpp', PACKAGE = 'wv', signal_modwt_bw, robust, eff, alpha, ci_type)

#' @title Computes the (MODWT) wavelet variance
#' @description Calculates the (MODWT) wavelet variance
#' @param signal     A \code{vec} that contains the data.
#' @param robust     A \code{boolean} that triggers the use of the robust estimate.
#' @param eff        A \code{double} that indicates the efficiency as it relates to an MLE.
#' @param alpha      A \code{double} that indicates the \eqn{\left(1-p\right)\times \alpha}{(1-p)*alpha} confidence level 
#' @param ci_type    A \code{string} indicating the confidence interval being calculated. Valid value: "eta3"
#' @param strWavelet A \code{string} indicating the type of wave filter to be applied. Must be "haar"
#' @param decomp     A \code{string} indicating whether to use "modwt" or "dwt" decomp
#' @return A \code{mat} with the structure:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{"variance"}{Wavelet Variance}
#'   \item{"low"}{Lower CI}
#'   \item{"high"}{Upper CI}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @details 
#' This function powers the wvar object. It is also extendable...
modwt_wvar_cpp <- function(signal, nlevels, robust, eff, alpha, ci_type, strWavelet, decomp) {
    .Call('_wv_modwt_wvar_cpp', PACKAGE = 'wv', signal, nlevels, robust, eff, alpha, ci_type, strWavelet, decomp)

#' @title Computes the MO/DWT wavelet variance for multiple processes
#' @description Calculates the MO/DWT wavelet variance
#' @param signal     A \code{matrix} that contains the same number of observations per dataset
#' @param robust     A \code{boolean} that triggers the use of the robust estimate.
#' @param eff        A \code{double} that indicates the efficiency as it relates to an MLE.
#' @param alpha      A \code{double} that indicates the \eqn{\left(1-p\right)\times \alpha}{(1-p)*alpha} confidence level 
#' @param ci_type    A \code{string} indicating the confidence interval being calculated. Valid value: "eta3"
#' @param strWavelet A \code{string} indicating the type of wave filter to be applied. Must be "haar"
#' @param decomp     A \code{string} indicating whether to use "modwt" or "dwt" decomp
#' @return A \code{field<mat>} with the structure:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{"variance"}{Wavelet Variance}
#'   \item{"low"}{Lower CI}
#'   \item{"high"}{Upper CI}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @details 
#' This function processes the decomposition of multiple signals quickly
batch_modwt_wvar_cpp <- function(signal, nlevels, robust, eff, alpha, ci_type, strWavelet, decomp) {
    .Call('_wv_batch_modwt_wvar_cpp', PACKAGE = 'wv', signal, nlevels, robust, eff, alpha, ci_type, strWavelet, decomp)

#' @title Computes the MODWT scales
#' @description Calculates the MODWT scales
#' @param nb_level  A \code{integer} that contains the level of decomposition J.
#' @return A \code{vec} that contains 2^1, ... , 2^J
#' @keywords internal
#' @details 
#' Used in wvar object.
scales_cpp <- function(nb_level) {
    .Call('_wv_scales_cpp', PACKAGE = 'wv', nb_level)

compute_cov_cpp <- function(coef1, coef2, variance, lower, upper) {
    .Call('_wv_compute_cov_cpp', PACKAGE = 'wv', coef1, coef2, variance, lower, upper)

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wv documentation built on Aug. 31, 2023, 9:08 a.m.