wyz.code.metaTesting releases

offensive programming - meta testing

knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "")

Latest release replaces fully olders ones, that are now considered obsoletes. Keep the pace, and upgrade your packages to use the latest version!

name [awesome-asterion-khi] package-version [1.1.22] timestamp [2023-09-25 08:34:40]

  1. CRAN note about item in Rd for 4.3.0 implies changes
  2. Changes applied to r citefile("FunctionParameterTypeFactory.R")

name [awesome-asterion-phi] package-version [1.1.21] timestamp [2021-10-05 20:33:52]

  1. CRAN information on obsolescence of lubridate - need to remove dependency.
  2. lubridate was speficied in files r citefile("DESCRIPTION") and r citefile("NAMESPACE")
    tests/testthat/test_DataFactory.R:  expect_true(verifyFunction('x_da', lubridate::is.Date))
    tests/testthat/test_DataFactory.R:  expect_true(verifyFunction('x_dc', lubridate::is.POSIXct))
  3. Test, Duration: r citefigure('4.1'), OK: r citefigure('750')
  4. r citeexec('R CMD check'), Duration: r citefigure('29.2s'), 0 errors ✓ | 0 warnings ✓ | 0 notes ✓
  5. r citeval('Commercial software release management')
  6. r citefolder('vignette') content update
  7. r citeop("git") alignment

name [awesome-asterion-tau] package-version [1.1.19] timestamp [2020-11-09 19:49:02]

  1. solved test issue related to R 4.0
  2. enforced R 4.0
  3. Test, Duration: r citefigure('3.0s'), OK: r citefigure('491')
  4. r citeexec('R CMD check'), Duration: r citefigure('33.9s'), 0 errors ✓ | 0 warnings ✓ | 0 notes ✓
  5. r citeval('Commercial software release management')
  6. r citefolder('vignette') content update
  7. r citeop("git") alignment

Release awesome-asterion-nu - 1.1.13 - 2020-05-04

  1. Test, Duration: r citefigure('2.9s'), OK: r citefigure('475')
  2. r citeexec('R CMD check'), Duration: r citefigure('27.9s'), 0 errors ✓ | 0 warnings ✓ | 0 notes ✓
  3. r citeval('Commercial software release management')
  4. r citefolder('vignette') structure update
  5. r citefolder('vignette') content update

Release 1.1.12 - April, 22th 2020

  1. Test, Duration: r citefigure('2.9s'), OK: r citefigure('475')
  2. R CMD check, Duration: r citefigure('28.2s'), 0 errors ✓ | 0 warnings ✓ | 0 notes ✓
  3. Reviewed all documentation
  4. Upgraded and updated vignettes

Release 1.1.4 - January 2020

Main improvements are

  1. removed environment variable r citecode("OP_DATA_FACTORY") management. Replaced by r citecode("options('op_mt_data_factory')")
  2. solved CRAN compilation issue on older R release - enforced R dependency to R 3.6 or higher
  3. packageFunctionsInformation renamed to metaTestingInformation to avoid name collisions
  4. metaTestingInformation verified and upgraded
  5. redesign of vignette files - now industrialized with external style
  6. Worked on test coverage to reach level higher than 99%
  7. cleaned up dependencies
  8. Reviewed and cleaned up code - 23 files - 18 exported function - 9 internals
  9. Reviewed and cleaned up manual pages - 13 files
  10. Reviewed and updated tests - 21 files - 475 unit tests
  11. Vignettes upgraded - 1 vignette
  12. Timing for tests 3s, checks 27s

Release 1.1.3 - Octobre 2019

Main improvements are

  1. enhanced implementation
  2. completed unit tests
  3. enforced higher code coverage (from 55.23% up to 100%)
  4. documentation completion
  5. clean up package dependencies.

This release replaces fully olders ones, that are now considered obsoletes.

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wyz.code.metaTesting documentation built on Sept. 25, 2023, 9:06 a.m.