Presentation Ronin

class: center, middle

options(htmltools.dir.version = FALSE)



A quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being (regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture)

‘why not follow the Danish example and bring more hygge into your daily life?’

class: inverse, center, middle

Template-independent content-classes

To use, say, the large content class wrap your code in .large[Large text].

Modifying text


Font sizes

This is normal size ( $\LaTeX$-friendly terms)









Text color




.green[green], .yellow[yellow], .orange[orange], .purple[purple], .gray[gray or grey]

You can also use .bold[] or .bolder[] to emphasize text

This is .bold[bold], this is .bolder[bolder] and this is regular markdown double-star bold (visible differences depend on the font)


Coloured content boxes

Use .content-box-blue (or gray/grey, army, green, purple, red, or yellow) to produce a box with coloured background. Size depends on content.

.content-box-blue[I feel blue] yields

.content-box-blue[I feel blue]

Wrap in .full-width to expand the width

.full-width[.content-box-red[I feel even more blue]]

If you have content in columns then you get

.pull-left[.full-width[.content-box-yellow[WARNING Look out for minons or bananas]]] .pull-right[.full-width[.content-box-yellow[The box to the left was created using .pull-left[.full-width[.content-box-yellow[]]]]]]

Fancy picture includes

.pull-left[ Original:


Add .polaroid



] ] .pull-right[

Rotated slightly:




Add .blur



] ]

Stacking fancy picture options

.pull-left[ Add .opacity




Stack .blur and .opacity



]] ] .pull-right[

Convert to .grayscale (oh ... and rotate just for s'n'g):

.rotate-left[ .grayscale[



Add .shadow



] ]

Try the xaringan package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

xaringan documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:59 a.m.